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Spring 01 all seaaons '.u tiie year, la the one tor niaklng radical duangea in regard .ilt ii. Ihn-ing the winter, the m becomee too a certadn exteut -.1! with waste, and the biood loaded wiili inipurities, i .iig to back af exercise, cliose oonSJnementTji poorly ventilated stiops and homes, and oiht-r causes. llhLs.lB tbe cause uf the dall, slugglah, tiiled l'eeümg' go general at thi seasun, mul wli.irji mutrt be uvcrcomc, or the bealth niay be untirely broken down. Hood's Seunaaparllla lias attaioed tlie greoitest populaiity all over the country as aa Vb i [avoríte Spring Medicine. It expels tiiie acctunulfkttCMD of Impurt tlee tluuug-h the bowete, tWneye, liver, lusgB and skin, gives to tlhe blood lile purlt.v and iualiiy nrrcssary to good beadtti and overcomea that tlred CeeUng. For tfae D. 01' M. spring vacatlon, tlhe T., A. A. i N. M. Ify make rate of one and one-t(hird tare for round trip to all points in tbe Michigan and Oenbral Traffij As.sociatioii Territory. 'HLkets to be old studente 011 preMntwtikn of tbe proper certtflcatea of QMniDenbL'p, on April 13th, 14th and 15tb. Limited to return until April 25tlli, 1898. For tlhe Odd Fellows Celebración at Grand Kapjds, April 2Ctih, tlie T., A. A. it N. M. Ify wiill make ratesxf one and onvtUi!rd faro tot the round trip. Tickets to be sold April 25t'h, li'miU'd to return April 27th, 189:!. R. B. ÜKEEXWOOD. Agent. Y. II . BBNNETT, O. I'. A. Lane's Medicine Moves the Borrels Each Day.- In order to be healthy this is necessarv. Hood's Cures Vrank C. Stanrt. Marshall, Mich. A Business Man's Letter Creat Prejudice Overeóme Intense Mlsery wlth Dyspepsia - No Help From Physlcians, but HOOD'S CUKED. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: " I have been leu to aduress jou írom a deep sense of gratitude for the great benefit I have received from Hood's Sarsaparilla. "For twenty years I have been a constant sufterer from dyspepsia. Havo spent njjany hundreds of dollars for medicine, Wlth at best onlv temporary relief. I have always been an invetérate enemy to patent medicines. Butnow in my home Hood's Sarsaparilla has A Hearty Welcome. " Those who have not been afflicted with dyspepsia, have no conception of tlie misery I cnendured, and those that have need no descrlption of the horrors of the unfortunate dyspeptic. " Thls is why I changed my mind In regard to patent medicines: An old filend had been afflicted formany years with dyspepsia, and for a few montlis I noticed that lio had been wonderfully improvlng. I ascertained that the great change had been wholly wrought by the use of Hood's Sarsaparllla. He advised me to try it by ;t 11 means.' but the idea of me taking ' patent medicine ' was a very bitter plll to swallow. But urged by my great stifferings to do somethlng, I finally yielded and began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla I am uow using my fourth bottle, and feel better tlian I have in twenty years, and conslder myself cured. Use this statement as you picase. I have been in constant business here over 40 years." Fuaxk c. Stuakt, Manhall, Mich. Hood's Pilis act easily, yet promptly and efflciently, on the liver and bowels. 25 cents. THE NEXT MÓr'nÏnG I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND M Y COMPLEX ION IS BETTER. ily dortor says it acta gently on the stoinaoh, llver and kidnev. and is a pleiuant laxallve. This drink is male from herhs. and is prepared for U59 aseasily as tra. Iliscalled LAÑES MEDICINE Alldru2ffiHtHellitat.50c. and$l apackage. If you oannot gft it, send your for a free flampl.'. Lanc's Family Medicine morel the hom ! eaoh day. In order tu be halthy thlsta neresaarv Addreaa UIIATOKF. WUOUWAEH, Lk Roy. N.Y. ÏSOTICB in ( Yi )! PORS. QTATE OF H1CHIG .V ( ountjr of W. 0 1!. Notlce N hereby given,tha1 bj au order of the Probate Court for tho Countj oí Wasti twenty-sevcnth day of February, A. D , IÍW3. six months trom tbat date wen lowed i":' creditors to present their claims ol Wllfiam Burnham, ! sald l onnty, deceased, and tbat all credit i said deceased ure requlred ti present l to Bald Probate Court, ut tho l'robate Ofnceiu thedt of Ann Arbor, for examinatlon and allowance, ou or before the twemyelghtti (;u of lugust, next, and ihai such claims will be heard before ijaid i ourt. ou the twentyi day of May and on the twenty-eighth day oí August, next, at ten o'clock in the forenooii of each oí aid Hnyfl Dated, Ann Arbor. Fe'ruary -JT. A. D. 1J. Wil IBITT, Judge of Probate. Noticb to Ch:::;:t CTATE OF MICHIGAN, County oí Wasbleek huw. ss. Ntoti e Is hereby Elven, tlnit by an orderof the Probate Court for tho Uounty of Washtenaw, made on the liftli da; of December, A. I)., i oionths from tiutt date were allowed for creditors to present thelr claims agalust the estáte of arollne Jí. Chapín, late of said county deceased, and that all creditors ui said deceased are requlred to present their claims lo -Miii Probate Court, at the Probate Office in tlie city of Ann Arbor, for exaniinatiou aud allowanoe, on or before the fiftb day of Juno noxt.and that such clftims will be heard bofore said Court, on the sixth day of Miirch and ou the flfth day of June next. at ten o'clock iu the forenoon of eaeh 11' said Dated, Ann Arbor, Dee. Bth.A. 1'. 