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J. .). Ggteon, tfce arttet, ie busy at Cfcteago, HlliiiK his contracta there. Tlie wuncil wlll meet to-morrow Tu-fcht mul ciinvas tlie vote for city ■ofKoers. Alviji Wfbey o upies üw store tormTly occuptled By Jas. M. suiffonl, on 8 tote et. At tl Keent reglBtrartJon in tiüs cWy 160 neiv naxaes wefr added and 211 Btricki off. Tiw Sa-ring Bank had $17,000 depoctd on itw iirst Oay of imsimOw, lant Saturday. Womaii's CUartteWe Union will mi-et 4. HarriH Hall on Tinn-sday p. m.. April C, at ! o'clock. EdmniMl Olancey, of tlie 4th ward, who has been ill for eome weeks, dled yesU'rday, Tiicsday marritog, at 2:00 O'clock. TSre A.mi Arbor AgricnLtora] Co. haa fonvarded two car loads of tarm inu pdeoKinte to tb World'a Fair tot exhlübitlon. Anl Qtrw Oeorge Hangsterier uii. -a.iiil:l:itr at hiti boraae. He only willis tn Uk. ,-h preBeat, imt yoti j:iHt wail iintil liv is OÍ ac. Many an ld friend of Bobert E. Pnazer in city, will rejoice at lüs ■ood fortane 'f !-..■ siiiall be lected tot-h" circuit Judfeea beöch in Detroit. Therc win lic an Importaal meeting oí tune Suiidiay School OËrcle n' ilie Epwortlh Lewa-e, iu the M. K. clnu-ch parVrs, on TSrarediay Etfterooön next, at 4:30 oVlovk. Tiw viitr .MciKkiy was a very full o-. People cani' out tu vote wiio itöd oot roiiu' mear Uw polos fast (all. City iioiiti' s a lively linstlc f ft't wiwn it getertght down t work. IlegruTiiT mnntJily BOCtal Of the 1..UrVam' A KI Society of tlie M. E. chureh, on to-morrow, Thui-sday t ven ing. The wx'jal will t folUrwed by ;i. fine musial prorarain. You are eoi-tfiall.v f.nvitoil to he pvcK-uit. M:ns (1-ara Slnim.i;lir, who lived prr n time in Ann Arbor, diotl at hT Snoriie iti Br&dgewater, OD March 18. Tier líip,To was ili."umjitism, wliith went to hier beert, ocHHtag rodöen iloatli. Klip was 1) years of age. EroeKt "VVoodmaiiscf, kou of Nathan WVx)dm.n.iiKe, dted at. tbe home of híB, on Gddee avs., last ]"ri!iiy, of coiiKuniiitioji. :g'( 2:ï yoars. f'huieral Bervlees were held ftfonday l. m., attj'iwlcd ly the firais of Veter-une iin a IkhIv. O:i Siuulay nest, Rev. A. X. Craft. T. D., of the BncBd Ave. M. K. church, C3evland, Oblo, will occupy tli_: pulpit i-f t(li M. E. clnn-ili baAhte oity both ra oTTi'i.'n fi and vvniu. Dr. Oaft is tLb fathvr-hi-Iaw at BeT. Dr. Cobörn, nind lvïs clniirh iu Cleveland is mie of Hh Oneel in Oblo. Our-cltixena in Jesiro to hear bie Bcrmona. ■ 'i iu Aun Ai-bar Otee tng Verein Lyra :s lo produce a "Trial by Jury" soon. Tibe T. 0. T. MB are (o Ivo tht' young bees a porty sooo at their Iwill over Una I'. O. The street cars coiinnojiced running at. (:.'!