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Something New In Politics

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For the f rsi time in the polltlcal hlsbory f th!S coumt-y, al least, au apical li.-i been made by a candidato lor oïfi ■ for búa olection because lie 8 a member Of sumo part rular i liurcli. Mr. Bd. E. (;:iday. of Mooroe, wlw , oandidate tor circuit udge ;i-a ■;..-: .lili'r Killlli'. is a lllOIlllwr OÍ the Butaan OattooUe church, it seems, anda gentíeman wtuowe oíBee ta ith Mr. (öicliiy. Mr. Jobin I'. Jamlnet, or been BeadSng imi type-wrltten clrculars couched In the tierman languBge, tu people in t county askotee tor hlm becaAwe he la a Cath ] i , . Tite followjiir tB e copy "f the letter : SOionroe ben 17 SRfirj 1803. SBeíjrter öerr, Kr. (f. K. Wübnt) oon íjier tourbe OÍ8 fanbibat fiir boi Mveiéridjtcramt für biefen btftrift Don ben bemoctatn gcgcn ilJir. mie. rcpublifaiicv, crnamit. llnb ba llir.Wi(bnt) ciu praftiidjer fattjolif ift unb luir e8 üieífadj mit einer ben fatf)OJ lifen fcinblidien partei, ben 91 s Sl.ê, ju tfjitn [jabcn, )o ift c eine pfjttdjt für un? uniré glaubenSbtöbet o niel mie mögttcf) ju utüerftüfeen, unb fo bitte 3d) Sie rragenb 1 1 i cl j t ailcin i)xc cigne ftimmc ür Kr. Wilbai) objugeben fonbern oud) ci giften frcunbcn für fciiie ïonlil ttintig 311 jcin. vld)timg3üoll vsln 3ot)it y. gamtnet Ai..' Uy'e Ie Uw tnanslatlon in EngMönroe, Mar. n 17. 1893. ►r.'ir Sif : Mr. E. B. CiMay, Erom here, was uated ly t'lue Democrats tor iiru4t Court .liii'.if bom thCm District, gaïnel Mr. Ktawe, Bepuöltoan. Mr. ü'ii.i.v le a practical Catbolic, and 9 wc bave often t doui with a party I. il a i.n'i icudly to ns.-tlic A. I'. A's- :t He a (lut.v lor ue to aeslst aa inic.h ae prwnlhlf n bntber of the ame i'aiti'n. .ml Huefcre we requeal cm to i)t oiily nii])])oi't him with uur (iwn TOte, hut tO work for liSs tectSon ainong your frlends. ReepvctfoU; jrours, (SigniMl.) JOHN I. JAMINET. Mr. Jamlnet IB a warm personal rriiend of Mr. (iiidny, and ia working ïard for hO3 eleetion. Hv5a letter irf au irasult to the Cntho' limreh, aml an insult that everjcrood mcrnbcr Uicroof ought to reïke. It is ain hvsiüt tJrat very good hiurth member of every ehurch ün this ttltriet, Catlnolie or PrOtortMtt, ought o rebuke, for K cfks to pull down hat wliXh is Bacred, and that whlcta is dear to every Chris t ia n man and romen n tlics lnd. Ls it possiible tlnat a man ivho makos Uk iort of an appoal for an election biivould he ever aacend to the bouch, s it poesJMe timt mxtib a man could leal justly wttb those of other dewmiiination8 1 Thiis is a grave, a fcerious questtoa. Now wc ubiiwit to every one, 110 miatter wlhat tholr faith. ii thi is in vonornble eouirse to ? Judge Kitare is not a C&tbOlic, nor ib he a Presbyterlan, or a Methodist, mi Uher iis Ive a Baptist or a coinmuniïant of any cAuurch, tliough he is a e.)íUar nttemlant oí tire Episcopal llwircli flirwl a TOrtryman thereof. He btaaMls wilnere Jie ton look. wtth unrtju(Li(l eyB upon any and all WtoD nay come beJore him with grievances. Thimk yon tliat amy man would 6eek ,for ]u?ttee in vaiai in tlie circuit ourt of tihJl coimty or Monroe, over ii ;. -h .ludge Kimne presides, bccause iE as amember f any particular hurrh .' Has he ever been unjust 0 any one lecíiiuse of reliious bollJaf Í Is it necessary to appeal to cl -iuii jircjudi -i-s in clocting our iwigws ? Or in fa.i any of the offices for tüiat matter V Our ('a-l'lwil: ■ bretliren have nothing to complaJIn of. prosecuting attorncy oí líi.s county i.s a Bomao 'at'luii:-. and ao is Que saini' oifl■?al u Monroe county ; one circuit ■ourt commOBeloner In tiiis county and 11 Monroe county are iu-iiiIhts of tiiat cbnirch aiso. and 1 1 1 ! ■ are all gooá mi. -iais ; tbere eau ■ ctaoser iiinu thai aouTce to that dhureb. In piirsii'.air erar liivesttgation still iurlli fl ihat n ;idi!il Ion tO the i : ■ I ; 1 1 -s that the meniliei1 of from