1893. J. WILLARD BABBITT. Judse of Probate. COM.MISSIOXIRS' XOTICE. STATE OF MICHIGAN', County of Washteaaw. The undersitrned havlns boon aipointed by the Prolmti' Court for sald County, Commlssloners t. v io. examine and adjust all claims and demanda of all persous against the estáte of Henry Tower. late of said county deceased, hereby glve notlce that six months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditirs to present their claims against the estáte oí said deceased, aud that they will meet at the office of Thompson, Ilarriina'n & Thompson in the city of Ann Arbor, in gaid county, ou the twenty-third day of .1 une aud on the twenty-third 'day of September next, at ten o'clock a. in. of each of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said e! afm B. Dated. March 23. 1898. KsTATE OF Jk.NNIK X. BüNNBTT. STATE OK MICHIUAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of tlie l'robate court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at Probate Office, iu the City of Ann Arbor, on Saturday. the first day of April, iu the vear one thousaud elght hundred and ninety-three. Present, J. Wlllard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Jennie N. Beunett, deceased. On reading and filiug the petltion, duly verified of Frank Beuuett, praying that he may be Uoensed to sell the Keal Estáte whereof said deceased died seized. Tiiereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, the second day of Mav next, at ten o'clock iu the forenoon, be asstened for tlie hearing of said petltion, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persous interested ín said estáte, are reqnlred to appear at a sessiou of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if auy there be, why the prayer of the petltloner should uot be'granted: And it is turther ordered, that said petitiouer give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petitiou, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published In the Ann Arbor Courier, a newspaper printed and circulated in said County, tnree successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, (Atruecopy) Jcdge of Phobate. W. G. Doty. Probate Register. Iïotick CiiANcEUY Bale. IN ÏTHSUANCE and by vlrtue of au order and doeree of the Circuit Court for the 1 iiunty of Wasntenaw, in cnancery, in the state ol' Michigau made. dated and c'nteied ou the elevnith day of Februaiy( A. 1.. I898,in a certaln cause thereln pending, wherein Kobert Cuthbert i eomplafnant, and Samuel N. House. Eliza House, Charles I!. Manly.Izora Manly and James Tolbort, are defendants. Notice is hereby iriven that I shall sell at public auctlOD to the hlghest bidder, at tho oast front door of the Court House, iu the City of Ann Arbor, in said County ui Washtenaw aud State of Michigan, said Court House beins the place for holding the circuit court lor said County, ou Friday, tho tweuty-eigbth day of April. A. D., isu:!.at teu o'clock in tho forenoon to ralse the amount due to said eomplaiuant fo principal, interest and costs in this cause, all of the followlng deseribed piece or parcel of land, to wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land situated iu the city and town of Ann Arbor iu the County of washtenaw and State of Michigan, kuown. bouuded and descrlbed as follows, to wit: Comxnencing at the east quarter post of section twenty-one (21) in town twoc.!) BOUth, range six (C) east thence west along the east and west quarter line leventeen i it cbaine and eighty-eight aud oue-half (8U) links to tlie southwest corner of John ruller's land. thence north twenty-rive (SB' i west along said Fuller'i west liue seven (7) chalns and twenty (SO) links to the BOUtheast side of the Dixboro Koad, theuce south fifty six (légreos (58") west along tho SOUtheaat sido of said road about six dii chalns to Spencer Lemon's land.thenoe south twoutythree degrees (2:j-') and fifty minutes (.W) east three (8) ohalns and twenty-nlne (29) links to theeast and west quarter line, theiiee south parallel with the north and south quaiter liue three (8) chalns and liity (50) links, thence Bast parallel with the oast and west quarterline flve (fl) ohalns and seventy (Tin links. thence south parallel with the uorth aud south quarter liue two() chalns and seventy-flve (75) links, thence east parallel to tlie east aud west quarter line Beventeen (17) chains and elghty-eight and one-hali (88) links to the east line ut' said soetion. thence north along Bald section line six (8) chaina and twenty-flvo (25) links to the place of beginning coutalnlng sixteeu aud one-fifth acres of land more or Ie". Said sale will bc made in aceordanee with the terme of said decree. Dated Ann Arbor, Michigan, thia Hth dav of March, A. D. 1SU3. l'ATRKJK McKEllNAN. Circuit Court Commlsslonèr in aud for Washtenaw County, Michigan. Solicitor for Comulainant. 16ór-ljtï JAY. C. TAYL-OR, Tenor Soloist - ANI;- '.:.'."' ;■■': Tea-cliex of tixe "Voice. Studio, 51 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. Cabinét IPhotOs $1.00 FOR 10 DAYS AT ik: e l Xj -zr s


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Ann Arbor Courier