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Is i very common exproeaioo, lut wc 1 li nk tii:u .■irmcd to -iiiIh1í.-1i and preserve tlbieiB 1 ti n il ;i;-' is le( iilcdly more .inprojii-iau-. Thae caa be done by keepdag yaarselí snipiíil ii; a liottlc in' ilh' i](.inliil dentir trice, BOZODONT, whii-ii will i i:y ehe teeth mil preserve : trom iiic ratvagee o decay. SOZODONT oonutalns jhi acida gritty trabBteAncee wihJch ünjuire the enainel, imt ompoeed oí rare and anUseptic herbé, wtiiteh have a beiieticia] effeci ue Whiole ■.(iiiouiy of the mouth. Sold hy do-uiggtets. Notice of City Election. Noüce is liereby given that the annaa) charter election lu and tor llie city of aiiii Albur w i ! I be held On Monday, the third clay of April, A. D. 1893, At wliloh election the followlng city offl viz: A .Mayor, President of the Coinmou Coanr.11 City Clerk.Clty Assessor, and a Jnsi the Peacewlll beelected tbequaliticil electors of the wbole city, and a Uapervisor, au Aldernian ana a Constable will be elected in eacb ward thereof. The said election will be held in eaoli ward of said city at the followlng places, luat is to say : Kirsi Ward. 88 and 85 E. Washlngtou street, Welnmann lilm-it. Beoond Ward, No, 7 West Liberty street. Tliird Ward, al C. II. Manly's office, O.urt I [oQfte. Fourlb Ward, al Ith Ward Engine House. Fililí'ith Ward Kngine House Sixth Ward, atutb Ward Engine House. By order of tlic Common (Huncll. VT. .1. MILLEB. City Clerk. Eleetion Notice. Tothi Eleclors o tlu CmintyoJ Waëhtenaw: Vou are hereby notlfled tinit at the Électln to be held in ttaia State on Mondar the tliird day of April next, the following oftieer elected, viz. : One J nst ice of the Suoreme Court. In place of Frank A. Hooker, whose term of omcewlll expire December 31, i.v.i::. Alaotwo Regenta of tbe Dniverslty, in place of Herman 8. Keifer, and (hurles R.Whitman, nose terma ui office u iil expire December 81, Al-o u Clrcnlt Jadge for the Twenty-aecond Judicial Circuit, comprlalng the Countlea of Washtenaw and Monroe, In place of Edward D. Kiniie. whose term of office will expire Dee1,1893. .U-o for the eleetion of a County Commlssloner of schools. ANo au amendment tdSection '.'. Article 14 of the Constitutlon of thla State relatlve to works of lnternal Improvement. Also mi amendment to Sectlon 1. of Article 9 of the Const'.tntlon of thts8tate relatlve ti Salaries of the severa! State Oí An amenrlment to the Conetltutlon to be kiioun is Sectlon Bof Article 10. relatlve to conferriDg power on the I.i-Ki-lnture to enact Lawa lor the creatlou of County aud Tovrnshlp Boards of Hlghway Commlasloners. An amendment to Sectlon 8, Article 6, of the Consl itution of thls State, relative to the Jurisdiction of circuit Courta Ijv eztendlng the powers of such i ourU in certain as provlded tor In joint resolutlou N"o. 12. Dated, Ann Ar'nor. Mich.. Uarcb is. 1898. MlCHAEL liKKNXEE, Sheriff Sale of State Tax Lands. AlülTOR GENERAL'S OFFICK, I Lansimg, Mk ïi.. March M, 1893. ƒ Notice is hereby t-iven that certain lands sltuated in the County of Washtenaw bid off to the State for taxes of 1889 and prevloue vears, and described in statements which will hereafter be furwarded to the office of the rreaaurer of said Connty, ill be sold at public iiuetlon by said Treasurer at the Countv Seat.on tlie flrst Monday of May next, at the time and place designated for the Annual Tax if not i.reviously redecmed or cauceled i ing to iaw. Said statements contaiu a full deseription of each parcel of said lands and r be seen on jipplication at the office of the County Treasurer after they are recelved by hlm. 1 hu land strnck off to the State for tu 1SM) or other years, at the Tax sales in May last, wil] be offered subject to the right of relaw. i.kv W. Tl -i''- Auditor Genera . v- A boil hurts, but it helps. , "v"V shows you p'.ainly what f ') .( vou need. It wouldn'l be } ' " there, if your biood were ( I ) pure and your system in i ■" the' right condition. And n r they would be, if yoird take (. V_y . J Dr. Pierce's Goiden Medical ( ( Zr Uiscovery. ) It carries health wilh it, -V Jjl A!' Blood' Skin and ScalP --7 Disea-ses, frora a coramou l v . ] bloteh or cruption to the v (N" worst Scrofuta, are cured T,r33 by it. It invigorates the f '.'i Ba liver, purifles and enriches BBaf tlie blood, and rouses every organ into healthful action. In the most stubborn forms of SIdn Diseases, such as Salt-rheum, Eczema, Tetter, Erysipelas, Carbuncles, and klndred ailments, and with Scrofula in every shape, and all blood-taints, there's notiiing that can equal it asa perfect and per:oici:t remedy. That's the reason it's the only medicine of its kind that can bo guarantee'd. If it fails to benefit or cure, in any case, you have your money liack. And that maíces it the cheapcst blood-puriñer sold, for you pay orJy for the good you get. Cau you ask more ! COMM188IONERS' NoTICB. STATE OF MICHIUAN, County of WashteAUW. The underslKned havlns been appointed by the Probate Court for said County, Commissioners to receive, examine and'adjust all claims and demande of all persona agalnst the estáte of Henry Tower. late of said eounty deceased, hereb; give notice tliat six inonths trom date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims agalnst the estáte of said deceaed,and that they wil] meet at the office of Thompson, Hui riman & Thompson in the city of Ann Arbor, in said couuty, on the tweuty-tliird day of June and ou the twenty-third 'dav of September next. at ten o'clock u. m. of each of said days, to receive. examine and adjust said claims. Dated, March 23, 1893. Nanea To Ckesito?.1;; STATE OF MICHIGAN, C'ouuty of Washte1111W.S9. Notlce Is heroby given, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washteïaw, made on the tifth day of December. A. D., 1892, six mouths from that date ere allowed or creditors to preseut their claims auainst the estáte of Caroline H. Chapín, late of said connty deceased, and that all creditors of said dceeased nre required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Jflice in the city of Aun Arbor, for examinaicn and allowauce, ou or before the fifth lay of June next, and that such claims will be heard before said Court. on the sixth dasof March and on the fifth day oí June next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each oí said tan. Dated, Ann Arbor. Dee. 5th, A. D. 1S92. J. WILLARD ÜAKIilTT. Judite of Probate. XOTICE TO CbEDITORS. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washte O naw. bs. Notlceis bereby gi ven, that byan orderof the 'róbate Court for the County oï Wastenaw lade ou the twenty-seventh dn y of February, . i . I-.i:;. six THcnitlis from that date wi-re alord for credltora to present thelr claims siiinst the estáte of William Hurnham.late of iid County. deceased, and that all creditorsof uid deceased are required to present thelr laims to sald Probate Court, at the Probate fficeiu the city of Aun Arbor, for ezaminatlon nd allowance, cm or before the tweniy-eighth ay ol August, next, and that such olaims will e heard before said Court. ou the twentyth dayof Hay and on the twenty-eiehth iiy of Augiiet, nest. at teu o'clock in the iforeoon of ench of sald days. Dated, Ann Arbor, Febroary -27. A. D. 1898. J, WlLLARD ÜABKITT. Judge of Probate Notice of Chajjcbry Sale. IX PUR81 AM ■]: And byvlrtue "f an order and deeree of the Circuit Court for the i ounty oí Waslitenaw. iu chancery, in the State of Michigan made. dated and entered on the eleventh day of ITebruary, A. ]).. 1898, In a certaln cause therela pending, n bsrein üoberi Cuthbert Is complafnant, and Samuel Ñ. House, Kliza Honse, Charles II. Manly.Izora Manly and James Tolbei t, are defendanta. Nul, er hrrri,y glven Uiat I -hall Bell at public auction t the bighest bidder, t the east front door of the Court House. ín City ui _ n 11 Arbor, In said c ounty cii Washtenaw and .statt' of Michigan, said Court House beine the placo lor holding the circuit court lor said County, nu Frlday, the twenty-elghtb day of April. A. 0., 1893, at ten o'cloi k in the forenoon to ralse the amount dne to said complainant for principal, interest and costa tnthls cause, all of the folio wingdescrl bed piece or parce] d, to uit : All t luit oertafn piece or parcel of land gituated in the city and townof Ann Arbor in the County of Washtenaw and oí Michigan, known. bonnded and ded íiilU-. io vvlt: Commencing at thc east quarter post oí sectiou tv enty-one (21) Ín town two(2) south, range six (G) east I west along the m-i and west ' n-tt-r Une seventeeu uti ebains and elghty-elght nuil one-half (88%) links to the soutnwest comer i.í Jí'lin íuKer'a land.thence north twenty-flve degrees (25' i west alous said Fuller'6 west Une seveu (7) chaina and twenty (-20) links to the BOutbeast slde oí the Dlzboro Road. r soutb üíty-six degrees (56-j wesl alón southeasl slde oí sald road about six (6) chaina to Spencer Lemon'a land.thence soutb twentythree degrees (23") and liíty ininut.- (so') east three (8) chaina and twenty-nlne (29f llnks to theeagt anl mst quarter line, thence soutb parallel wlth the nortb and soutb quaiter Une three (8) chaina and tifty (60) llnks, thence cust parallel wlth the east and west quarterllne flve (6) chaina and seventy (70) links thence soutb immllol wlth the north and sonth quarter linu nvniíi chaina and seventy-flve (76) links, tlience east parallel to the east and west quarter line seventeen (17) chaina and elghty-elght and one-hall (88á) links to the east line oL said Bectlon, thence north alonR Bald sectlon Une slz (6)chalngand twenty-flve (26) links to the place oí beginnlng contalnlng en and one-flfth aeres oí land more or less. said sale will be made in accordauee wlth the terms of said decree. Dated Aun Arbor, Michigan, this uth day of March.A. D. PATBICK McKEKNAN, Circuit Court Commlsslouer in and for Washtenaw County, Michigan. Z. 1'. Kiko, Solioitor tor Complainant. iiij."-i60l P"V f O 4 4 f Oïllett 5 VvÉï M tQüicKest B?t fTbe ONLY YEAST twbicb Preveots and Cures Dyspepsia, "Snug and ra-w was I ere I saw war & guns." Tlie peculiarity of the abovO Beiïtencc is in tibe fact that It may le read backward tlie samo as forwnrrï.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier