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W.iil eease bave haken op their Jouroey noriüi ward. Snakes are out., and bo are Mie ante, luit ■ ncil t are v 'i-y active. The naercury roöe In :!■ ilay last u-cvk ii ■om i" bo 80 degrees. And nAv Frank claims the :.l appellation f tattoer. A glrl. The i.enmie o' bhe M .E. oimrch nieets I'i.!:iy, at 1 ii'i-'.nck p. 11). Ccoine Harken lias sold h'.s saloon OU X. il;i,::i si., bo Win. St ieitb-iiiei-T a.inl (e:. MaBt. The Missionary COlleCtiOt) laken ap on Sunday by the M. E. Sunilay lol, .■uumintccl Ui iivit $76. The rii-cuit COUTt wlll eonvene next Tuesday. Apiil 17 TÏH6 jury a askcil tu be ín - al the sanie mie. Tíií irossinü' at the junctUin oi Detroil a.nd lïeakcs sts., re.'ently put in. wiil 1h' e greal accommodatlon to pedestfjlaoe. Our inaikct is uuw gupplted wilh tUve lariii-st and musí ilelii-imis oranges .■ver ÊÉhilpped from Florida, onc of tlicm iiKiasuriniï 11 by 12 in:-lws. Tlie heavcne were a brilliant sight I ; i t Friöay ni.iihi n the storm, being ligihted np ly a mase oí electrlc liuiit. iiunmonly called sheet liti'h t niiiü'. Geor.iie Kalnibac'h, WbO has lie n witlh Mw A. A. St. Ry, is now of Cornwell & Co's paper mUI at l'osters. There are plenty of tont motors reaily in b;d iipon ühB niain sewer to be coiisirmied bere Unte suuimer. The city inu;ht lbo be ablf tO g0t the work done i-easünab]y 11(1 well. The fruit prospecte up to the present time iire wiid to Ik.' excellent. From ïiow uait.M about June Ist is a critibal pcriod, ;iio wever, and Jack Frost is liable to spoil it all. at any time. Tht' eity clerk's business has always been all tiiat toe ocrald reaaonably do, vi;i 1' (íi-eatly a uunicntcd t'nis year by the sewer conctnict.iöni. If hc doesn'1 earn h:s iltrtle $800 it win be a cautaon, A ( íielsca ((irrcspondcnl. of 1 he Armn-wf ari' part irular to state our autJiorJty - elaiins that lawyer A. J. of A un ArlKr. "has beeome unhoaiest furiner." Are tliere any reniiarks '.' If not we will ireoeeI with Hallot.- Adrián Pivss. Yon can count ap tic votes ut you desiro to, bilt you will fnid it IHWUlitOOU; From all over t.lie ooimty comes the i-omplaint that nevi-r iK'fori' has there lieeai so many ballOtB tünrown out ior beling ijnproperly marked Br not inaikeci at all. The present luw is mt what it should lie. Instead of helpiiiiT to puiïl'y the ballot it lnlps lo disfraiH h'.-i' peojile. (iivo ns the puro Au.straliau law, 0T iro baik to the oll law. Wbrkmen are repairhiK tlie broken dam of tlie Arjïo Mills. MUs Mat t ie OttO IB a new Clerk in S.hnircr & Millen's toro. TUve Jicw State Sartniis liank rercivc.l s:!0,000 on depoolt th' lirsi 'weck. The Jh-ant ehild of Cii.v Clerk t.he rite al baptism at the l're.-byterian ehurch last Sunday a. m. Mre. I!. M. 'I 'ii'umpson lias been ehosem iiri'.-iiVm oí Laaie's AJd Society oí St. Andrew's church. and Miss Alm ir Condón. se i-etarv. Tlve new oaab and package carrier in S i!airer & Mül"ii's store is a thoroimïily business impi ovenient. It "gBta tbetre" very time The naÜue ol last Kridny and Saturdaygave all vegetattfaai a greal start. Many icav tiiai it woutd have been i ■!, i er ilüwl the start u;t been made go soon. Some h' the mi'ss meo oí Ypslanti pi. po-es t bore a msw mineral we!] and start a new bath house, and run it on busne-s principies. Tliat Ie business. propihetB nr:1 predfcting a late. colil. wet and U'iipleasant spring. 