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IT WILL drive the humor frop , , your systcm, and niake your skin l? w cleaoandBrnooth-ThoaeHmplesand , Blotches which mar your boa ui v ro J causeó, by IMPURE BLC ; K Thoy can be removed in a : 1 i. L ? time, if you are wise and uce ü s , great bloodpurifler, Sulphui; Eittcrs, L i I " TRY A BOTTLE TO-DAY. fe V!iy suffer -n-ith Poils? TThyrave , m with that terrible Headache ? Why il X ] v a"i toss on that bed of pain ■ j - vith RHEUMATISM? Use Sul" iiiuir Bitters. Tliey -nill cure you ', vhere all others fail. The dose is f r Email - only a toaspoonful. TRY IY i Bndyouwlllbesatlsfled. Thoyoune, ' (bos;edandtottei'ingaresoonma;li3 wellDy its use. Kemember -wliat fe yon read lior, it mnv save your Iifc. ! itliaiSAVED HUNDREDS. , If you are suffering f rom Kldney ■ ' Diseape, and vish to live to oíd a ',c, j 5 usoSulphur Bitters. They never f aii t to cure. Get it of your Druggist. ( DON'T WAIT. CET W AT ONCE. & ' 5K in "-a ! í Sulphur Bitters -n-ill cure I.iver g" ü Comp'lahit. Don't be discouraget;; K 1T WILL CURE YOU. &. Bend 3 ;-rpnt stimps to A. P. Orrtwnv & Co., Botou Mabs.( lor bet medical work puuiiebeci Ths Wcrlds Magazine of jv :u ,v 'v n uit s i out, i UNRIVALED 11 its own peculinr fielil. S.'iil fur sample copy nul you Nvill onder Iww you got ulong witiiout it. Every issue ol Oütino contatos ai !is; one complete story anda serial, together willi anieles on Cyclio? Hunto?i Fisbing, Riilirjj, aiÜOSIt .tbletics ar)J A.T)ateur Potograpby. Excellent stories In every varlety of sport aud pastime for uk-m ftnd women, girls and boys, and an abundance of good reading, give Odtino a welcome at every (5 reside. Send two cents for sample copy ló OuTiNu, 338 Fililí Av,-.. New York. OJVEÍ BNJOYS ; ooth the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasaiit ' and í-fcfreshiug to the taste, aud a! g-eutly yet proinptly on the Kidneys, i Liver and Bowels, cleanses the system effectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers aud cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever : diiced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt iu its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most ! healthy and agreeable substances, its iniuiv excellent qualitíes commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and SI bottles by all leading 1 gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept auy ; subftitute. CALIFORNIA F6 SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW VORK. N.Y. YOUR BREAD - CAN'T BE SOUR - - if you use GILLETT'S MAGIC YEAST LKL& HEVER GE7S ECONOMICAL ÜWí. Asb fot "Mniii '■■" at vour (ír i i ■'-■ Lethlm Bt;l his kiuds to other people. carters! rlLL --i3 .jekB JRE ibloa Incident to ubi lom fc t ' ■'■■ 'h tholrmort rkablomcc uuiag X.illi-3 Liver Tills ar riagnndprev !.;'' tliiannno ' ITMfo ,. itj Erenlftheyonlf Acljtlis7wot!l4blmo8tprioél3tothowhO uffirfromtUtacUitTMisii ; brftíortunatolytlioircoodDO i l'ioi-o.aiidth'i-i . icotrythomwlll Al pillBvalar..u- In o ■ ittcy wiiya ih Qot bo wiloUsickhMtl Bk && J ■ó; cl.jr.Tof : s Lhit heiotowtofi w:iil... ;r -:-.::!. ..-■ O: píllHCnieltwli Othir3.!o!irt. t:li: v-r Pil'i pro -■"-' sitaall an i vcrj i ' ' Thóy iu-oftr! ' '■ ' L"P f.snth.:. .:. Invl laatïü i ■'♦!