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Deserving Praise. We desire to say to ur citlxeng, i bat tor years we have been aelUng Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King"s New L.ife Pilis, Bucklen's ArnUa Salve and Electric Bitters, and have liever bandled remedies tliat Bel] as well, or tlint have iiven such universal satisfeictioii. We do not hesitateto ptoraattee tlioin every time and Avi' {Stand ready to refund the pnrcbasf prlce, if aatlsfactory resulta do not follow their use. The remedies liave won their great popularity purely on their merite. Eberbach & Sou, Dnngstore, amd Geo. T. Ilnusster. Manl]'!'.ster. Real Estáte Transfers. FurulsheO each week by the Ahstract olliee of James Kearng&Co.. AnnArbor, Mich. Abstract furnished on short notlce : John F. Runclman to Challes II. Kempf, e. ' . of n. e. y, seo. o, Sylvau townslii, $900 00 Wm. C. Ayres to Dclia B. llurrU, ::■.' 100 acres n. of M. C. i.. R., and B.ol Chicago road, Ypsilauti townshlp,. :,0O0 00 David Bchneider to John üeo. Wagoer, undividotl U of o. '■- oí n. w. ' (. ezoept 25 acres tu d. w. comer; aíso 11II tlmt íuirt of the w. ! . oí the 11. e. ' ,. w. oí liighway 011 oc. Ï9, Urna,.-. 4,000 00 John Geo.WaKner to David 9chnei8er, uudivided U ot' all that part of 11. e. '.,. e. 01 highway, except 1 acre ou Bec.x9, Llina .. 00 Catherine Krause to .J. J. mul A. B. Schulth, lot 17, Krause'a addltion to Ann Arbor 200 00 Asa M. Diirling to Roberts, DowllQg, et al, e. '.of s. w. '1 Beo. l:. Augusta townshlp, 1 00 Aa M. Darllng to Asa II. Darling. w. . oí i!, u. ' , sec. 18, Augusta towniiil 1 110 Asa M Darling to D. If. Dnrling. e. part ol 3. e. ! ., of s. e. !., of sec. 11. and the e. Ja of n. e. '4 sec. 14, and -. u. i of the n. e. ] , sec. 14, Augnstatownship i 00 Asa M. DarliiiK to Roberts, Dowllng, el al.-, w. ', of s. w. ', of ec. 14, Augusta 100 H. and T. F. Hntzel to Joseph V. Glusef.loti No. -j.". _c., -JT. i ii Krause's adilition to Ann Arlor 100 George F. Behaffei to Henxy C. Chate, 1 ly 8 ruds ia s. w. corner of Congress and llumilton sts., YpsllaDtl t'ity .. :i,000 00 Johu Schmid to Win. Trolz, v. ' , of n. w. ;4 sec. 2l,Sharon; also 24 aerea in Jackson county 10 00 Catherine Glasser to Herman Hutzel, ;:' ., acres on w. ' of s. w. ' , sec. 85, Northfield 7 1 00 Caroline Bennett to Malvina Coquillard, s. 4 rods of lot 9, Huuter's add. to Ypsilanti City :soo 00 Ucorfre S. Hotrum to Uriah Aruold, e. Uj of e. '-. of b. vr, ' , of i. w. ' ■ -sec. 18; also e, '_■ Of n. w. ' , of n. w. ' , M, lesi iaoreo, Brldgewater 300 00 H. E. Linden to Wiah Arnold. n. e. ' , of n. 24, Bridgewater ISO 00 i N. Arnold to L'riah Aruold. n. u. ' , of n. e. ! i Bec. 83, and vr. ! ii. w. ' , of u. w, ' , sec. -i. Brld water "... i,2;o 00 Lewis Moore. by heirs, to George Th pson, nndivided -J-'.i of the -ni m-rr oí s. u. ' , of ii, e. ! i sec. a, Augusta 4 14 00 J John H. Warner, by adm., to Harrison Warner, nndivided 'of lots 7 and 12.91T. il', Saline viliage 400 00 CharltJ Knsign to A. L. Walker, ot 4 bik 1, Salem -250 00 Thomas 1!. MeCollum to A. and C. Frtwman, . ' ., of lots 196 and liw, Ypgilanti City 100 00 Conrad C. Helber, bv helrs, to Wm. Holzoifel, s. w. 'ot s. e, '4 und e. % of ii. v. ! , of B. e. si'C. 25. Lima 4,902 00 Edward Pardon to William E. Pardon, e. 20 ft. of lot 5, block 2, s. r. 4 c, Ann Arbor City f2.500 00 Thomas Richards to R. H. aud M. E. Ostrander, ; acre on sec. Só, York.. 270 00 Albert D. Groves to Harriet Yanson, uiidividi'd '., of e. '.. oí the w. '., of the D.W. f rae. ., sec. 1, Northlield... Ml 40 Catherine M. Osborn to W. e. and M, F. Brídale, n. e. % of n. e. 'Á, etc, sec. 13 and 14. Scio 1,825 00 liucher I.ighthall to Georee Avery, n. e. Hol n. w. !4, sec. 34, Saline...".... 1,700 00 Wm. Smith to chrUtinu Schioen lot 21 and 22, Mills' additlon to Suline 975 00 Helen M. Bolt to Rebecca Robblns, lot 5, block "), Morse and lïaleutiiK's additlon. except S rods off s. end, city of Ypsilaiiti 1,000 00 Harriet I„ Mack to Michael Welch. Ypillanti City 1,608 00 Irwin C. Cook to Wm. Holmes. Manchester village 4Ö0 00 (jeorge H. Thompson to Jesse Thorn, e. 14 of n. 4i aerea if s. w. yt of u. e. li sec. 2, Augusta townshlp 1 00 Maryette üennett to Samuel Post, City und Townsliip of Yiisilanti .... 1T5 00 Xathan Reed to Charlotte .1. Reed, v. ], of s. w. 14 sec. 31, Ypsilanti townsl.ip 1 00 Grant Miller, et al,to John Diedrich, n. e. Vx of s. w. )4 sec. 32, Augusta. .. 950 00 John Diedrich to Henry H. Thompson, e. ] of n. e. !4 of s. w. % sec. 32, Augusta townshlp 475 00 Fred Millcr, by Adm , to Wm. Burtless, a. w. ]4 of n. w. % sec. 13, exoept house. Manchester township 1,000 00 Wilford H. Yauson. by Adm., to A. D. Groves, undivided . of e. % of w. ' ., of n. w. frac, 'i sec 1, Nortlitield ... ti:7 64 Edward Fay to Fred V. I.ittle, lots 9, 10 and 11, Manchester village 9,000 00 David F. Maier to Adam II. Maier, undlvlded l:l of the e. 0 acres oí w. '., of n. e. yi rfec. 20; also u. w. xv oï e. J4of u. e. Jsec. 29, Northtield 1,700 00 Urn. C. Fleteher to Christopher H. Jutter, lot 12, Brown and Bncli Add. toAnnArbor 775 00 Rudolph Kruse to Charles II. Kenipi, 132 acres of land on sec. 1, Sylvau.. 5,121 40 Frank Davenport to Albert F. Ball, lot 24, Wilson und Wraner's Add. to Milan 100 00 Ardella F. Branuan to John Wlrth, lot 1, Brannan's Add , except a strip of e. side, Milan village 2,000 00 A Million Friends. A friend in need is a friend indeed, and not leas than one million people liave íound such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery for Constipation, Colds and Cougihe. If yon have never used this great Oough Medicine, dñe trlal will convince you that it has wonderhd curative powers in all diseases of Throat, Cheet, and Lungs. Each bottie is gTiaranteed to do all that is clairaed or money -will be refunded. Trial bottles free at Eberbach & Son's Rrugstore, and Geo. T. Hanssler, MancWester. Anna Besant. The eloquent and scholarly lady who eciently vlsited tJiis country, says : 'TlLe mud-winter jouirney "was reduced to a mfDimtun of discomfort by the luxtn-y of the cars and the friend'mess of tJie officials. I sliall carry ivay wUfa me pteasant memories of iie Cmon l'a;ific, the 'World's 'pietortal lyine,' and sliall gladly entnist mysclf to ts care uUicn I jiext visit he district over which it runs." MylG. Lane's Medicine Moves the Bowls Each Day.- in order to be healthy liis is necessarv. JNO. BAUMGARDNER, o JONÜBENTL_] CEMETERY " o BUILDING...... g Also, Stone Walks. - Estímales cheerl'ully fiimished. or. Detroit and Catherine Sts.,ANN ARBOR, MICH. I Haller's x X X Jewelry s X Store 46 MAIN ST.,


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