8u li leitiU' tile case Hiere may pei'haps be some show tor the oppostte. T'l-iophets seldoni jirei! -t liuht. IyOUis .1. I.iesciner. i'oini'rly of the Wasli'ciiaw Tost. has purehaxed t lie .eiluim-, at Liuisinir, and Avill make a peper out of it tiiat wlll bc wanted ail over 1he state by the Germ.ans. If tule rnivetsity S liool of Musiiliad a i: il.' iniililinii of it.s owii, tliat ía.l alone would be wortb 100 new 8tu3ente, easiiy. Hiere ouuiit to be siiM". ient eapital and enterprise liere t bliüd one. Subseriptions for the proposcl Y. M. 0. A. building are not coniing in tus rapUöiy as ühey ougbt. This Is on object ffluat deeerves every good citizen's Ihearty and warm support. Help save öhte boys. T1h lad:es of tHie "W. R. O., who devateia. ureat deal of tllucir time and all tibe moray they oam get hoiil of to wortliy i h ai-i tv, will hold a oampíirc On lii.' evenin.ii H' April 1 Ttli, and it ougtot to be weil attentded. At the recent nuniuai rneetmtc of Ihe Auxiliary of St. Andrew's cburen, at Harrife Hall, Mrs. l'almer was elected preailden'l ; Mrs. e. S. Milieu, vloe p.-(.s:i'ent : Mrs. A. A. Stanley, .-.enetary : Mrs. Jludson treasurer. Some t.inie in May. tile ( onnty ínteriMinHnnal Sunuay SdhOOl A.8BO■: il ion are planning Jor a grand rally % tíbÚB Clfcy. Kver.v Siwiitay Srlmol bea her aud acJbjOlair to the couñty wiil interesi.-d in t.ais aniioun -enii'tit. i:i Frame boase removed this week th.e eornor of s. División ar. 1 WJlllam ,-ts.. was buill "1 years tcgo by Mr. Cliïas. Spoor, of tliis city, Mr. N. .1. ivlin h.:s piarchased the property, :is to build bWO liouses apon it.- Dein.; .-rat. The !lolli.w!iti ]iara.urapli fi-oin the YYYekly r,eiii;:n',e]-, lasued every Simda.v Dor the M. E. cïMiTCh servitee, iiiiiiit to be appre ia bed : '"Those wllo lontriliUte lillltons tO OUT SUUilay eiille.-f.ous wlll please h'reafter ate ) Pu: ii thr ganmecte to whlch the buttons belong." Gospel meetings aandcr the auspl es Uhie ' in -Man Allian-e. OOnduCted by Etev. .1. E. Steriinii, at tiue s. ('. A. huildiii.u'. r.e.u'.jinini; Monday atternonu. A pi il 1 Tili. and eont inuinii every öiternooo and evealng at 3 and 7:80 8tt.tu.rday, April 22d, "'J3. All are in vit cd. Jay ('. Taylor, tenor BOlotet, lias opened a studio at No. 61 S. Main st.. and Ie prepared to give lessons i.n voico culture. Mr. Taylor luis i;aiii ed cnsideral!e .ftklUC t liroiifihout tlie country fw hiïa exoeUen.1 sinninu;, but bfeyg de-idvd to settie down in Atm Arbor, hts oll home, and reinaiu her periiisuiently. Th funeral oí lOdw.uil Clan.-ey, who diied at ttvls botne on Lawremce st., on TUiursday last, was held at St. Thom;is' elnweh on FrMiay a. in., and the remains interreil in St. Tilomas eeinetery Mr. Clfiincey WM Ihhii in 1810, in Tipperary, h-eland, imt came to tihis country wiien three years old. settling in tih.s coinity a few ymirs later, where h,r has liveil ever sinee. There OOlghi to !■ a line, haniU'inie Boldier'.s monument erected in the center of the olil eemetery ]Kirk, and that pteoe oí iïroumi preserved forever saered to the mriiiory oí the dead. 