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Pro!. Preecotl luis gpoe to Chicago. 'I a ■ S.C. A. animal vlet on occure l(-n:i.mii . Beufcor la w oratorl al con test tabes place to-m&foit Chas. i., nuiíii.-ir. litt. '80, - the new IHC-lllcllt Oj Nortil i'Ar. lii' Glee aod Bamjo wlll entertain Howell people to-ninht. Au t ■ x r 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 : 1 1 ion ni jr.viiinasl i s is niiw required ai Johoa Hopklns. 'I lii. mí '95 11 .li i l (1 tlirir aifimal si al mi Sanirday cvciium. Gen. Allger ;i pawlbcvbly preside al tiii;' debate con tra t, Frhlay évening. ■ir iürirsl in ni-alor.v is a tblng Ühjat sliouid be nnragi'il in evory posei'ble uay. Seeretary Waáe mi tt l.aiiin,ü lumlay lo morí iii (Inleurislat- Ive ooounlttees. Tin' r. o:' M. PnM ' i ii i wiil debata Seosartjona] .lournilisui on Saturday evcnkig Apri] 8tb. liisi anniiai debate wltíb Wis(oniü Inivcrsity. ai Dnlveroity lia ,1. l'riilay evtiiinít. Mar b .".lst. 'I li ■ aimiKil eloi'ticni of offtcen "f the Ckmral Dnton win ba beid next Tin(l;iy {■vcninii, diri' lly aiter r ■hcrs.-il. n the cli:ipfl. Dr. Stoere gave a very taetructlve leerare Snnilay niorniiiii' at NimvIutï Hall, on -"Ilhe ReUfflOOB ConilUion of SimMi AiiH'lii-a." LycupffBfi C. Toiui. 1:1. '96, iici a1 hïs home In Hanlmrg last Tliursday, and meniy of ais claws attnded the Funeral Moiwkiy. TJie noniination oí l'rof. Jl. M. ThiOMiiwnn lor niriyoi-, s lookert llpOO willi fircat tavor, ainl liis inaiiy [rienda hope that lie win lic elected. TbecmtaBl betweeo tlio fraternKiea and todependents for reprceentatlon on the '!( Onvele board, Baturday, as aettled in favor i tiic (rats, and tiicy win eadb havo Hve editor. Ttw? Hon. W. I-. WW90O, of West Vhtriiiki, bM to be tfae be-st speaker in Vlw n.itjonal House of ItepreserrSativcs :. to deliver thE last lecturo ín the S. Ij. A. courwe, on Knklay erwïin.e. April THh, in Uolrereity Hall. .Ml senior litornry student nc teiu"st'il to "rite llH'ir nam-'s on ]:Kt posted on th lralletin boards. Tlw votcrs nre reqwvted t Ktate whethér tJney tovor weariiiK tlio rap nnl K'i'ii mi commencement, iaring commencomcnt week, or all llw spring. Tiw iin-door m-eetiTiír í the Athleth AsictKition, to c lirid tho opera bome to-morrow ervenSag, wiil w ono of tin' avente of the jreor. The list of entvws iinmiisi-s a Éfood field and ph'Ilty o! ci-lt iiii.' nmicMs. T'llis is i'iw -ijiiiv ao in irii -nu1, ivreetling and ■parring. Finí I'. Bcott, coiorcd mtun who attendlng tl dental department, tibe fír-i midi .)í his rece fe take that cours;'. a eme of Uw nw)1 pojmlar BtUdc.iits i the department. FIh te brigtat siini:iHis. poilte, aad knows mtttci belmis.s to ft ííentlcmiiii.# -vill su - oeed nlnït?tit . Tlits dtocnaslOD about iiiv remora] ol iii " Homeopathie departnest to Dotroit ie bri'iiging oiit i-aitu-ge and counter cjuai-gets to the pwtMWOW theretrf. ■1hty wtill not doctors to agi-ee? The Bomoopatble ttepartmem can not succeed, as lias béore -vell proven in fUe past, whon its taculty are quarrelííig. Xo hOnae can stand rtiv'ulcd iiiri 'lint iteeir. Tliejreat Jutíior IIop. whlcft has be0iOm (ainoiis all flic state, will Ive held CM I"riila. cvininti April 7th. ■ii new ffynniasiuni building. The c'iii-es oí Chicago, Detroit, lotedo, Albton, etv.. win be represanteü in the lbt f dhaperonee. The l"i) will 1m' preceded by e concert to be glveo iiy.tii? Glee and Banjo Clubs, who wiU oecupy (i poeitlon a ttoe east end ol 1 1 1 ■, ■ gallery. Somc of ttne Athletic boys are taking long diskm se runs. Somv of the (dates i c office are dolng likewlsc. Tiic pen wit ii which üiiv. Bieb signed the l-6th of e mili bilí- eme of thr nobieei acte af hite Ufe- luis been rerelvi-d it tliic Inivcr.sity, and wi.l be tnounted and p-reeerved is an helrloom, su io speak. ('. ii il. Demo -1:1 1 le Club has been singiiiarly guccessful In Becuring speaker mr is banqoet, to be ii.'lil April I8th. Ainonii thoee ho will be iHcscat are 'i ■ ■ Preeldent Stevenwon. Hom. W. I.. Wi]mm, ot West Vlrglnia, II1H1. Ben ton M:Millan. of TenDeasee, Hou. Joon DcWitt Warner, of Netw York, Gen. W. (i. Ewlng, of Igo, Hou. Martin V. Montgomt-ry. 01 and Jlon. Edword 1'. Ilil. of (iranil Rap;ts. Mr. l'hl will aei as touetmaster oí tiu' occasion. l'ihie above b&Vt posltlvely promiaed to lic present, i'aiiy Timee. Th' Mfclhilg'an-WtBcoosln debate of l'rrilay .evcnini; will be tlie iiisl of 1 1 1 . - k "ml ever held in tlie west. A pro iXiainnif -will be prcsfiit'd vhi:-h will equal, f not exeeed in Interest, any cvi-iit in UnlvereJty Hall tibia yoar. Ui men are tlic boeit in debate OÍ thp t-uo uuivci-sit ics, lid l:otih Bidet Will (lo.Uuiir lx?t to win the content. The yu'estion to debwted wfil be, "Res-oilved, That the ü. 8. Bhould adojn poílcy oí MiHsidiziiiüT tiif ïnercantiie martaM." Miehigaao hae tiie afïtLiiïiiat i -'. Wtacmsin t'he ncgative of qucsiion. 'J'hreo jud's'"S will Uevjii' t'iu' oontst Judge II. M. Bhepherd, et Ghrtoago ; Pres. ('lias. F. 'Hiwinp:, f Cleveland, and Supt. II. V. (1(nii]ïtvin. of Toledo. For WJaconm-a, J. J. Blake, J. T. Iindloy and J. [■". (ïiifin win debate; for Michigan, O. T. Pacay, . W. Jefísríes and I. H. lijmoü. Tlie mn bare tn' 'ii workintr l"fr a long Ume on tlie debate, and UI griw wmif livfly exhibttkvns of their dfboting aliility. Both the 1'reshJiifl.n dw ml Mandolín Ctobt wil) eontvíbutc lo tlw musical prt of tln pTogrammc. An admission fee wt"J be1 rJuaryeil. It ís to be hoped thsst University Hall ivill be ccBnpletoly CLlled Fridi.y evemmg-, a an encourag' mient to the conti nuance of Wie dolites, aixl more cspecially to give Mioliigan' rfprf xentitt íws a rousing reicpflion.


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