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On Ihe 28th resolutions for the electlon of ofnceri of the senate- W. R. Cox, of North Carolina, as secretary; Richard J. Bright, of ndiana, as sergeant-at-arms, and Rev. Mr. Hilburn as chaplain- wen; prescnted, but action was postponed. A resolution was offercd lirectin? the commlttee on privileges and elections to investígate the allegations of criminal embezzloraent ajrainst Senator Roach. of North Dakota, and to report the facts, and what the duty of the senate is in relation thercto. Thk senate on the 3Oth conllrmed the nomtnations previously sent in ly the president The nomination of Herman Stump, of Maryland, to be superintendent of immigration. vice William D. Owen, resigned, was received The report of the committce en privileges and election in favor of seating the three senators appointed by the governors of the states of Montana. Wyoming and Washington was discusseil, but no action was taken. Discussion over the seating of three western senators was resumed in the senate on the 3üth uit., but no action was taken. The following nominations were reeeivod from the president: Thoma F. Bayard, of Delaware, to be ambassador to England: J. D. Poner, of Tennessec, minister to Chili: James A. McKenzie, ofKentucky, to Peru; Lewi Baker, of Minne sota, to Nicaragua; Pirrce M. B. Youne, of Georgia, to Guatemala; Rdwin Dun to Japan; John M. Reynolds, of Pennsylvania, to be - sistant secretary of the interior; Lawrenoe Maxwell, Jr., of Onio, to b ollcitor general; John I Hall, of 0 infla, te be assistant altorney generaL Adjourned to April 'Í DOMESTIC. A 8TND1CATK headed by Charle R. Flint has puiehased the New York Times for $950.000. The Elm Park Methodist Episcopal church at Scranton, Pa., wasdestrojed by fire, a loss of $125,000; insurance, 930,000. 1 a fight between moonshiners near Danrille, Ky., Dick Crowder shot and killed James Meader and John Harp. The stables belonjrinjj to John Teneyck near Leadyille, Col., vrere burned, and 'twenty-fire imported draf t horses were cremated. Horacs O'Donoohue, aed 48, a wealthy Chicago publisher, killed himself with a razor while temporarily insane. Ihic house of Oliver Sanders near Neillsville, Wis., was burned, and Mr. Sanders and two of his chüdren perished In the Dames. Two families, eonsisting1 of Acy Harlowe and wife and Peter Wolfrey and wife, were foullj raurdered at their home in Cooper county, Mo. The Choctaw feud resulted in a desperate encounter at Antlers, 1. J, in which ten persons were killed and fifteen others were wounded. ATtheannual meeting in Boston of the Ainerican Bell Telephone company the report showed net earningsof $3,411,674 the past year, asainst $3,120.819 the previous year, and $2,869,418, in 1890. The breaking of the great ice {jorge in the Delaware river at Washington's Crossing, N. J., and the consequent subsidinc of the water on the farm [ands alontr the Delaware caused a loss of 81.000,000. Edward Sterrett, a physician at Auburn, rveb., shot lus wife because she had left him and tliem killed himself. Barxey McBadden, a rainer living near Seranton, Pa., murdered his wife and child and then escaped. No cause was known. R. Irvino Latimkr, who escaped frora the Jacltson (Mich.) prison after fatally poisoninfj Keeper Haight. was captured at Jerome and returned to the prison. Krank Nicolin, a miller at Jordán, Minn., failed ior 120,000. A ncmbcr of business houses at Mont Eagle, Tenn., including the post office, were totally destrojred by fire. The boiler at the Conrad stone quarry in Franklin county. Ala., exploded, and John Burfield, James Ferpuson and Crockett Gray were killed. A. R. JSutton, a liquor dealer at Louis ville, Ky.. was charped vvith forginsr whisky warehouse receipts to the exteut of 8200,000. A gang of counterfeiters was discovered plying their trade in the state penitentiary at Little Rock, Ark. Stephen O. ükoadwell died in the prison hospital in New York. He was one of the most dangerous and skillful counterfeiters and forgers in the United States. Ai.FiiKD de Ore, the