'l'h-ere ough't to 1h' suííirieut patriotISBQ in tlliis thrivinu city, and sufticieiit love amonK our cl tl ene for the many hoye Who went from here. irom '61 to '(."), and wh.o never i'eturned, but who lie to-ilay in soutliern soil, t erect to their niemory a lo'autiful monument. Tíldese soivs, and brothers, and lmsbamk, and fafJiers. ave. tip lives tlvat tlUis might live; oughi ■we mot, as a. loyal commmiity, to t'heeriully ííiv' up a few dollars to perpetiuate their memory, and to tel] ihr story of t.hedr patriotii?in and nobility to OUT chnldren umi our (dnldren'K c'hildren V Think it over. oiiüln we not '.' And what more ïitttqg plaee for siu-h a monument than thiis park, whieh was once the home of the itead '.' The "W. C. T. r. raeete at Ha HiUl to-morrow, iat 3 p. m. James I,. Balx'ock wijl build a iww lieden ■■ apon bta tot al tbc corner of 8. MUlïl uiil Williain - -. 'I'ii!' unión ïi'viv.-il meetings ;it Yp.silauti are lieinti wel! att ■ndcd, and ina.ny a re Im-:iiií viiiivi-i'l'il ui;i better liiite. TheooDcerl gjven iiy the Chequtwnetiniis hetore the tnl&ntl League Monday 'vt']]in,ii, was very ïnu-h enjoyed ly tliose present. The Fo-urth ChaiiiivT Concert wil! be lil'ven Thursilay evaning, April 18, 'il New herry Hall by t i Milwaukoe Trto. Admteelon 60 cemita. The iiii-ty of llttle mi-ss known ae Üb L. 8. ('.. made $64 by thcir ehnrity 'fair rcccutly held at the residen. -e OÍ Mr.-. Victoria Morris. One oí the wüiiiut trees In the grove in-ar 'in-i-ii i.-ui Eberbach'a resldence on Packard st., was gtruck by Uglh'tinVng :n the .-■t.orin o: tós1 l'riday n i glit. ThiTc iiiüiiit in be au ordloance prohiWtiag tfae imiviim' f nid buildings taiToiiii'h the strects of tho ctty, awd tlien the ori'iiiiiamc Rhould i ■■ enforced. Th.p work of cleaniög ui our strecta Ie in progrese. Evry cltizeo can íeljp ow beaiitifnl ctty wnndiTfully, by cleaoulag ii h8 own yani and premiB6B. .Ncxl Mdiiday nJglli Dr. Angel] Wlll dciivrr au addreaa beflore the [nland lue&fpve opon tiif Berimg Bea qnestiion Tiiere wüi ateo be :i miuBical pro'n ra mme. It was a ÉKÏflculi to procure a hack at any prik l'riday ndgtt and 8aturday. Th Judton bad engaged nll the ílraie tnrnuuls in imvn lor the of snests. In the list of supervisors pobUahed last week, ttoe name of Thoe. MoQulnn should take the place of Jacob Jcdele, Hu Dexter towns'hip. .Mr. Jedele did mot run again tliis spring. The board of co-unty c:nivawors met yesterdjiy, oompleted tlu'ilr returns, and adjourncd all laadde a hall day. Think Of t. Supervisor Miner footed wp tlio columns of figures. over a niiillioii ])ounds of freifflit is liLite a ïood record lui tliat i.s what JcVlui I'.aiinmardnei-. the marble man, ■re-eived last y.'iir to i-arry mi his buBilneaB He expectê to exceed t ha t tuniiniit Uhiüa year. Mis. ,rtliur I'utnam, forniciiy Jennite Siniie. and a Normal gradúate, ■wtaa elected coutnty commleeioner ol v-a.lrocris ;'r Schonlcraft eounty at the receml electlon. Wotnen'e rigfrte are yw Bee. Aim Artnor I: les will ge :ut ■ diiil and rifle praetice grouods a1 of !■!:: Buirrouniiing Uakes, and ereci the ncceseary bmildings. The expeci in perieci themeelvea in botth di-iu and rifle pra itdce. "A Fragmeni ni a oew í . f ie :-n; i!:-ri,vei-.'d !.n Egypx, which was wiiiten 1 v an uiiUninvu :M] 1700 ot 1800 yrais agö," vi:i be the suiije -t dlecuseed In i b ■ pulp BUrwl M. E. ehuivh nex: Sabbath evenIngT. We are udd snnie t the [armera li ha ■ already plowed nnder wheat, because the ta-i -is were wofkJÖg in ii bo auch an extent. The damp and cw] weather Bot a few (fays biae been [avorable öo i a ■ win ai i'.-ic'.s, however. At lile aiinuni meel Qg n' the Auii Arbor Qcua Oo. Mtomdny, ttoe toUowüng QllreetOtB Weri' É4lOeCO : Muses SeabOlt, E. I. K ■mie. Win. Wanner. 8. T. Umi V. II. Hundías. The direitnrs met Miiecin'iniy and elected Judge ICbae president, V. It. [kraglaa treos■nrei-, and S. T. I luiijiïas se letary. Til-' (■■inip.iny mis let tlie enntract tot a r.i'W gae !'j. Ider ha ;a: a aparity of 26,000 feet. Thiere are quite a Large number of gOOd eandidat-es tor the positions to ie u.ven uut liy Mayor Thompson. In l'he ineantime the niayiir is listentog bo all tihiat anyone lias to Hay, but ;s very carefoB t eay oothdng himself. Wh.ieh denotes wisi'.om Oll his pari . The moraimationH wlll be handed an at tiue firet nneetiog ol the common eciniKÜ in May. Tliero are many people n the city wlni) rent rOOn, and are dep'tidenl qmjbe targely upon suoh rent. tliat are mi cint gprlmg poor, thle year. Never beibre ibaaa there been sn mucb cluaingitag aniiiiiii. and people im rent ed th-;r poome fcr tlie y Mr in many 'lisian BS 'have I -n almos! eompletei deaetrtied. ThtB otteu worka greal h!irdslif])s. House rents reinain the ■-■ least uo one ias hcard of any de.reae. except fm old houfies which are mometlhtng of a drug. Prom the present outlook tit is altpgether probable l'iiiat there will bC the usual nunir ler of resikiences ereeted ttuto spriag mul the Mipply of roonus whJbh is alVeady t.oo abundant. will le still gieater. Tihere cun b3 but one outcome : Rents if all btoda will have to come dowm. l'eo'ple who reut rooms eau not a.fford e'heaper rates at the ]iresMit renta they are obllged to Vay. eind laudlords wfll find empty hotises on tiieir hands, unless there rtiiouid le an uoexpeeted attendance upon tttue rniversity and School of net fall. The Aan Arbor AgTd ulMiral Oo. will ihokl its animal meeting April 25tii. Saín. Iïaumgartner expecte to enIg&ge in business In Detroit. The eoturt house law begffine to put on a OTt o' grassy appearance. 'I ii.' regular monthly social of St. Andiew's ctMtrch, at Hnrris Hall, toïnorrow, Thur.sday eventag. The pubüfc aTe invitcd. County Trcasurer Suckry havinií lost h:8 mo-ustacïie, lays the blamc upon the SeMl concert. He says the SVagner ihidhQc was too maob for it. The formev Ilgh School studente ■wtfU lrokl tiiir benqnet and reunk rext Friday. Ixulies of tthe M. E. timiciL wül fumish the reireshmcnts. The ïiew city council wlll have their regular DUeetlmg n-'Xt Monday President AVatts is stndying "P Pliininary law ïio%v in ;in expedltioua ■-iy. Mr. Iii-eve, of ÜM rnivei-sity. accompamied six car loada of Une Uniesi■ty exliibit to Otiictugo Monda.y -vi-n:i!ü', and %vi!l superint-Mid the plac:,:- ui' the same in jiosition. The C. M. B. A. gave a Hae onterta iiniem siimdd.v t'vcnlng. Speeches ■were nuade by RerB. Fr-. Kelley and Gioldrfck, and Jotun V. Slieelian. AIm.ui 75 couplee wew preeent. to be a va.atiou in the pubbools ni'Xt. week. leaeliersoeed a : -w day'a rest. ïmi most ol stnwients eould manage to gel g W illinnl ooe, it is iiresiiincd. The ladina of the idaccabées wül gire í. party al Maccabee Hall, ïliuixlay cveiiing. OÏ tJii.s we.'k, for b n adnuieslon tee ( -■' cents win be cfa urgied. ReSreehmentB wlll beeerved wiiöwmt extra charge. Each Lady Maceabe Ha reep: -umI to send H af if cake.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier