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Pamphlets Wanted

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The State Librarían deedres and wlll l6 gratciul ior gJttB of books of every 'ueeful kind, oewspaper files, maps, hi.sil relies, manuscript nul orüg-inai documente of every sori h m.iy iliii.w linln ou the early y Of .Mirhiaa ur ol any iortion ue Tiiiinl States. TIlo Librarian vi-lu- in cali especial tuttccDftton to tiie importance of contrtboiting pcunpïiletB ol every kind. Bpiuemeral in lorm of putoUcatkm and iimioiily tjiought not worthy of preBervtit:jii. panipïiicts are ofteo diffitult to collcct a slLort time after isfeue. Ttuey reHect tlie spirit and .sentitaueutB of the age, liowever, letter Ihian elfl.borate treatleee nul are inUispvnsahle t rcasiiics in a gXK)d library, wlure hi-storians, biour.ip'lwrs, staii-iticians airl mi'ii Of letten in gtiK'i-al naturally look for cveryth'im. jk) matter ïiow apparuntly trivta.1, .nul may Btued Lijgtat on the ubjects of tlieir InvestlgatiOQ. All g-pits may be sent liy eipregg to Vhie State Llbrary, wbere transporta Wym Cbargea w'ui be padd. Very respr i íully. MAKY C. BPENCEB, state Lffbrarian. Faltón lias suspended business to tonejder tihia problem : .v fermer sold n liarse [or ■-'.i1' and then bougtil ïiin back $80 .-iiid tlicn oíd liiuu fo $100. Huw ïnurli iliid h nuiki' in the Iradc ? --liants, Clerka and cus tornera have "Qggered" and argaw letter the Darme made $8 T $20, and tise pi-(illi'iii lia.s nut beei M'ltlviï vet.


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Ann Arbor Courier