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' TBTHj&JBOINEAAJBOX." j I ÊÈ BEE's FuUit688f8well ing nfterfnmfs, IHzxim ss.% i ftrownne, Ot'fl Chiltft. Fhtshinffs oí 1 lifttf ShnrhfHH of lirenth , 'itsti ven r -ss, 7 i Bíotcfws on ie Skin. Diirturb+A Bt+rpt and alt neivoun and. trttnblino wman i tioni are relieoed by using fhlúe líllt i Covred with a Tasteless and Soluble Coating Of ftll druireTts Sí.1 OMlbi a box. ( New York Depnt. 3 .5 Canal 8t. í ICARTER'SI CURE Bick Deadache and relievo all tho tronbles Incident to a bilious Btate f tho systcm, euch as Dizziness, Nausea, Diowsineso, Distress efter eatint!. Pain In the SiJo, te. While thcirmost remurkablo succesa has boen shown in curiog SICK Headac?ie, yot Cnrtor'B Little Liver Pilla ara cqually valnablo in Consüpatlon, curingandpreventia" tLiisannoyiiifiCoiaplaiiit.whilB they al3O correct all disoracraolthestomach,8timulate tho livor and rogulato the bowrela. Even if they onl? HEAD Aclie they woald be almost pricelees to t lioso who euffer f rom tuis tlistrsssing complaint; bift fortunatoly thoi rgoodnons does uoteud hero.and thoso whoonootrythem-svülflnd thosolUÜnpülsvaluBblolnsomany waysthat they will not bo willing (o do without them. But after alleicU hoad ACHE Ib tbe liane of so many Uves that here io whera weinaltoour great boast. Our pilla cure it while othcra do not. Cartcr's Littlo Liver Pilis are very small and very easy to take. One or two pilla inake a dose. They are Btrictly vegetable and lo not gripe or pur"e. butby theirgentleaction ploaaoall who usettaem. In vlal3t25cents ; flvefor$l. Sold by druggiata everywhere, or Bont by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PUL. SMALL POSE, SMALLPR1CE ■ rw remadle tht do not in- J ' inre the health or lntertere with one'B business or pleaeure. It builds np nd Improves the general bealth, cleare the skin and beautifles the complexion. No wrinkli-B or flabbinene tollow tbis treatment. Kndoraed by physieians and leading society ladiea. PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL Baraten. So Slulnj. S,od 8 ctU In lUmp. tor pr!lcoln II. Li. r. jï bei. rucmrimmi, cnctco. au


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Ann Arbor Courier