President Palmer About The World's Fair
PIM-. W. Palmer, president of the Vorlil' ColuinUan Kxposition. while n Detroit recently. geM to tli cTribuno sporter : "I tlink thi'iti is no doubt now hat Une fair will be closed on Sunays. I l"ii't know wlwit the comlission wJU do, luit I th,ink it will :r iiic n'ai' cloaed. Some of tbem biink tbat Ooogxcn by witiidrawtog lic $570,000 in ii;ml has abrogated tlue provi-s'.on lor Sunday closing 1ut I tlilink it would look likt' liad airli foc ïis to oieu tlve now. It vould hurt the fair now to open it ion SuTiday. The churches, ChnsUan Ündeavors. Einvortli LeatieB, .W '. T. U's, Otte., would boycott tin: fair, blad tihey are pietty powerful. "The arrangnnrntw for the opening xercixes are ibout oomfAeted. Tliere vill be musde, prayer añil a talk by President Cleveland, and tfaen the latbet wflll push the button which starts UI t In; inachïnery in motion. Among !he diguttaries to bo present at tlio opening íb Duke de Vorauga, a lineal keBoendant of Coiuniims. ■■'J'lu: ioreigu exMbitB are nearly all n place, imt ttaie Amertoana are away ■ il üiiK'. The foreiigu cxhibit.s are maga! [cent. 80 [ar as buildings, the iXpoelWCO IIB BO í.ir i;irul Ol the l'aris Oxjiusji 011 that Uvero i.s 110 eompari6on. It ib as if tltue gemfiue of Atnens bad been untted ti tl:.1 power 01" Bome Tlüey are a series of collossal dreams."
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier