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A Thing for Students. Yes, jiiHt tJie tliiiiji for etudeats. It'e gooil a nliole yeiir a.iwl only twenty dollars. Vou can rt-ach ("incinnati, Cleveland, Chicago, Ituffalo, St. Lotu'8, IiKÍimnapolis, and hundreds oí ptace Ja Oblo, Indiana and Hlinois. G(X)d oai 14 iaúli-(KuLs --looo miliM for Ü!2O.OÜ. B. B. GRKEN'WOOD. Agent. - 1 m- ■- . -S-r-Ti-JL-TT Tí. VJP'- Hood's Cures Almost Miraculous Ab3olutely Helpless and Hopeless Th Grip, Rheumatlsm, Deblllty. ai j-s. Mary Andress Of Crawfordsville, Ind. " It 3 with much gratitude tliat I teil of the vonderful lielp rcceived from Ilood's Sarsaparilla. For several ycars I have beeu a very grcat suffercr with rhcumatism. In the winter of '90 and 'UI, when I liad beeu obliged to uso rrutches for a long wliile, in my unfortunata condition I had asvere attack of ihe grip, which put mo down bedfast, for ncarly ayear. As I had a mrera cough, tho doctor thougUt my lungs affected, and that there was littlo or No Hope of My Rocovcry In the fall I began to take Hood's Sarsaparllla, and, to my utmost delight found that I had at last obteined a medicino which was doing ms good. when I began to tftke it I was unable to rise from my bed without help. There was eTere pai nnd wolflng in my hands, feet, knee-joints, and left anklc. I had become s hopeless of ever being any better that I Deslred to Die And be out of my great pain. But as I continued with Hood's Sarsaparilla I contlnued to mend. From an utterly helpless couditiou I have now reached a good state of üealth. I do all my work and walk around without crutches. The pain and swellttig, caused by the rheumatism, re gone. I have no pain In my hands and wrlsts, and they are not swollen or drawn any more. The rough and lune ironble and soreness in tlie chest, which followed the grip. have all gone, and I can sleep comfortably. ï am greatly improved In flesh, strength and color. My bowels, hitherto Inactivo without physic, are, since taking Hood's Sarsaparilla quite regular, and other bodüy functtons healthful. My relatives and blenda are delighted at ray rcmarkablo ïmpruvement, and Join in givin" the highest praise to Hood's Sarsaparilla " Mks. Mary Andkess, Crawfordsville, Ind. Hood's Pilis curo all Liver Hls, BiliousHess, Jaundice, Indigestión, Slck Ueadacbe. WANT COLUMN. ihort advertisements not to exceed three Unes, or Lost or Found Houses for Sale or Reut, Wants, etc, inserted three weeks for 25 cents. Sltuations wauted. free. FOR SALE- A good family norse, carriage and haruess, will be sold together or separately. Inquire at 50 Thompson st. 61 0 ET John Robinson to clean your vaults T and you will not regret It. John always does a good job. Frlces reasonable. 60 DENTAL practice $4.000. Office furniture $50 or lesrf. Particulars, write to Dr North: geyser, N.C. 59 Qtyl f AAA SUAVES - If yon want a kp 1 vjUVJ" good shave try one of Frank Minuis' pat. (illed razor straps. For s;ile at all tirnt class drug and hardware stores. 60 SALESMEX - Energetic men vanted, Frt'tpaid outfit. One of our agents has earned over $i',000 In five year. 1'. O. Hox 1871, New York. 00 FOR SALE- Two Farms. Mrs. North's farm □ear ooont; farm and Bullock-Everett fnrm in SaK'in town. Andrew E. Gibson, 30 Mnynard streot, Auu Arbor. 6m Sale of State Tax Lands. AfDITOK liF.NER.US OFFICE. 1 Lansino, Mich., March SK, 1888. I Notice is hereby gtven that certain landi situated in tlie ('ounty of Waabtenaw bid off to the State íor taxes of 1889 and previoufl vean, and deecribed In statements wnlch wll] bereafter be forwarded to the office of the Treaaurerof said I ounty, wlll be eoldat public auetion by said Treasurer at the County Beat.on tbe fir-n Monday of Maynezt,at the time uud place deaignated for the Animal Tax Salea, if not prevloosly redeemed or canceled accoFdlng to law. Said statements oontain a full description of eacb parce! of said lauds and may be seen on appllcatioo at the office of the County Tu asurcr aftei they recelved by him. The land striick off to the ate íor tazea 1888 or otlier tbe Tax Sales Ín Ha] last. wlll be offered subject to tbe right of redemptlon prescrlbed by law. MASI.EY W. TlRNKK, 81 Auditor Oeuera . GRAND OPERA HOUSE ONE NIOHT ONLY MONDAY, APRIL 10 THE KAVORITE ROYCE AND LANSING MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY TOM'S VACATION A Sparklingr Musical Comedy. NEW MUSIC. NKW DANCES. FUNNY ACTS. BRIOBT WIT. NOVEL IDEAS. FON Kolt ALL. Laugh 2 Hours. Priees: 75c, 50e. and 35c. j Secure seat at WatU' Jewelry store. B. S. DRIGGS Maxackk ABROMA ■■KE? T3AO6 fARK mmami POSITIVELY UBES HEART DISEASE, NERVOUS PROSTRATION. Sleeplessness and all derangement of the Ndrtooi System. ünexcelled for Infants A Blesscd Boon tor Tired Mothersand Retí liabies. Purely Vegetable, guaranted free from opiates, 100 full size doses, 50c Rev. R. N. Middleton. pastor M. E. church C'edar SpriDgg, Mich., says: Slcep aud rose were straugers to me after preíichiiiK till I used "AdiroiKln." Now I sleep soundly and awako rrfreshed. and I can liciirtily reeomriH'nd ít. Prenared ly WlIKELERand FUL1.KR MED[CINEOO-, CedarSprlngs, Mlch. SOLD BY JOHJÍ MOOKE I)KÜGIST, 8 K. Hurón St.. Ann Arbor. MRS. SLOW (and easy Remarle to herfriend, MRS. (who is up QUICK, and doing,) That there is plenty of time to buy a hat befoie July. bat Mr s Quick no sooner reads the millinery ad than she is down at No. 10 E. Washington St. and selecta hei spring hat while the stock is fresh, new, and styles attractive. The prettiest line of children's hats and baby bonnets to be obtained has just arrived. Mrs. J. M. Morton Successor to SHADFORD Si CORSON. FOK RENT- 11 room house full of roonn iaiul boardt-r-;. Seating rapaoity for -I'. (ood barn In connection. Will ell or rent (lmin room furniture ehoap. Other businoss me tor BellioK. Enqulre ;tt restdeuee or i oubibb oki f ■ . MS state SCopposite Dniv.Tsity Hall. Best locntion in town. Also L'oo) yomig drlvittg horst' tor - Cl


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