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Growth Of A Great Industry

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Impremlve as tiiv Oorldea eagSsae was I 1870, it Oi-ciipied a Bpece of but 2,500 square teet, and its riH'i-fi.v was tepreeentod Uy 1,400 hiorse-power. In hie I'alace of Hecanic Arta at Jacksoi Park IQue power-plant wJU iiulude 43 btoam engftoee capaUe f 20,000 iiorse Kver and occnpylag au aiva ui 11, "l"1 'iiair fert. It niay lic a lega dramatic iiuii'.cui wtaen tbia moltitudl boue iiuehMiiïin in Bet a-Koins; at ilit HOUCi oí inany hands and inany lcvci-s 1mt in be a more imprestsive epec ;■■. Por iiioiiiib the center at ppw ftr win la-k the eseentittl quallty o linity, the long, aerried line of mfghtj lepgtnea i 1 leid a certa lo suggestie r tii ■ siiUiiinc, and w í 1 1 be almo! bcijderiag n i:s cxiiüiiniMi o' glg-antic fetrengtb. in isir, ttiere were im two Anu'viian tnrildere wtuo oould turn out !■ : 1 ! tbr OorliBe enjille. Turvr are tiiiriy ïirins repreaented in tflw nuBkiiag "'■ 1 1 Winiii's Pair - liino. ooe "f w ii,i h is o! 2,000 horsefeower, and twjee that number of maks oould liac been represented had Ilicii' In .-il ;iny o ■ i ■ ; i s ; u i for it. In niaiu difiicuity alunit i stadbit of is;:, lias bei -ivi' ,-i tra liini ui' tliie peop',e who api i a - 1 1 r i to .-imw what ilu-.v i ouM do. Tfairee or fonr liun! wim'.ii-iH' rri,i been leed, im! eme ni wbom i.-il 1h!ihv Oentennlal year (1 And men has " Ml.iMit by tho grand Am ■i party : .v, 'I tbtag, why, itaturow M mwmv. '-('-. i'. ; 10:1 ia l.-u-u ■ beeanse Caneas Clty tte. __ ShOUld nOW run up l!i ■■ Bt&-IS and bais and tato 0. S. A., ;;. i. C. Une K. K. K., r sorae atiera of bis. ■ reral perecwfl claimlng tobe tin' man wbo dísoovereíl Adi.-ii, buít Adiad 1 !- wrer Wa reía. 111.11!; yooi, wBÜaout any ut, 1 eaa. I' A NY MAX ATTEMI'TS TO 1IAI L DOWN THE AMERICAN l'LAC, 8H0OT HM 0N THE ■ A. Dfx. i: ■ ao 1 luie man l'i-Ulay, . it. Ii tas , ome. ! I raa icuiid fco. í ,.,,,,,. ; i irtag i ii the Democratie píreas ae a "vlctlm oí repuiy ;.:, i " Thai was tho pica. ;t will Ík; remembered, iwikicii w.-is made tpr Boes Twed.- i Journal. Ttoe aanouneement ihat DavW A. Veil-, thf New Bnglamd tree trade rad assist Secreir.v Ca-rt'fele to deTtehig an Admlnlsralion Tartfl bilí, leaves no doubt íat icvrlana has d,t rmined upon eweeping atiack i American inutit íií-u. It will iKt be Uw íault of le ac!iiiiirsiratirti if tbe now t.nilf SonrbonrBrttlBh from end ti) N. Y. Prees. Is it a proper ihiiiü Por lü.liiil Olney wtoiUe holding tbe honor. i i. nd diMiniiuHlied poeition of attorney i otted State, to reaiii Mi-iioii as attoiiii'.v tOT te tiiüMgo, Burlkngton & Qulncy, and Jlí' MaiiK' RalInoadB ? Are the people ftlha Dníted States satteflod to have greal carporatflon lawyee In ühe caU:ill Cltnglng to t-iic railniad leal vitli tbe greed o!' a ha]f-iarvd calí ? peoptB wMi siguí for a gemulne, AnuTii-aii in tJM lal c.'hair beton foor years ore at aa ui. Mr. ('Icvrland its nat pleasnm he people as well as he dikl dnrlag ,;k ürst tena. He grows more and more like James BuffiiMWi. It wlll remembered (faal r.irhanan did not ppear tn care a oootíoental rueh,, -,■!■ i"iit -il States (lag was milt-a iimvii not. If a battle slli.ould happen bo reBalt from the hauliim: doAvn of the stars and stripea at Honolulú and Mr. Blount whould heppen to get in bcwcrii t (MMulwitants, and fall, (and Me), a viotim 1o lii.s oivn n-patriotic nul un-AiiH'iiian siiiï-it, there is one Uqg ri'iiain, tin.' natiim would nevr 90 into ïnoui-nin.Li. A man WÏMJ ia uls down tbe ílafí of hto counuy 1 a man tli.e people admire. He in:t I ith.Ta inw.inl oí' a Iraitor. lii" üawaiian dcnio-Tary is asnrr(l hat dt is mot by order of the greal iiHTi-a:i RejHlfollC the 1'nitiMl States DflJg bas bwn hauled down, but y order oï a personal agent of tlie president of the United States wh.) dared to speak n the langu; of moiKiri-ii-.. Qneen Victoria and Emwor Wilhelm Bpeak of "My Amuas■" or 'My Coiitml." Grover "leveiainl speaka of "My CommiBsionr." WÜHO [S .-iiUJiOfizisl to "represent Die." i 'ir. !ago Iiitvr-Oeenii. Ifmiemory .serves u.s rtglut, tlhe iionodlu fXalg nob Vhe first one Mr. (".eveiaini has been eagaged In, umi 11 1o li'.s !;scic(lit. H attempt (! once on a tiine ti return the rebel Flags. TW!b time lie sent in ei-rebe] ki hnul down an Anierinl ilag. Isn't ut time tJu.'it Mr. ('levelaml 1 .arn■ t.lK'i'i.' a part i ■nl.-ir si-nsiiiveness among people n regard to flags ? l'.spei.iiaUy auong Americana in re.'crbo any action tliat iw luiniiliatng to tJiie ert&vs anl siripis.' Thi'6 is a country tluit produces polittclaoa trastead ot Btatesmsn. Thcjre ie James H. Blouait, of Georgia, wlw vas snit to Hololulu with, iover to di) as plensed, and the Cirst thing iir (lid was tn pull down the Amcritoau Mag anl order tita United States "iiut riucs iilioanl j-1i : }. Tlils a-tion -1khii1 excite 1 lic inilimi.ition of the h,nw n;ii;,,.i. lis efflted is tu bring KtitB American peop'-,1 int o contcmpt, mot 00)7 in tlue eyes of the reeiöente 1ut of tbe vntr world.- I'itt slmri; A.O 10 all accimnis. from - and (oee allfce, James II. Bckels, Ktue man wirmi i'rr.;iirii! Cleveland Sias appotmted to the reepoosltHe poi of of Hu' Currency, 'a po Dii-1 only to Seeretary tof the Treaeury, ta rotortouely nn i!i.' ]ii.-ir. i„iiii as ragarde abilud proper training and edocatloo. Tioinim-nt demócrata, out ol respec tot tfae good na mr ol tbeCr party, pro■teeted, Uut all to m avail. Mr. ('leve tama had heard .■ stamp speech that l kies in,, the campaign, and i p'iü-'il bo iniMicn.scly that he ■ ■il apon piaicing the yoang man ■ , iuii ; t Ci-iiy Bome men lxru gueal : attaln greatn :1 ; bruet npi.i be a p.-.r i!' i [ee.


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Ann Arbor Courier