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ARE Y.OU Is your Urine thiek, íow Bpfrlted ropy, eloudy, or I and suiTrring eolored? Don'twaitl . f rom t he Your KIDNEYSare '. cesses of being ruined. Use youth? If so, Sulphur Bitters. Sulphur One bottle of ', tcr.4 will cure phur Bitters wil 1 do ' you. you more good than i ■■■■■all the Latin criptions of drugs and mineral poisons which will remáis in your systcm, destroy your bones, and niakc you a poor, weak, and broken down invalid. No person can remain long sick who uses Sulphur Bittors. If YOUR DAUCHTER'S FACE ' is covered with ugly sores, and festei-ing Pimples, give her Sulphur ■ 3illers. Ladies in delicate health, ' wlio aje all run down, should uto & Sulphur Bitters. A'one beller. k Try Sulphur [■■■■■■i . ters NICHT, ARE YOU f I you will sleep nervoua and . 1 and feel better fretty, or in it. DELICATE h Sulphur Bitters health? Sulp willmakeyourblood phur Bitters ' pure, rich and strong will make a ? and your flesh hard. n e w person Get a bottle now. of you. Senil 3 2-cent atamps to A. 1'. Ordway & Co., aJostou, Alass. , for best medical work published' The World's Magazine of A. I l TEÜ1! 8 1'OIIT, ís UNRIVALCD own peculiar field. ;end íor sample copy and you U1 wonder how yon got ïlong without it. Every issue of Outino contatos at least one complete story anda serial, together witb orticles on Cycliog Huntin? Fisbog Ridiog? 5ail!r75;, íh)lctics &oi Anjateur Pbotograpfjy. Excellent stories in every variety of sport and pastime fur men and women, girls and boj's, and an abuodance oí good readiDg, give Ooting a citóme at every fireside. Send two cents for sample copy to Outino, 239 Fiflh Ave.. New York. ÊÊk F Both the metbod and results ■when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasaut and ref'reshiug to the taste, aud acts gently yet promptly ou the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleauses the system etfectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the ouly remedy of its kind ever produeed, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt iu its actioD and truly beneficial in its effècts, prepared only from the most liealthy and agreeable substances, its mauy excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. oyrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and SI bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, LOUISVILLE. KV. NEW VORK. N.Y. ifsjustlikeaman Tn say that r .vife can'4 make good bread as bis Mr .er did. CILLETT'S ( K Will give you the great advantage which his mother had, and besides, bread made v;'h this yeast will help bring bacK his boyhood's ''gestión, ensuring his enjoyment i the rest of your cooking ■ ;o. Get Magie Ycsst at your Grocer's. It is always GOOD and always READY. CARTER'SI CURE Bick II' adarho and relievo nll tho tremoles Incident to abiiious sbitoof tho system, nuch ca Dizziness, Nausea, Di rftor eating. Poli in tho Sitie, to. Whilo tiieirnioat remirkable buccoss has been showu iu cuag SBCK Headacho, yet Cnrtor'a Llttle Llver Klis ara oquaIlyvaluaW6lnConBtipatton,cnrlngaadpre" venting tMsannoyingcomplaint.whlle thcy also correct alMisordciü of tLoBtomach.stimulato tho live tliobowol3. Even il' they only HEAD Achot'.iey weraldbe almostpriccleasto thoso who iüfforfrointhisdiatrcasingcomplaiiit; blfortunatcly thcirgoodie.sades notomlhero.andtïioso whoc piliv.iMablo I bo wilUngl ttliem. Bule! tor uüaickhead Is tbo of po roaliy 1 te ii whera ure it white othcra do not. Itüe Livor PUlsare very Mimll and I i take. Ono io not gripe or purïrf1, but by tb Lr uso'thom. Invi.il3at 25coiits; fivofor$l. SoU bydraggisti ntbymalL CARTER MEÜIC1NE CO., How York. SMALLPILL. 8MALL POSE. SHALLPB1CE (Inlike the Dutch Process tNo AlMes Other Cöemicals are used in the preparation of W. Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Gocoa, ivhich is absolutely pure and soluble. It lias more ihan thrce times the strengtk of Coeoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more económica!, costing less than one cent a cup. lt is delieious, nourishing, and easilt DIGESTED. Sold by Grocers everywhere. W. Baker & Go., Dorchester.Mass. SHL0HrS CONSÜHIPTION GURE. The success of this Great Cough Cure is without a parallel in llie histoiy of medicine. All druggists ave authorized to scll it on a positive guarrntee, a tet Ihal 110 other cure can sucnd. That il may become known, the Propr;etors, at an enormous expense, are .:nj)]e Boltle Free into every home in the United Stales and Canada, if youhave h, Sure Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, 1 rico loets., 50 ets. and Si.oo. If y. are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porou ice 23 ets WORK ' . 3 m a few days, and you attbennezpected súceess thal i QTorts, Wc pcviiivrly liavethe I ■ r an agent an be found earth. ■ being easily ui nd ] aid to d s in our employ. 5fou rk ior lis tlian you have any Idea of. ! ness is so that all hold oí trises fj ui. lesf, mO8l ■ ■ liouscs in Ah!' i ■ that busin . and more than reallze their lons. Those wlio try it tii: ■ ■ . ,.. There Í6 plenty of room for a few more woi . rs, and ■ urge themto berin ir once. If you are alreadi ■ ployed, but u i ■ ire uiuments, and wish to use them to advantage, then write us at once ( tor your grand opportuníty}) and receive full parttcuiars by return mail. Adán TRUE & CO., Box No. 400, Augusta, Me. QEMi DBEFFENBAGH'S @PROTAGON CAPSULES Sure Cure ior Wenk Men, as proved by reportsol luading phy. Bicians. fetate age in orderinp. l'rice.Sl. Cutulopie Free. A O A A safe and speed; linh cuii' f,r (lei. M A M Mlrlcture and all ODnatural discharges. PriceWS. QREEKSPECIFICÏ,To9oali wand Skin Dlaeaieii, Scror nlon. More HntlHyphlHI Ie AOectton, WiUl out mercury. Price. 88. Order from THE PERU DRU6& CHEMICAL CO. gH 18 WUcoMin _8tejULWAÜgM, WIB. NervejW Blood Tonic JL JBuilder f JiéVKBjW descriptive M SlV VH f paiupblet. ''"'"'P MEDICINE CO. ISTHiTN CÜRÉD. but The PEERLESS ASTHMA REMEDYwifl Kive inntant reliof. 25c ancl 50c Slzes. Sample ma' led free. At ilrunm--ts or inaiU-d on receipt of [inrbyTho Peerless Remedy Co., üobloville, Mich


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