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The National Flower

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Alunan tlit' wnrks ui Michigan voini-ii .iuiii-iis ,-i! thie Wartd's Pair, e ■'1 ni' Nal 'muil Flower," 1y Mra. Mary siu:iri 'dm'üi nee Mary Stuart Mc('ia:kcn. now of Detroit, formeriy of Aim Arbor. Mrs. Ooiffitn is ili' of 8. Iï. fclcCracken, ome of Micirmau's vteran fedltore, and was boni and received lir :ïii in Ann Arbor. In 1871 BlLe 'tic:-aii)i' wlffe of I'lillili M. Coffin, i irrad-u.-it!' oí i i ■ Law Department oí I iiivcrsil y. Mrs. OoftÜD eommenced verse wrltPnlg uiicn ïiinc (ir ten years of age. The iiret of her wrltings ever prlnted wae :ii 1lic Aun Albur Journal, luvi nir lier Si.nii Bchoo] days, a response to a Ijoem in ilic Dnlverslty Oracle, entltled, "lii ■ Beauteoue Girl of Lower Town" W whi:.h Bhe wiis jiic. It waa addressed 1 1 ihi' Sopbomore clase, and lioU'an : "Worshippers of wisdom it your shrine, The Magl knelt in the olden time." yers," stiowed urumlB-takable gen11.-. was no name attadied to poem, Iml tae young wi-it-'r ivas D nioilfst and retírlng and fearful of liir notltoe BÖUe WOUld attract il' it 1 ■- nnme known lhat .slic was tho nutlior, iu' left school for the term followEng it.s publica t ion. sh.' smbsequeotly beoame an occateiiomal contrilnilor to BOme of thie Depapem, writldg amder tibe name of "Mary Staart," nötll hier marrlage, "winen for years glie gave ii] aoy atIcmpt at writiiTir. WüeJhOOd, niothi'i-li, iod and home. was the ■■artliiy trinTtty A"iiii:ii &be wonsbipped, bul 13uere carne a tinií wiicn the sound bt a i'h.ild's voice and no ■iüïit teefaoed, sav' in memory, in hier .hiiiiic. It was thcii sli ■ book Tip Iner long aeglected pen, not la replnJnig, lut in words tliat have dieerod aml suiMiniliened otlicrs. Tw of dier poems, "Crilloii Ie llrav ■" and "A Legend of Thie Eastci-n Btar," Inave reccntiy boon publlsbed in one of tilue ftoest coilections of tha century, "Qeme From Tlue Quai-j-, and Spaiks From Tlue Ga vel." Tliie poem ïrom wh'ivli she has gained tlue wlidxwt, and probably a nationlame, ds "TJne National Flower," conitladniing1 legends of various national flowers. TbB poem pre-supposes the nterest tlunt tho mythological doities tke i,n tlue affaiirs of moital.s, and that tBuo choice of a floral onibl m for iAraeria bas arrested tho-ir at tent ion. tind was written for tlhie purposc of nwakeniniï önooight on the subject. Her truly natlonnl and patriot i spirit finds vent in these worde : " Tliut neithur üods or nations may deride Help this a weighty questlou to decide." hml " None can the nation's sentiment express, But ble:.ds itn tinta In hannonv of dress, Like to its banner iloatiug ou tïie air, En twinlng gracefully its colors rare; It shonld some vital epoch Ilústrate, The Ethies. Faith or Grandeur of the State, Gravu as award of Princely Diadem, Should be a nation's choice of Floral Gem." Bevlewhiir tinr aattonal flowers of btlhier inatfons with thrlr IclccikIs, history and eettiemciit, sli' thcn menttong different flowers, combiiiinK thínatílonai color.s and gSyee reaeons liy tmme of tiliem mijiht lx appropriate tor AmerCca'e symboj tlower. The üHap, ilucy, etihertal trajpareacy d Uwe iris, t ii etately beauty of the water lily, " The clematis sweet multi-tinted flower " The Morning Glory, " Bell-shaped glitteriug with dew, Llke myrlad juwcled trumpet formed anew, Bymbolic blossoms of the triimpet cali. That wakes to freedom and slavery's thrall." ll(l ;ll;;iiii : " A gift from Heavenly Power, Typoof great love. celestial Pasaton Flower." Ttueire As mo decdskm reached In the ■ i.' a ii.n.iiHiai Qower, lials leavtiBlg ii tttue aation to U'illc. .Mi-s. ( 011:11 is president, of Ilir-Mirlin-.-in Woiiicns' KepuHlhnn Assoriat ion. iinl was 00e 0Í Khie tWO lady spcak?re at tllue uatttnal con vent ion 01' the lepuUik-au League, In Buffalo, last ieptetniber. 'Fine Buffalo BveoSng Times, In a reort of Vhe coiive.utii'on esnys : ".Mrs. (toffliii is a favorito daugliter i Micliinaii. and her gentle, true -wonianlhjood and taiteOllgient nnderstandiiü- of her subject, ware wariaiy apUauded. Tliat wonnui loses notlilïg by entering tluj field of politics, 6ih fully verífies." T5ino h swept eo lilitly over Mrs. 3offin ttuat thoso who had known her is a giTi ivo-uld rocoenize at a glance toe snmo etately, willowy, gracefully í-ounded íiffure, briglit face, (tiapely h'.-id adorned iy ïuxnriftnt bralda ol íhBKtaat liair, and ploasant. kindly y marnier of thdB favorod daughter öf Ann Arbor.


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