- S"1- b;. di ogglata evaryw 1 -e, op rent by uuü. CAR EP MSCICINI CO. Mew York. SMAIL PÍLL. SMÜ.L POSE, SMAUPB1CE Unlike the Dutch Process IKo Alkalies Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of W. Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Gocoa, which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more ihan three times íhe strength oí Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economical, cosiing less ihan one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easu.t IIESTf:D. Sold by Crocers overywhero. W. Baker & Co., Dorohester , Mass. SHILOH'S CONSüiPTION CURE, 'The surceos of ihis Great Cough Cure is without a parallel m the history of medicine. All druggisis are aiuhorized to sell it on a.positive guarantee, atet thar no other cure can successfully stand. Tliat t may becomé known, the ProprietOTF, at an enormous expense, are placint; a Sa:np!e Bollle Vee into every home tu the Uniled States and Canada. If you i i Cottxh, Sore Thmat, 6r , use i:. E r it will cure you. If your child has the Ci je Wbooping Cough, use il promptly, and relief is sure. Tf you dread that insidiouü disease Lonsuraption, ue it. Ask your i imist for SUILOU'S ( .-. cis. and fi 011. If youi Langs Back laiue, ase Shüoh's Poroua Piaster, Vúc: ?- ets WO! FOB OS a fe#dayf, ftüd you vrlll bc - t :i n 1 tt theundzptcted succes tlïtit wlll reward your efforta We pecltiveh liavethebest busiiif'S to offer ua agent tl :it can bc fbunrt al thla earth. 845.00 n-i(iü oi S;." ■■'■■ ..oviïi ■fbndneu ■ being ím-,: uw ■ py and pal f pueu, ".- ■ ■ ■ i! our employ. You can malee ■.: ■ in I rork for us than you havd any idea of. I - io e:iv to l.;ini. : ■ thal uil succeed in the I ir lio take luilcl of the business ri-u itage tliat artpwfl from tlie ■ !■! ]■:■■ ■ . ■■ uut of tltoldett, most bucc ■:■!.. Oiins houses in America. Scni theprofitd thal thebunine - foi 'a lil mid - i ■ -:J - . Al', beginner succeed grundly, nnd more tliau their rpectaCiODS. ïhofe who try ii Bod exacth na we teil them. There la plent; (pf room for :i few more workers, umi we urgi tnemto begin ai once. U you are aireadv emplovcd, luit have ;i [pw inoiiients, and wiah to use them iu advantage, then wiiteua at ïe (for this is vour Lri:iuil oppurtunity)i and n full partlciilara by return mail. Aiidre, TKl'E & CO., BOX So. ! ikii.-I;i. Mi-. n&!LDIEFFENBACH'S yf3TO PROTAGON CAPSULES &m)M ure Cure for Weak Men, aa $nF ak proved by reportaof leadinfrph &ff's%l siciaiii. tí tut e age in urdenn fl flFfi) qK ö'Price, SI. l'utalojrut Fre. Pfll B d'A O A A safe and sK,'e1j ftH llWH cure lur if"t. lB I iU IA 1m S(i l( ture and all fiej U unnaturn! disebarues. PnceM. ÏÏWF ÁREEKSPECIFICb'ÍOoÍ] cIooh Sores aniS iihllitlc Afi'ectloni wita out niercury. Prloe, # irder fram THE PERÚ DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. 4& __18_Ww)niii Street, MILWAPKEE. WIS, Nervejj5. Blood WvKuV desrriptive &v.HJ&LHrl " puiiiphlet, ËURED.1 but Tho PKEKLESS ASVHMA REMEDV a,ve iiuttnt r Jlef 2Ec and SOc slies. 8 mailed f ree. Atdruci te or uiailed ott reoeipt ol prio byThe Peerless Romsdy Co.,GolleTille, ïliiii


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