() hiatead Of at 7 o'clook ;i. m., m .Moiiday mornlbg. Mr. and MB. Walter returned Salunlay last f rom an extended vii at hter Ririnor n Kentncky. GltMKm, ttoe u-tist. 1im appointed George I!. Dygert as tibe ccisfaler of bus WotWb FaJr stand at Chicago. JamáSfl Quinlan oí tiito city, and Miss Add ('iwiírovc, (if Ypsilanti, are to be matrried in the latter city to-day. A mecöig oí tile W. ('. T. 0. will be beld Tlnu-sdiay p. ni., at Harrte Hall. All members are requeeted to be present. ( Hn. Jetan J. BobCaon wem over to tliie (Oimity ip.tal lat Thursday, and pntpooed ti:, -aie of Ikw property I April L'O. The Bpctag va -a t :xm in public svlwiols roniineiici'K 011 FruUiy tlie 14th and will continue t lirouii tlie fol1 week. Rev. and Mrs. IUi.u'cn' Bpobr, of Detrolt, tuave a son in the fumilv now. Mtb.S. was íormci-ly Mise Llzzie Ilorn, oí Aun Arbor. Bas ter nionniiiig was as olear and Hrinlii ,-ik a nioraiiig coultl be, much ha tliie delügfit of early clnwrh goore and robffln. Remembeor iluit the amiuai meeting of the Ladips 1iibrary Aseociatton, for th" letection of offl'ceis, occun on Moncl;iy ncxt , April lOtfcu 1 n.-ii' ci-' tilumt 100 voun.ií geai'ciiivu and ladlee in attcndance npon luie t'xainJiiJUion of teachers last I'ri(lsi.v al titue eoui-t houwc. i ■ ■■n-iiit 1-inirt stiMuls adjourned u.ntil Moini'iay Api il 17th., at which hume tiu' Jury w return and a numt er oí oasea come on tor tr-lial. Gi i, i;., son oí Mr. and Mrs. K. Slu'lflon, of s. Engalla st.. died Samday and li;s rciuaiüs ivrir taken t Vi'rnon, Sluiuas'c Ootmty, Bor bm-ial. K u-1 ('. Kcin 1h'"ii cboaen de] aguate iy tJw Arm Artior TypographJcai Pailón lo tlu' international meeting o le li-ld n Chtoftgo i'.t Juno. A camp Pint? and snipper avíH bo kíven by the Woman'8 iv'r-:'f Oorpe, at ;. A. R. Heil, April ITtli. instead oí 1 3 tli, as lias Iveen pvevioiiwly announcfd. A:-;ih Baxter lias taken the contract íor earrybps the malie from the railroad station i.n tullís city to the pont o Hoe aml retuim, for $600. JeBse SteveoB wan i ■ oíd contractor. Tlu' MiuiiifKUT F.aii'.'rpri-e utill éoáffBB the point tluit i't has taken aai item trom attottaer iaper, given th; Ctonrfer ■ reddi ík it. and tben proceeded t acore ae for what some one elae saNl. A cfaronflc RTOwler is ;is )jre-;it a noKxxjty in a oommuanty as tíhe córner li;r". 1Qiry both haw Ih'ir mission to perforen. It puzzles ji fellow to fu'.ly uiKh'rstaiul wIkh tiiat mission ! (i.'i-asioiMilly, Fot tllie Ctrst time eJaice hg has been a vober, Giles B. Le?, of tlhe -ith wanl. was ol::iel to lose bis vote tilla year, 1 vi amse of illncss. H' htis voted 1ht' straight reiniUlitan ticket at evory ni for nrarly lo y-'ars. Tlw gramd Waignér Ocmcert Thtirsd;iy eventog üi ih' gtvon ander tbe aruepí a oí the ÜTtlveraity Música] Sori'.-t.v, and llw Seating will be the plan kiiiiwn as i'H ( horal I'nim plan, first i!.si served. Ii wil ho a grand Rev, Mr. Sini(kjrl:iml of t i ! l'nitar:an ."ïiurch OÍ lhi ciiy, wiil exchange pu'.pi! ilic ïK'xt tWO Sunikiys Avith licv. S. I!. Oalthipop, (■;" S.vra -use, N. Y. Mr. Oaltturop la one of the aHicst ;i.iiil miO8i Inülanl iM'i:!i.ts in tliis country. Rev, S. U. ('all Ii" ip. ii' Svra ■u-r, N. V., wUmi was auiüiuiircd bo sprak at DrJfty cin! last MVioday evening, vi;i appeeur hnaitad, on Monday and 'l'iir.siliiy eveinhiííK, April lOtb and llth. Il:.x tiiibjivi por Mmn'ïiy rwii'■níí wtRl 1' "Tbe Amorran Idea," vlu GO TiU'Sikiy rv-niiii; hc wlU lectuic (ui "A Wortd ivIuti' all Tiiinirs are TLwl Togettoïr." How f.r party iircjudi; .e wi;l eaxpy some people wmM riKwi week, when the Iln.usírouiid refused to print ii writtt'ii iai tïie Germán lanpuage ly a, wliit was a reet1tent in Eat Sag-iïiaAV willen Pi-of. TlilomiiMm was mayor of thet city. and oommeiulhifi lus admlnietratlon of aflatos at tüuit tinu'. Tiiat fact shows that the cra.iiks are not conffinel to any particular party or nationality. Tiu' hvto Mrs. Royer gave by bequest $200 to the Womttn'a Home. Al:.ssii(iry SKiety of t3ie M. E. c.'lnurch. At tlitór last meetiinp it WM deotded bo ]lace it at interest and bdd i.ntTot and otJicr Kiinie, to the pri.iiviiial as rapidly as pünsible, until tin? tocóme Kiiaii amount to malticieai bo Bupport a DcecoocflB. It is Üoped thni vi'i-y MettuocUM wiil subscribe a suiii to !■ jiajil -itlu-r moiitlUy, quarteciy or auótially nntál the n0Kmit ,hall Be vcry BOOD availabl ■ to above Btated. All pnopbetB iri'ii.; t a good erop of fruit tlulis si',kii:i. au the men precMci a poor erop. How wouldit do lo spiW fltw diiferencc and li-:i ve a fu erop V The new Junior partner ot tli ■ Argos takes the defeat aa ;i truc plUlOsopliersliould. and wettt aioandTu Sda.v maraCng pajring tb ■ beta he loet 11 a !casiiii ïnaniier. A M:n!ht-r's bntttnte, to eomprtae tlw ïiiH-rai mlolstena of the Btate, Unltarian, Tuivt-iKsUist mul Independent, :s to be beid lm Aun Arbor, April 18, 19 and 20, at fflie 1 "nt;iriun cliun-li. The ll'ttle ones are to bare a muy dreaa paarty at Oranger' Hall oext Saturday vrn;ni;-, and Mr. and Mis. Graogier are niaking Urely preparation.s therefor. The mini km ion fee of 28 e, nts w.;;i be Aevoted to charlty. At th PeofdeB Vespers in st. Asdtew'e dHapel iM'xt Buoday eveniiiíí, nt 6:80, two caodldateB wül be nitiatMi bato flut' Brotherhood of St. Andiew. Tlue topic flor the erenlng ■wMl be "The Rfeen Ufe, or Waya and Mcan.s of ( Mi-istian (irowth." Tiiinity I.uiheran ■luircli was orgaa;zim1 on Eaeter day, wltfa a memborsbrlp ii,' torfcy peten. The pastor, Rev. W. Ij. Tedrow, and ïwmlK'i-s oí the ciuirch were formally installcd. Dr. Iliirnitz, western kiki-civiry of Uve Ika.rl of Home MLssions of thn? Evangei.fcjil Ivutihoruii church. and Dr. Ootwald, of Springfield, O., atateted in tJi services. E. F. .Mills iV; Co., Avill uiid-üailytedl.v iuave a greal rush at their ribbon saleFriday and Saturday of tbls eek. liive ([uality o! the j?x1k a.nd the rldiriilouiily low prtce at vh,ieh tlic.v are Ui In' SOM wlll attra-.-t genera] attMition. The quant ity of ribbons cm di.p'..-iy s appalltog1 bo o newspaper s-.nüM', whioso Ideas of femlnlne .iiiiii'iniKMit BOinewhai hazy, bat the firm expect to s?ll tbe whole lot -8,000 yardis - bn tüw two days. In booltítag over tiie record book of St. Amliiew's ctuvch a lew days since, we found tluat the church ivas incorporatied, and t.s cftturter graated April i'Otii, 183;!, by tiK' Lteiatlve Oowatl of the Territory of MJch.lgwn, and rhf iocorporatora were Honry Bumsey, AVni. G. Tirtiic, wardena ; Jam s K'mgK'.oy. A. Hennen, I'Jiilip Brigliain. Ambrost', SnnneU, Jobn Hnston, as víwtr.viiH'ii. None 08 wirom are iiltjí 1W)V. At Uw anmual pari-li meeting of St. Amlrew'w ctvnrctl held iai the chap 1 Tueclay forenoon, tlv following rere etaefted warden and vaoirjmen r tinyear : Seiiiior Warden- E. Treadwell; .Iun:ir Warden - H. J. Brown. Ves'trymen- Prof. Oba. B. Denteos, .fudge E. 1). Iviiine, Col. 15. M. Thompson, Dr. James e. Wno 1, rr. C. B. Nancrede, Janus CK-mont ■;, Geo. H. Pond, Geo. W. Rattereoo. A u Kubseqiipnt meeting of the vosiiy, I'roí. Deiiison was ;i secre+nry Fer 10 lOtb timo, 'íiil Pror. Pat eraan wae made treasurer. X -xt Tuesday evw -in. April lOth, at (bè Baptist cfaarch, there wB! be glven an lateresrtlng loctwre, Illnetratc(l wilh sterooption viewe, on '"I.utlier, Wwley and Bpurgcon." Tie lectiirt".- b Uve Rev. P. A. Hoitxhausen, win was a natlve cr; Luither'a Uirthplace and has vlslted the bornea oí Wesley anl Bptugeon, and spoaka trom aai 'Ui' entlre proceedu wüi be dsTOted to t religloua wik wlhith .Mi'. Holtihïuieen carryon at flaccock, vlie mportani niininu; town iii t'hc Upper Península. Go. ('. Tjord, ot Grase Lake, saya oí th'e iH-csviii iüv e of wh'eat, tbat lií.' lias sold 'it ;vr a much lower flyaaie. In ls.s'. wbeo li ycais of age, Mr. l.i;iil tciok a load of wiicat frona Aivn Ailioi-, h ' - home :ü iliat I uut', tO Hfi!c:i. by meaos ol ozen, and gold M ■u 56 cents o im-úni. The wees BO pOOf liivil h.' was v . i !i t ii,iys inak'iiíí the ici:ml trip. Dexter Leader. report ■ uirKiay Srhool Convenbioo i i i 1 nol reacb ub anti] the ni gooé i" presa lael week, wii li acciiimis s il m-apprarain-e ü ii Pact wc regrei very much. ii' ".si time '. the hlatory of Aun Ar-tor a membar : vw ünlverí'lt.v :i iiii.v h.;i Ihtm cbosen mayor of iba Tin' iTiniiiiirans hará tbe iionor of this deed. It aa't tht' time tbe repuWkr&ne liuve done a ítcmhI Uiiiiji. Thcy aro ilway.s dolng ffood dfeeda. Colonel 'I'h; üiiiiKim, tile tít'iit lemán ■.■!( teil mayor, ha a memtter of th law i'acnit.v, iii whk'h lie s rery popolar. He is oae of tjne sort of nueii wlio oaa look eyond party, and beHevos In Itoe riht ji whntever party it niay le l'onud. te IB ci donuK-rat. bttt an olil soldle-r, a man bnoad enontu to govern tih.Noity wNcly and jddk-unisly. That tliv jKHip'ic liav.' cliiiscii wi.scly we b)tev wiii be ribbwn in hi.s aúminlst rat !m of t.h iffairs of the oity. (■ol. C. V. R, J'oimI, wJio wm a reskleiit of tliiw oity last year, and wlia made a friwnd of evorybody be met, has purchased ao Interest in the ('oidwati-c Hciuilili ,-an. W (MDgTatnlate tlu IN'puhl: an, tile people of Coldwater, and iiif cHJsene n' Brancb Co. Mr. I'oikI wHl Ín1 editor n chin' ol HhiL' paper, and h:s asBOClatC, Mr. GrOO. W. l'crry will be tbB city editor. Ucee le ba the niw Brm. It will gucèeed, (or teHure is LmposelU? wltb ku:I1i mem at the liolm.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier