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(-ockI Fiïday day alter to-morrov. nu work of repaJrttKg tlhe Argo mili toan win be commeooed tWe week. Tor Junior League of the M. E. CiiKDTCh iiK'ct j'riday a ft orucon at 4 k. "w grtppe liaa been attacklng wuc petopl liiis sjiiini; itli its olcl time '.imiu's. TiiiiK lis kiiuwii ña Holy Werk, and es aic belng ii'hl atSt. Anilrcw'.s cihuri'h oach day. Ttw ncw ma3ce-up oï the Uai.iy Tlmee giivhig tino Aun Arbor and Ypsilanii rnews on separate pages is a decided, Emprovoincnt. A liuru'iiis ('lióinncy at the liouse of lïm. SdbdQer, 011 S. 3d st., called out Une ttre departmeni &undey mcwnlng. No damairc done. Mi. will sive a lecture 5ii tilue Bethel A. M. E. clmrch on AVodiM'sday Manli 29, tor the benetM of tdue Kpworlh Ieagiie. Rera"mler l'iw locture of Hou. Geo. li. WtMidliiiK cm 'Tb Man ot Galilee," twore the S. C. A., at l'nivcrsity Hall Saturday cvcniii;; Ajwil lst. Beleer, of the P. & M. Bank. hnfi added auatfaer mi.l'on to hls earthly jKis.scss:oiis. KaCni; hipirs at $1,000,000 WKli, he 's niiw WOTtÏJ four mOU lona. A rorps ol nulönlgtllt j.ainu'rs want 1. Ttuas6 ïiavin.ij had experience deaSfted, Apply at t3ue o n.-e a1 the head Of BtaÜTfi in I'iitMiiau's Hall. All easy .'■i (TiralsOuad iiu1 rlgtit ones. N'oxt SiHulay bedtag Bawter, there wlU be comnixunüon serrlte a1 8t. Andn-w's c'huTch at 7 O'ClOCb a. in., and Ogaiü it. 10:i!0 o'clock. At 4 o'clock a song service. No evwriog service 'niue heavy coat of Ice which ■ i -.H'i cil everytihilng out 'o doore KU9t Tiiniisday ínoniiiiií. broke down one of tilue old elma oo the north gJÖo ff :'ii' ( om-t ïioiisr square. Tlue fair öo Im; held by the youog KiT]s of the L, 8. C, OCCUTB on Saturtay, April lst. at tbe reeldence of Mr. Victoria M-orrle, corner of State ;.to1 Jettereon ste., at 2:30 o'clock p. m. Tinfsc yonnjr ladSee are veiy wiiccofnl witli thfir fairs, and the money wbAsh tlicy make íb uscd In wort'hf cbariUee. TSio ncw Ixank, ktiown as the State SA-vtags Iiank, whilCh lias liad elegant tiuiartieirB flltted up 'm the Elerbac1i (-tiore, comer of 8. yfulm and Wa-sluingiVnsi8., wtU open its doors next Satmrday, and liold a general receptSon 'if ttl fricnds. Tlic lak will conimonco lm"hM'ss witllii Ilobert Phillips caltfkter ; John Wall lookkecper, and Ettce A. Bea] coHectwr. Tihe list oP oftiicials, as lias Immmi heretolore publhsh'Cil, is hoadod vith A. I,. Noble, ïrreaWent and Wm, Arnold, vite prestdrat. tfexi Suoday te Baeter. Next fcatnrday s April fool's day. The wnrk whifch Kand-all has preparad for tihe World1 Pair la very Tile BrotíkerhOOd of SI. Andrcw mects in the cfcapel tlii.s cvcninií al o'cJock. Tlnere has got to be somcthiing done lM)ys wtUO kIkioI th robiiis and othier KQg biiMÍs. Therc wW be a meeting o: the I lort i ulinial Society at the court house, on Sartetrday i. m., at 2 o'clock. Reraember the latrt lecture m the 8. Ij. A. coormet, tig Hoa. W. I. Wttoon, ol Weel Virginia, on I'riday evening, Air. 7th. Tlucsc .sminy days and sliarp, treezing miirflits are not 'n;-ouraging tor vw wtoeat BelúB or the early gardenera. .Just step in at Ilarrlii Hall Saturday aftemoon, and ii ycni lo not need amj' of tlhie kftduen Bupplte, take a himdh. Ivat Sinxlay t'lnere were 40 confiriníitíiKHiH at Ztoii's c'hiHiroh, and 27 at IietMeihem. Both of the churches were h'a.ndwomely ile-orated. The Youiiis Peopfe'8 liiion of tliis City, will hold a Sumrise Service in Newberry Hall o G:30 o'clock Kast er next Sunday. Tliiat new BaBter bonnet