tli.x ilisirict i a línman I he eounty commlBsloner ui' e !:-"]■ Is oiic also, Llkwwise the 3b, nul ei-oltlclala withuumiK'v. And yi't Vbiïs aoi a ci.imiv ïliat faith i.s in a luiijinii.v, nor aay where near it. Now wc Niilnnlt to all fair ninnled aixl hioawral!e men, lx; thry Human ("atholi-s or ProteetantB, i it the rilglht tliiails for a man to do, who is s-pk,iii!r one i the liighcst offices In Um Kift of tlhe peoplo, to appcal to t'Jie ■rclinious pre'judicos of any defiom liiat on ? Itelig'ion a t liiiis that. nover oaight to ator :nto our politics, (int it Wfll le a storrj' 'la y for ibta nat: i.n wben it does All denomdtaatioiM Bhiould le wuiro lcs-t tlin-.v raisc a wlvirlwmd tha will (c.-tniy the fair fabriv of our i;iiv vrniiiciit. Mr. M. J. ('avanaugh the pqeBen o commtoloneT of thii county eind a candidato tor re-election, has no oppost.iom, wblcb provea icDJMIoaaK practaoe whiat tfrey preach. Tbe fcK't tbat he h b g i oHlcial iííi. iciit. ; it niattcis nol clnmh he niUeinls. He appeals t the people 011 bl'B ability li lili Ote po■ :, and ms an Aincri an tizi'ii. Tlhlut. H 1 1 .-i t Mr. GUday outrht lo do. mi mi .-i 1 1 fin ]t to seoure li elec■tijon regaavüees oí !n:.s titoesa tot th ion iin.piy becauee be is a merubcr 'oí rom' particular clrarcb. sin e toregolog waa written, a circular lia - been K-sun! by Mi-. Watts mi .Mr. Beabee, oí tájhs city, contalntog a 11 aítiilavlt. of Mr. Cililay. adinitn.u' t ir.' semdUqg oin of i he letter quot1 a-bove, biit clabnJnig that it was i i hout the kwxwledge or consent of i:. ee. TlK' iTcular also proeedB to cali Mr. JainCiK'l "a tooi Mipporter," snd i h'.vcrs ovr tbe tbouglii (fuere msiy b other "ctronlan or roorba ,ks" ([-culatfil. A letter, tbe autilteTlt'K'it.v Of wliich a.'knoulcilri!, ;it;ii "ftoorback," iwn't it V The New York I'rc.-s asks ihis periiifiu qowUoa : "Haw does Mr. ïrvri.iiid reconcilie bis declaratitfn lint 't'vcry American cittien must (iiitniiiilnu' v:tu the utiuo-1 p ritje ml fiitliusrasm the gJTOWtil and exaoüoii f our conntey,' and 'tbe vonderlul tlirift and entcrprtae "f erar collie.' w'.lh Xhr i-tJU'-m 1 1 1 of the bgeagO ]i].-it.o:in. Ih.-U 'W (li'ii.v Iliat bare haua Inhmi any tocroaae oí pros tn Bhe i ooatry sCnoe bhe tarlfl ventiinto oin'iatiüii. imd we jioint to ": ■ (iuiinrs- juni dtotress,' etcï nis ■i-! ii.-i r. - ui-.-i 1 te a runítwsion that as as Bw t .11-11' is eonoerned liis electaei all s to faisf pretenaes." Id ;is t oi.i tOue ArgTiB n seemlngly _ i au'tboity, ttoal Uwge tund )i money hlae beem rateed for Ue par( - ■ oí cimutrii demócrata o tobe íor .luilííe EJmöe to re-elect i;i.m.- ArguH. Tluosc wlio are uiquaintcd witli Jiwlge Kkmc. and know tbe hg bense of honor tbat lie posseses, will know luv to receive saioli an uttcrly ontemptible, false and wicked statctient. Tliiose who do not may posKibly be deceived by tt. Ail tlie money that has btHMi rajsed o nssiat Jwdg Kinne, or tliat has been oontTábuted by hini, or by any onc tor him or tor the reiwiblican campaign ii tihí.8 county, would not buy the miserable pesneil witth wfalch Uie editor of the Argus wrot-e that false assertiion. Now tUiiat St. Patrick's day and tlhie birtihidiay of tli-e nperor of Gtrnim.v have been made hoMays, as far is the ciity government of Chicago has Knver to cont-rol kucJv matters, 5t only remaiimu tor tlie Swedi-s, Norwoga.ns. Toles, Bofoieminns, Italians, Eng:h. Freneii, Scotch, Austrians, and OtbernfetKoaUtlM largely vepresentcd n tliO ooanglomierate population of that .ty to tHÉFt upmi equal recognitlon, Bsd tbein the muiiifcipal offices will be ■losed a corasideralle part of the time. Wlftat a moMUOM aUSUtím ofeater3uig to claissies it is to stop the public )us.irwws of a igreat Anicrioaii city in ïonor eitiier of a loog dead foreign saint, or of a foreign monarch.- Clevetaiivd Leader. AVell may we stop to miuire : 'Wlnere are we at?"


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