Cubiau expert, in the touinament at Syracnse, N. Y., snstained his claim tothetitle of chatnpion pool player of the world. G. II. Hiiward, a pedestrian, left Englewood, 111., for Buena Vista, Col., in an atterapt to cover the distanee, 1,020 miles, in twenty-seveu days. The C'lifton house, a popular slimmer resort on the Clifton shore of Marbleheai'., Mass., was burned b.y an incendiurv. It was statod that the president would cali an extra session of conffress to dispose of the tariff questior. No deflnite time had been set, but he session would begin either in September or October. Miss Lii.lie Johnson, who was indicted at Memphis, Tenn., as accessory to the murder of Freda Ward by Alice Mitchell, was diseharged, there being no evidence against her. Miss Mitchell is stilt in the insane asylura. Over 1,000 families were in destitute circumstances in De Soto, Bolívar, Sunflower and Coahoama counties in Tennessee owing to the recent cy clone. A FIRE in the shops of the prison at Auburn, X. Y., caused a loss of 8100,000. Coxb's iron coal breaker at Oneida, Pa., burned, the loss being 8200,000. The structure was the only one of its kind ever built. A i.arge part of the business portion of Toronto, Kan., was destroyed by fire. Charles F. Tomks, local manager at Buffalo, N. Y., for the American Preserves eompany. disappeared, leaving 1 etter that he is a defaulter to the extent of S'20.000. Wii.i.iam P. Iírooke & Co., dealers in f urn ture and carpets in Boston, failed for 8100.00Ü llKNKY Ii.av Swain, cashier of the Second national bank of Washington, D. C, was bui'ned to a crisn while endeavDriug1 to control a meadow tire at Sea Isle, N. J. The Kdison Mutual Teleffi'aph corapany, with 500 mili's of whv, fniin Kdison, Jlich., lo Middletown, O., and frora Van WVrt, o, to Fort Wayne, Ind. , lias boen absorbed by the Western L'nion eomoanv. Wmr.K temporarilj ínsaue VYilliain Reynolds sliot and killed his frieud, M. V. Kelly, ia Nevc York, and then killed liimself. J. iM. IIknkro. of (iladstone, Ia., is charfjed by his wife with liavinjf four other wivos when he married her one ycar afjo. Kenfro's wliereabouts are unknown. A o re at prairie tire was raginpc at Culbertson, Neb., and vicinit}-. The wbole valley between Trenton and Culbertson had been burned over and tnuch stock had perished. Tuk last of the 5,00u,000 world's fair souvenir half dollars have been struck off at the mint in Philadeiphia. John Hii.l-, a boy sentenced to be lianged April 14 at Camden, N. J., has confessed to the murder of Joseph Dodaoa Enoijjeer Wilmaii Okay was killed and Fireraan Lewis Mitchell fatally injured in a wreek on the Georgia Pacific at Waco, Ala. The Doxie music hall and theater at Anderson, Ind., was burned, the loss being 3100,000. Frank I.onii, a Cincinnati gas fitter 28 years of age, who had not been living with his wife for the last six months, went to her home and cut her throat and then took his own life in the same manner. Ax incendiary burned about half of the town of McComb, O. Loss, 100,000. 'i'iíRKE dones contamina six nshermen were wrecked near Provincetown, Mass., and the men were drowned. 1t is said that the maple sujjar output in Michigan this season will be triple that of last year. Navisatioíc oa Lake Erie between Cleveland and the head of the lake is open. Impeachmknt proceedinffs wero begun in the Nebraska lefjislature against J. G. Allen, secretary of state; A. B. Humphrey, commissioner oí public lands and buildings; G. H. Mastines, attorney general, and J. T. Hiil, extreasurer of the state. They are charged with failing to prevent systematic plundering of the state by codtractors. A BUII.DINO in Kansas City, Ma, occupied by the Campbell Paint & Glass company was partiall.y destroyed by fire with its contenta, the loss beinj? $100,000. Nearlt everj western railway president has issued stringent orders apainst the issuance of free passenger transportation after April 1. The orders are all alike, and forbid the issuance of free transportatlon and the tion oí any aireaay íssuea. Thk exchanges at the leading clearing honses in the United States during the week ended on the 31st uit. affffregated $1,050,808,539, against $1,227,224,418 the previous week. Tho decrease as compared with the correspondinjf week of 1892 was 3. 1. Thiktken buildings were destroyed by fire at Walnut Ridge, Ark., the loss beinir $109,000. A maa and achild perished in the ñames. IB the United States during theeven days ended on the ölst the business failures numbered 194, against 243 the preceding week and 218 for the eorrespondiu(f time last year. The failures during the flrst three months of the present year number 3,069, against 3,207 during the same time last year. Admiral GnrcRARDi. with the Philadelphia, Baltimore, Yorktown, Vesuvius and Cushing, arrived at Fortress Monroe. Thk American Stove and Cooperare company wa incorporated with a capital stock of $4,000,000 at Trenton, N. J. The company proposes to control the manufacture of whisky and drug casks and barrels. Wn.T.iAii Blujíck, aged 14, and John T. Luviene, aged 15, were each sentenced in Chicago to forty years' imprisonment for the murder of Albert Eckroth. The new Columbus stamped envelopes were placed on sale in Washington for the first time. The stamped ïnipi e.ssion is ui uie bamc luiur as uiu Colnmbian adhesive stamp, but the design represents an eagle with outStretclvd wings and open mouth. The Electric compu iy's plant at McKeesport, I'a.. was touilly destroyed by fire, the loss being Hoo.000. Thomas G. oí Ferruson, Mo., and Wil! L. Sacbtleben, of Alton, 111., rolled into St. Louis on their bieyeles, haring compleled a tour of tlie world in Chree years. Tuk Ainarican Press, an org-ani.:ition for the gathering and disseroination of aews, Bied anieles of iucorporation at Trentoo, N. J. ïhe capital .NtOl-K ' ,000. 'iiu; Uwn Dl Ualcna, M il., containing i 8UÜ inhabitants, was destioyed by lire. I A TBA1M on the Denver A l'.io Grande road was ditched nc:ir Lt'ailville, Col., by the rails gpreading and seventeen persons ivitc injured. VV. C. Kii'pey, the old man who shot John V. Mackay iu Ban Francisco and shot hiinself, been iudicted by the grand jury for assar.H with intent to commit mulder. Thk Rock Island railway ('ischarged twenty-seven emplóves at Peoria, 111., for visilinjr saloons during working hours. Skcretary Cari.isi.e has announced that no one who has heen discharged from the treasury department will be resto ruil. The original drafts of the decl-iration of indepenence uu 1 the eonstitution of the United States will not be seut to the world's fair, Secretary (ireshara having decided that the risk is too great. A SNOWSI.IDE near Durungo, Col., buried two men uudr thonsand.s of tons of snow. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Tuk Massachnsetts socialist in stato convention in lloston noininated Patriek F. O'Neil, of Boston, for ffoveruor. The funeral of the late Ëlliott F'. Shepard took place from the Fifth Arenue Presbyterian church in New York. The deraocrats at Flint, Mich., have nominated Mrs. George W. Hnbbard, a well-known and popular social leader, for school trustee. Her opponent on the republiean ticket is her lmsband, a leading merchant. E. D. FjlBNSWORTH, ex-grand sire of the grand lodge of odd fellows in the United States, died in San Francisco, aged 75. .lom: .. Woods, aged 7?., a wellknown bunker ind philanthropist of Cleveland, )., died at Augusta. Oa., where lie iiad (tone for the benefit of his bealth. I!k. Georse B. Hi.iss. D. D., professor of liiblical theology at Croser theolog-ical seminary, died at Chester, Pa., aged T7 y e ars. Ckx. E. Kirbv Smii h, tlie last of the fiill ex-eonfederate peñeráis, died at his home in Se anee, Tenn., in his 69th voar JNATHAH BTHAWir, ot Lrawtord county, Ind., eelebrated his lülst birthday. JoSKPfl Tavkn'oh, (0 yeara old, died at Kalnvay, N. J. He was more than 6 feet hirh and weijfhed 526 pounds. Dr. Henkv Carr Hor.vkndy died at Montezuma, Ga. He was one of the oldest and best known lïaptist. clergymen in the south. Thk Pennsylvania state repuWican convention will be held at Harrisburg1 August 30. Wili.iam Patrick, aped 80, died in Denver, Col. Mr. Patrick was one of the committee of safety appointed bv President Lincoln during the war to keep Missouri in the union. "Mothir" Toquin, one of the oldest Pottawatamie squaw in southern Michigan, died in Van Buren county, aged over 100 years. Georoe Washington Lcsk, a preacher and one of the best-known colored men ia Kentucky, died in Lexington at the ase of 98 years. Ge. Hiram liKKDAjf. of New York. inventor of the famous Herdan ionjjrange torpedo and rifle, died suddenly at the Metropolitan club in Washington. FORE1QN. A BATTi.r. near Tatumbia, Honduras, resulted in the defeat of ihe (joTernmeiit troops with a loss of more than 100. Nearly one-fifth of the revolutionary soldiers were slaujfhtered and lifter the battle the bodies of all tha men found on the field were collecUsd in a heap and burned. It was stated in an official report that on an average 150 new cases of cholera and fifty rieaths from the disease were reported every week in tha gTrnment of Podolia, Russla. Thk mining town of Kaerten, Germanr, was destroyed by fire, and fifteen persons perished in the flames. Choi.eka has broken out at Za'osce, Austria, and sereral deaths from the disease were reported. Thk entire French cabinet resigned becaiise the chamber TOted to retain the hquor law aniemlmcnt bul as a part of the budget The greater part of the arsenal in Lille, France, was burned, tlie loss beinp 1,000.000 francs. Macmanus & Sons, bankers of Chihuahua, hare suspended, with liabilities of 51, 000, 000. The cause of the suspension was land and ïnininjj speculations. Thomas M. Nkwsox. of St. Paul, United States consul at Malag-a, Spain, died at Malaga of smallpox, aged 62 years. The attempt of rerolutionists to overthrow ihe governraent of Costa Rica has been suppre-ssed. LATER. Thb British barkentine Maggi Thompson, f rom Sapua for the Delaware breakwater, sixty-two days out, and the Portuguese bark Faro, from Philadelphia for Faro, Portugal, 123 days out, were, with their crew of thirteen men each, giren up as lost. The cigarette factory of William Duke & Son in New York was burned, the loss being $435,003. Four blocks of storehouses and residences, comprising the principal part of Clarksville, Va., were destroyed by fire and two colored men were burned to death. Hlaxchk Kkister and Maggie IHair were drowned at Butler, Pa., by the upsetting of a boat Mkí. Philip Klink and two children dieil at Lima, O . from the effects of poiaou obtained in eating pies made from preparetl pie fruits. A BOILRH explosión at Lacona. la., kille.l Ueni-y McKinuess and his three sous. Li' to date tlic reeeiptsfor the world'a faií were 1T,496,48)J and the expenses were 'i. ieaving a balance on hand of $787.000.. AuviCKS from ''minina say that 500,000 persons m tUe Cauca val le j were on the brink of sttírvatíon. Ar Seabiuce, Austria, a house occüpie '. by two families of six persons i'ach ivus entereu by burilara and all the in matea were killed and. all properiy '-t vulue carrieil oiï. '1 iu: I usine&a portion of Bardolph, ill.. ivm destroyed by Bre. Uv the oveituvnlnjf of a sailboat on Lake Ponchartrain. near New Orleans, four persona - M va Mary A. Kelly, Misa Agües and Mamie Flynu, lier nicces, rml Miss Effie Kelly - were drowned. Fxkk destroyed the Ilijrg-iiis house at Bradford, Pa., and Uve Uves were lost and bwenty-two persona were Injui-ed. : '1'hk carelessuessof a uiiner in til liughis lamp in the flope of the Neilson shaft at Sha nokin. Pa., caused a tire by which ten men lost their lives. A FIRE at Manila, Philippine Islands, destroyed 4,000 houses and &ome lives were lost. C. h. Krissing, of Pittsburg-h, Pa., has received a legacy of $12,000 f rom a t-amp to w.iom he gave a meal some time aa The public debt statement shows a decrease during the month of March oí 1,956,178. Joe Jbffersos's beautiful villa, Crow's Nest, was destroyed by fire at Buzzard's Bay, Mass., the loss being ? 130, 000. Heien McGrath, the cook, erished in the flames.


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