will bc the proper tthj'ntï next Siindmy, and all ttoe milHners, and ministers, also, li.ivr spoken for pleasaait weather that day. The iKiaiquet, at tlhe re-union of th Aim Arbor Híkíi School pupils, to be beid April 14th, will le Mrred by tuve ladtal of the M. E. cliurch, in the clhinrch pivrlons. Saturday nHgh some vandal vándala 'luu-kcd the maple trees of Newton Felc'li. on Wall et., in a marmer tliat may kill them. Whoever did it ou'iïlit to be sent to priison. Remesnber that the boards oí regtotiratiion for tJie towrashiipe, will meet om Satiurdny jwxt, April Ist. Republi .ans tJliauld 8Oe to it tlhat all repubUcans are reg'ilsteired on tMat day. Tiie Heazlett homestead, on S. Main st., conwistilnig' oí about 30 acres of land, was sold last Saturday, at publrc auction, by the admhiistrator. Mr G. F. AUmemMnger, to John Miller, Hor $2,390.21. The UiM'tiy Club is to be entertained next Momtay evenihff by a lauglwtble taroe in charge of Mm Carlotta IïnllM, and enfcttled, '"Bhe Itcautiful Forever." TIk' eatertaitoment Bi to eoncluilv wiíWi a social. Qttery : In ihe evt-nt of Mr. Bd. Cilday's clectton as judge, will bc Ik1 as uct-at-alilc as lic is just now ? Or v,-) tilir.' meiiihcis nf ttue bar in 1liis (■(Hinty Iiíivp to cliasc way ir'i down to Miininc to sec h'ni t hen ? .JaiiU's Kavinoud and M.-s I'aulin Paulina, of Ypellantl, were married on Tii'ursd.-iy. Maivh 22, 1898, by Kf. Samuel I). Breed, oí tbSs city. Tlue coopte havo the be! wtehea of trtóeods Por su cees tan lift-. NVsi .hmday tells tiW story. It wil! be a plcasins story to sume a aorry story for ot'h.ers. Bat lie who allowe 'iiMiiselí to be drawn uto tlie politieel fcyckme inusy ezpect to reap tliie effeets of the uliiilwinid. The lecture of Hou. W. li. CJaetle, oí the EDawaiilbD Oom-mJseieai, u University Hall, WedneBday eventng, líavc a good {dea oi tlhie people and (ondiliou of tllie islíinils. It was esiiciaüy latereeng ut tbte time. At tile M. E. cluirch iicxt Sinday ttoere wüi ín' Lxve Foat at '.:■'!() a. ni., conimunüim mm-víccs after t s-,tmffli, WinJet wMl be by Itev. Ij. 1 Davfe, 1). I). T']h Suuilay BcbOO] wiü hiild a s]ic -.'.al Krrvicc at 2:30 p. ni.. to wh; -ii aii are tavtted. Tio-nioi-row rvcnimg, at tilt' M. E. iliau-fli, Bev. Asail M. Kusnini, a nai:vc oí LU'init. Syria, iii leetnre apon ■'llii' Manncis and ('usIíiiiis of tlie People oí Ai-al;:a." 'Ii;s , ouiií? gentüeman te only 17 yeara pld, and yei hiele Hn:i(lrrii!ly brlglii and entertaininií. 'i n, ■ Si'n: r oí Song to be glyera by tile vcsumI ■■ln:r it. St. Andicw's clum-h nt'Xt SiMukiy 'a t -1 O'clock, wiil be a ni' one. It wiil be for tfaechildren oí tlue cbvrch and thefr Iriends, botdi oíd and young. F.vcry on vll fnjoy rt and every one le Invited to atlenil. Mr. (iildjiy ajipcai-.s to imve an cx((■■diiii; alfTtim l'or Aun ArbOT just uow. H' makes bbüe hiw política] hvadquartHTs, and ao-onipanird by biiS cha peroné, Kegcnt, Wliimian, is niakíili tibe detnooratüc caucusee of the eonnty, betore wtüfeh he makee ■-[■■(eines," altJiO'Ugh the office is one of an entfrely non-pollti -al eharacter. Wluat woald be thouglit of Judge Kinne ebould be d th sort of work ? Tlie new criuolino oraze is notliing more or leee tillan a écheme of fakers to get from $1 to $5 out of eacih of the 20,000,000 women of once free and happy land. It is tlie duty as we-11 n.s thO h.igh privilegi! of every senaiible womiaai to eit down on the Jioop skirt.- LiviinigBton Demoira t. AVhy, ItlcKn yon, brot'Jier ediitor, they will sit down on t3iem, as soon as tilwy Ixefitim to bhem, and ti th-ir soi'row too.- Am Arbor Dtmocrat. A ncw Mano registering clock, on cxhíbition al this office, is a tlae thing. regular aimual parlati meeting of SI. Andieu's i íincli OCCUTO nxi Tuesday. The iciuli attatversary oí Germanla loóse I. O. H., wiil be tbeld aext Monday eveoftag AprW -".. ín A. o. I'. W. HíUl. Twotljf.rcN ni the juili ial business 'n tlhjs ■nuil is at tlie cinuii. -, ni hiere, at Aun Arbor. ís not t.iitit i;i t orne tiiMt peopie sbonld coater 1 i be Daily Times lias re elvod lt new I.inotyiic, of i'Ik' Mergeotlíaler patent, and Frank Ottüenger :- learnlng to mtuBSpnimite the keyboard. It is a wonderfaj machítae. Ni'Xt Mimilay yon can do a ;ootl tlluns if yon so desire. by going t(i liie poUa and vol ing tlw entire republlcan Iiicket. It is wortlny and well ciualified frora iH-gtoning to end. Query - Dot-s Mr. Cleveland look Witb favor apon otienatTe parUMmefaip ? If o he couW be ph-ased beyond measure wstli eeveral a-ppllcants fir ofi e ba Ann Arbor tlhis spring. Meetings are betqg luid each evenJng at t'lne Germán M. E. e'lnnrh, rorof E. Liberty and S. División sis., and murli imterent i-s manSwted. S 'veral convereion.s have leen inado. TQie interest in the iniloor meeting of Mi,e Athlotio Association, to be held at tune opera houiae, to-morrow even■ing, i cdiistantly growtng. Tlve events are lo be siirJi as wi'U eall out a crowded houw. Th.e animal meeting oí the Ludios I-dbrury Asso.iation will le held Mondiay Apnil lOth. at 2 o'clock p. m„ in the libra!-y. Every lady tliat draws ImmjUs ís requested to be present, and all othiöPB interested in the libra ry wHU be welcome. The candida tes who are upon Uoth U: kets liiave a queer sort of a ''ilon'tyou-wüsIh-you-were-popuLar" look 011 tthem wlien they meet the poor fellows Aviiio have to stand their chances agahiet otïier candidntes. One of out local officers was aked yesterday wliíit he would do should he meet Latïraer, tihc murderer, -who eecaped from Jackson priieon. "If I "wias qm:ick enouiglh I sHiould wing him, luit if not I ejiould jiss him right by ; gííive hLm the lead ent a it were." When Johai V. Sheehan made a slip of the toingne at the denioeratic city conventitoii last Friday evening, in antuounclïng tile vote on justice of the jxeiaee, (ïiH'ints Mr. Marnuardt the 48 ■votes tihat betongeil to Mr. Batte, tltne latter gentlemnu know lor B eecoiiid'how t3ie other tellow lelt. It was only a secoiwl tibial a deatbly iiallor .sjtread OTW hita taoe, for .luim was qu:'-k to COWect liiniseli. and he, greeto.l witii applauee. Xcw booke i-e cAcíI iiy tino toadles' Jlr;ir.v : ( ;i : ldrt'ii Oi the King, li.v Marión ('rav. .u-d. Sant' liarlo, ly Oawtord. David Alden'e uter mu. o+her to bes, by Jane ;. ai; liü. 'i be Greot siuuiow, by a. C. Doyle. Woltemberg, by Wm. Black. i'.in.ui and ( i i-ist :an Rome, by RodolfoLiiii i.mi. Marrlage ly Miss In iei du the Ilhway.-i uf Biwope, by Jalea M i,-w. Two Happy Veáis in Cteylou, by C. F. Gtordon Cummidg. M?it - kc. lis I. ir and ( ii.:na.tfr. translatod by Mjiry Hrm8. 'i'á,' Soiúii-i's Relief Oommisakra of th'M county, eoasletüig of F. 1'. Bo.n-anlus, oí Vpsüanti, i'iiainuan ; Cait. ('has. H. Miaiily, of Aim Arhor. secrebairy, and James Kc ly. havo just cornil a lineo yca-Tw' Berrice and been ri ■ippo.nti'il - Judffe üaliliitt íor uncrther term. Tli's oommteskni Has in (hai.uv i'hc rellei of indi.ii-üt soldters urn 1 iaiiiili s, n ml while they have a considerable work., and rclleved ni.-i.ny vii uc:c destltute and :n want, tttic total eoait to the county tor tli tterv] iee tiaa been but $90.30 tor ttoie years. Whlch certainiy seema an economical metbod ótdoing t-li : 'i ■ issiii'y work. i, lamí League entertainment nexl Mcaniay evenlng wlll eonslsi ol a lecfupe Hy Mr. Taku K.awada, one ■ .lap.-i oase Bi u at8 ol tho Dnéy. Hls HuUjf! ill l)i' "Tin1 SUattia ►: Wimi.ia la Japan," and wlll lic breated under the Coilawtog beade : Firs!, Bdmoa-tion oí gte-te. 2d. ''nSocla] IBe. 3d. Tïie ejaploymend of nii-ii. llh. Marr:.i!i-c. ."th. Mai-ricd i; e. ötttk, Divun -c. Ti h. The legal rJetttte Oí woincn. 8t4i. The attitude at woiiH'ii UbDHelTea in tli ■ movemeni tio anic.';i)i aif tliciv own COttdltion. Mr. Kawada S a ttUOrOOgb student and faae B&ven constderaiblie attention to ttue ]rc]Kii-at'nii of tbba papet and win uud'oubtodiy kv' 'i'1 exceedbigïy tuiik. AdnüBBk 10 cents. 'lúe v. F. M. s. f tiiic M. E. ctaureb wiil hold thelr annual Thank Otferlng taeettog ji the chureb locturc room. liid;iy. Mar.ii :!lst. at 7::!0 p. in. An addrcstí will lx; ívími by Miss IIowc our returned miyyiioiiary from Cliina. Also short aWi"eeses and nattve songs by MtoBea Stone andida Tlialm. A saín of shuttle ooek as it is played jai CHiinii will be givon by tho yoiinu, meo. We tafee a great dea] ot interest and pridc n tbese lright young people from ("hiña, wlio ai-e aere atteuöSag our I'niv'i;ity. The yoimii ladir.s Wlll appeOT in nativo costunic. A ooitli-il invitaiion is extended tO all. Aml once iiï.iin, lommtinicatinns must h' aceompaattod by tfce wrtter'i name bO SC ui-e puMii-ation. Kilwnid Ihilfy, f thfls city. wlio is a of the PtCbou Board, reciivcii ,1 telegram Uiis moraing, etattng thai R. living T.atiincr, tbe Jackboo ncatriclde, wtoo eeca.pw3 Erom prteun lael Siimlay niht at aboul 11:80 iiaii been retamaed to pcSon. Tb la wlll be ula.l Jics to cyci-.vImhIy. Tiiat Hortofa Jiuinaii iwiuu la a dangerofls one td be at large. Ottl ial nf Tiircst HUI IVim-l r.' ])l()!isl ■: l u. : i : 1 1 t a lill OOW befOTS Hl' Ictiislatui-f tin.' opening of gtreets and kaytag ol sewers tiu-O'Ugh i ■ciiu'tcric-. Suc-h a law WOUld be candemned by ntae-tentha ;' toe i ■ i lUüition of l'lic state, aiul could liever be "in' law trom taie fací tiiat the people wnul:l risc u]) in arms betore snch vandaiism would le permltted. A Uirg-c 'iMimber of oor cxclianges tfarotugihcut th" .state ïiavc adopted tlie rule of chargiiiR fivo cents a line for all oottcea of lectturaa mil entertainments wïwene au admi.-sion fee ia ctmrged. Thfe is proUably due to the fact tlmt most of fl&e people who run BUdh Uililiffs have an id-a that advertisiiiiï doesji't oost anythini;, and thnt ediitors and pobUohiera are in duty lxmnd to wivc tiK'in frpe notiees a.nd tihn pay their way toto the performjvini-s also. The Easter progaamme for Trlnlty l.ulhoraii lnircli,- Newl)erry Hall, Rev. W. L. Tcdrow, ])astol : J'rjlay 7::'.(i i, m., preparatory services, seriikiii hy Itev. S. I!. liarritz, I). l)..Scy' lïuai-d of Home M.-sions. lïusiness prellmltoerj1 to cruanizatinn. smidy - 10:80 a. in., eermon by I'roi. Tj. A. (iii'twaifl. I). n.. of Spritigtield, ObJo. Itt".cpt;oii of tnembere ; Sacram'iit oí tibe l-ii-il's Supper. 2:46 p. m., organiza lioa ; Bennon by Dr. lïariitz : ,nstallati.o of Offioers and pastor. Addivsscs Hy Dr. Qotwaidi Rev. MDMl and oUicrs. 7:-"!0 ]. in.. a spec-dnl Eaeter imviea by Viranü Peopl-e's Society onder ih leadersblp of Dr. Barritz.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier