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Short Facts For Farmers

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K (■] i u.s ui' Mie same age in the same pen. Gootl oniiii' aheep alwaya commnnd a inarket. Salí t b dheep regularly an:l doI n too large doses. l'.'ily shccp malte :i nood llo-i; tO keep together. Do nol . 1 1 . .■ 1 1 1 ■ : 1 1 land bu( turn a !'cw sjieep n]'!i ü. (ciicTü iiv good gradee make the Lesi nuil mu ebeep. Sheep kept cwi wooden (Iooi-h will h.-i vi' ;:1 slim pet] lioo -. A erop of early lambe can ofteti be made very pro litaMe. ore ynii go Bnto early lainb K's i iKisíMi-i' vuur market. ShropstuUnea are not ooly capital Burees bul yiey are very prollíi . !'. sry l."i::!i t hai :-a:i bc put 015 I he markei be ore ApVl] win pay tbe owa(■! Vii!. In bu.viim Por breeding yon musí buy Pot the future as wel! as th' preent. In ïucMiiiüc sheep tte re la o greal 'ii niiii noi ni use only i he bes1 blootl. Wlnai ii-i-.I tor 1 1 1 ü feed Bhould be w eii Koaked:, as [ed dry it s indigestible. V;tli goot] shelter and plenty ol good todder sneep wül need very litili' i;vai.i 11 winter. Ii eos-ta nu more to Deed, to Hhelter :i:i l no nn.i-c in Mirar a gooi] sheep tlian it does a poor oae. Pro ;t i uiiK'-i [rom making pork wiih young ertoek and especimlly o witii t lic plg. Sheep Dal ten more i -id:ly ii they ure fcept qniet and warm. espoolally in winter. The shcep Miat u il not ylel ! a fair pro M Bhondd be sold ; snch have no plaoe on i he (arm. Whcu are bred to briog L'arly lambe, care sliould be taken to keep :i a ffood condltion. I: worktog back Into aheep itgain look u i tor good wetiera as weli as dol and try a conibiiia tion. i le quite an iti-in to arrange the teed troujgha ao that t ii piiga eannoi gel toto tiicin when feodinff. A Qock ol wcll carcd lor BCtTlbe is in ,■ Craidc to the Btune aumber ol halfstarved thoiougbtoredB. il.) ikji expeel to kr,i up tho grade oí j boga, and Ui mi depend upon spring Jriga Dor your breedlog animáis. Tiicoiloiü ].c;s. wno is good anüioriiy, saya he lias oever heard of eorn Bilage being guccesefully fed to hoge. BCogB t lui t ai-c ted Irooo a good varicty oi food, suppUed with pure water, and nivcn warm. dry sln-l'.rr. will mot genérate düeeaec. One div'.ded advaatage wlth u good shelter is iliat tlieshr-p will produce a greater retuTn in aheep and wool u il.h 1 B A èvre lihai rtüsee two lambe and furniMiies in ailditiim a good lire -e oi woni. v.:il pay 200 per cent. on the incHiey invisti'il. Keep an e.i' mi comfort oï Mie .-■heep. Ii nol eonifortable they are neithcr ]roiln inu,1 WOOl nor mutton, uur dOdTOg any gOOd. Xow tiiat the ilo k Ii about Mie 1 a lor (bË winler. every indi iilnal houl,l be careiully looked over for ndiiatinns ol fOOi diseases or olher tvoiïblee. Sunimary treatmenf must be t'.-'.ven W'here any troulfie exista, to preven! contagión. ABOÜT POULTRY. 'ii:crr i mofchlng gained b.v grimling iii-ain tor Pmvls. In i;n Cal] in keep tiir box contalning grit wcil iül.-d. Separate the muis that yau are Eattenlng Por na-arket. l'i.iiltiy are i'.-n-l.v rlfiers nnd need iiii'ir mioniiiug mea] raily. Ohfln oaj tor i urbeye Is liighly re(iniin!'ii(!cil au a Fattening food. ir Biinflower eed are fcd now tïiey will iinpinv:' i in1 jLlo dnees ol i he lienif i n. ii . Cliivi'i'. elhopped In m:ill plecea and Boakied ia au excelleol food lor laying hens. Do ïiot Deed you liens entirely on corn duitog i'hc winiw. Oom dó9 nol eoDtaJn tiic elpnuente nrhlcn compose :i n egg, iiui on tfae other band s rry í.-ii ti'iiin.. r.-n licns are poor i.-i era. Ncarly all "ni uliaturs are sclf ragutattog bul iiicy uiii m-cil more ir leen atteni Ion every da.v. A fliH-k of ouc llllüill'cil licns. iini))'iiy handled, stumld gilve o profil ol ene (ldliar raiih per year. Il liciihoiisv bas any Cracks 3d it !■ shit in close ilii'iu. i'nuis torced to roost fa siu-li housea are wens.' oít t'lian iliii-r wiio perch in t rees. r.c raiciui as ii iiic water the (qwIs hare to drink, li' yon 1i;it any ol the lar.ïv combed bütrds, provide a small aperatnirc ai wiii.-ii they can secure di'.nk. Tilt' VdUllli' ciirkrlrls ghOllld !)■ si'piirtiii'd iioni tbe Ih'hs and pallete : tliey will nrnu and fatten better t han when ailiiwcd lo run promücouely. The pnllt'is and layiim' stock need no male wltere the eggs are to sp boW ot tor cookilag.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier