Schairer & Millen
FOR apdtT AT THE BUSY STORE OF WM Miim & MILLE!. A BARCAIX SALE OF EW sn ii siim de lis, SILKS, GHNGHAM8, L.A.CES, GAFES, JACD1TS ui U0XE8' SES&T WAIST8 COMMEXCIX i FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 14. In our Cloak Department we place on Sale 5OO New Spring Capes and Jackets,- all marked down for this April Sale. Cloth Capes marked down for tliis sale now $1. fe4 $1.25, $2.00 and $2.50 Silk Capes, Cloth Capes, A . Velvet Capes, and Jackets, - all marked t5(Í? Fine French Broadcloth Capes, with Derby "j _T and Butterfly Collars, at $4, $4.öO and $5. , -'__-, One lot Ladies' Black, Blue and Tan Jackets, H well made, with large sleeve. at 3.75. p One lot stylish Cape Jackets, a bargain at $ó. One lot very fine Butterfly Cape Jackets, in tan M SILK BARGAIN S. f 11 at w i 1,000 yards new China Silks, in light and dark grounds, - just wliat yon will want for Silk ■ Waists, - our price for this sale, 39c per yd. H l'5 pieces 22-inch China Silks, small figures, a One lot- over 700 yards- Black Sarah Silk, ] fe1! 1S?R Black China and India Silks- all worth 75c ö] WÊt NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS. Ladies, we want you to see them, and, as a special nducement, have made yery low prices. 25 pieces lovely French Wool Challies, in dark and light grouuds. The 75c quality for this sale at 59c a yard. 20 dozen Ladies' Silk Vests, in cream, pink, blue, Iavender and black- worth $1.00; for this sale, 69c. AT THE WASH-GOODS COUNTER. One case of Ginghams at 5 cent a yard One case of fine Zephyr Ginghams at 10 cents a yard 50 pieces fine Dress Ginghams at 8 cents a yard 30 pieces French Ginghams- the 25c a yard quality, at 1!) cents a yard 25 pieces Turkey-red Table Damask - abargain 19 cents a yard One big lot of Ladies' Fancy Percale Shirt Waists-r-would be cheap at 75 cents- for this sale 39 cents each j LEADERS OF ) I.OW I'KICES.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier