Real Estate Transfers

Purnlehed eacn week íiy the Abstract office of James Kennis & Co.. Aun Arbor, Mich. Abstracts furnished on short notice : Samuel H. Kogers to Geo Letter, land on w skle iluron st. Yisüanti City, $ 325 00 Elizabeth Pardon to Anton Ifrahin, mrt of lots 1 and .", bik. 'M, Onnsby i Page'e add to A. A - 400 00 John Wakers to Wm. Walters 114 acre on n w frnc '4 sec S0, Manchester-. 3,000 00 Jos. Lowery by heira to .iolm Schalble n v liaron, except burial lirouud 0,000 00 John Schalble to Geo and Joon Kchaible, Jr., n v t ser 33, .sharon. exeept burial grouud 6,000 00 Chas. McMullen to Fred McMnlleuet al, 20 acres on B '■■ ui' s ., of u w 't MC 98, V.nk I 600 00 Mary Koebbe by lieirs to Calvin Koebbe.w % of ne '4' sec 27 Freedoin 5,200 00 Mary Koebbe by heirs to Fred H. Koebbe,e i of ue % sec 27, Freedom 5,200 00 !ha&. Lawrence to James Wier, Bridgewater 200 00 Chai. 6. Higlilancl to (Jeo. F. Mott, - -'- 5,000 00 David Korabeck to A. W. Hainilton, A. A. City 900 00 B. E. Sciuture to Wm. N. Flower. Augusta 1,000 00 Patrick Urogau to to ('bas. II. Leonard, Northtield 1,000 00 Samuel Hutchiuson by heirs to Albert H. Pattenjdll, lots 5, 6, 9,10, 11,12 and IS, Picnic Grove, also 2 acres on s e romer e 'i of 8 v x sec 2x, A. A. 20.500 00 Alben H. Pattenglll to Phi Kappa Psi Society, land kuown as tbe Milieu homestead, A. A.City 15,000 00 Geo. D. Bailey by heirs to C. O. and S. A. of bik l,n rl e, A. A- 500 00 Frank E. Buck to Ueo Dell, 4 by 10 rode, Saline village 850 00 Edgar Drake to Wra. Havens, lots 24 and 25, sec 1, Hay wood's add to Saline wr_ 250 00
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Samuel H. Rogers
George Letter
Elizabeth Pardon
Anton Brahm
John Walters
William Walters
Joseph Lowery
John Schaible
George Schaible
Charles McMullen
Fred McMullen
Mary Koebbe
Calvin Koebbe
Charles Lawrence
James Wier
Charles G. Highland
George F. Mott
David Rorabeck
A. W. Hamilton
B. E. Sciuture
William N. Flower
Patrick Grogan
Charles H. Leonard
Samuel Hutchinson
Albert H. Pattengill
George D. Bailey
C. G. Orcutt
S. A. Orcutt
Frank E. Buck
George Dell
Edgar Drake
William Havens