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Hood's Cures Eazel Butterfield. Detroit, Mich. Savecl Her Sight Medical Science Failed Another Wonder Performed by HOOD'S Sarsaparilla. " My littlo girl, Hazel, is now iour years old. Two years ago she had the Grip. After recovery her cyes grew inflamed and suppurated. For over 7 months she had to have her cyes bandaged and stay in a dark room. The family doctor and an oculist did everything posslble. She did not improve and even grew worse. At last after six months he gave us the dlseouraging opinión that the cornea of one eye was destroyed And Sight Entirely Cone That it was doubtf ui if she would ever be able to see any with the other, as the slglit was repldly being dcstroyed in that also. We thought her doomed to permanrnt blindneH. She suffered intense pain and kept lier hcad buried in the pillows most of tlio Üme. If light was admitted to the room slie would cry as if Burned With a Hot Iron Ai she was wcak and badly run down wa thought before continuing the treatment w woulü try to uunu up lier sysiem ana rcncw ner strength. We began glving her Hood's Sarsa. Ïarilla. Slio I ■ j n 1 1 to Improve rapldly and by he time slie liad iinislied the tirst bottlo vre were able to remove the bandagea and found that sho eoiild bear the ligbt and tliat Mie sigtat was returnlng, mach to onr dellght Slie tiok twobotttea and ilini ras as well as ever. lt ia now a year lince, and hereyes Aro Permanently Cured She can seo perfectly, has had no signs oí any íurther troublo and is In every respect perfecilf healthj. Wo have great ialth In Hood's Sarsaparilla W. H. Butteefield, 140C Ilastings st. Detroit. Hood's Pilis curo all Liver 11H, Biliousness, Jaundice, Indigestión. Siclc Heaclache. THE NEXt'mORNÍNO I TEEL BRIGHT AND NEW ANO MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. Ny (lontor says it acta gently on tlie stomarh, liver and Icldneys. and ia a pleasant laxative. Thia drink is made from liertm. and is prepared for use as easüy as tva. It is cajled LAÑES MEDICINE Alldrucpiftlsaell itatSOc. and$l apackage. If you cunnotgi't Lt, send yonraddrow forafree sample. I.ane'fl Family Medirin morta the bowels eneh duy. In order talp hfaltliy thtsis necessar%. Adúresa URATUU P, WOODWARD, I-k Roy. N.Y. GUCOL.OÏ 13 CURES RHEUMATISM. If one bottle does you no goad, don't tony another. For Sale by Irui;elstSi er suut poatpuiii oo receiïit of price, $l.uo. BURDSAL MEDICINE M'F'C CO., Maaooic Templ?. CINCINNATI, O, E. E. Calkins, 34 S. State St. Eberba,eh Drug and cal Company. COMMISSIONERS' NoTICE. S; ()[' MICHIGAN, County oí Washte:iav. The undersigned having been appolnted by he Probate Court for said I ounty, Commisiloners to reoeive, examine and adjust all dalmaand demanda of all lersons against the jstate oí Henrj Tower, late ol said county deleaaed, hereby give nottce that six months trom date are allowed. by order of said Probate Court, for ereditors to present their 'laims agalnet tbe estáte of said deceased, and ihat theywlll meet at the otliee of Thompson, Barrlmsn & Thompson in tbe city of AnnArxir. in said county, on the twenty-third day 3f .1 une and on the tnenty-tliird day of Se)tembei uext, at ten o'clock a. m. ol each of jald days, to receive. examine and adjust said ïlaims. i. March 23.1893. C0M8T0CK F. BILL, '.,,,„,„;,„Pr=: GIDEON L. IIOYT, Commlgsloners. Estáte of Jennie N. Bennett. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. n. At a sesion of the Probate Court for the County of Washteiiaw, holden at Probate Office, iii the City of Aun Arbor, cm Saturday. tbe Hist day of April, in the vear one thousand (.■iuht bundred and ninety-l Inn . Present. .1. Wlllard Babbitt, Judgc of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Jennie N. Bennett, deceased. On reading and ftling the pctition, duly verified of Frank Bennett, praying that be may be Ueensed to sel] the tteal Estáte whereof Baid deceased dled Belzed. Thereupon it ís ordered, that Tuesday, the secoud day of Mav next, at ten O'clock in the forenoon, be asslgned for the hearing of said petltlon, and that the heirs at law of said i, and all other persons tnterested in said estáte, are requlred to aiipenr at a sessiou en' said Court, then to be bolden at tbe 1' róbate Office, u the city ol Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitloner should not : And it is further ordered, that said petltlonei giye notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petltion, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be publlshed in the Ann Arbor Coorier, anewspaper prlnted and eirculatediu said Oounty, three duccesslve weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD ISABHITT, (A truecoiyi .u-ik.k uk 1'koiiate. v. ;. Dott. Probate Register. tïOTTCB "i Ciiam ki:v Sale. : IX iTKsl'ANCE and by virtue of an order i ii. 1 decrce of the Circuit Court for the ( ounty of Washtenaw, in chancery, in the State of Michigan made. dated and en te red ou the eleventh day of February, A. D., 1898, In a certain cause thereln pending, whereln Kobert Cuthbtrt is complafnant, and Samuel X. Eliza House, Charles 11. Manly.Izoni Manly and James ToTbert, danta. Notice is bereby elven timt i shall Bell it public HiictloD to the hlghest bidder, at the easl tront door Of the Court House, in the City oi Ann Arbor, In said County of Washtenaw and Mate of Michigan, said Court House buili; the place for holding the circuit court lor said County, on Friday, the twejity-eiïhfh day of April, A. D., 1893, at ten o'cloekin the foreuoon to raise the amount due to said complaiuant for principal, interest ándeoste in this cause, all of the following described piece or parcel of land, to wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land situated in the city and town of Ann Arbor iu the Couuty of Waslitenaw and state of Michigan, known, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Conimencing at the cast quirter post of sectlon twenty-one (21) in town two(2) BOuth, range ix (6) east theuce west aloug the east and west qnarter line seventeea (17) chains and eighty-eigbt and one-)iHlf (8S'2) links to the southwest corner of John Fullcr's land, theuce north twenty-flve degrees --V 't west along said Fuller's west line seveu (7) chaine and twenty (20) links to the Boatheast side of the Dixboro Road, thence south ñfty-slx degrees (56) west along the Boutheast slde ol sid road about six (0) chains to Bpencer Lemons land, thence south twentythree logrees (23") and flfty minutes (.W) east three (8) chains and twenty-nine (20) links to theeast and west quarter line, thence south parallel witli the north and south quaiter line three (3) chains and fifty (5U) links, theuce east parallel witli tlie east and west 'uarterline tive (6) cbains and seyenty (70) links, thence south parallel with the north and south quarter line two (2) chains and seventy-flve (75) links, thence east parallel totbeeastand west quarter line seventeen (17) chains and eightv-eight and one-half ('.,) links to the east line of said sectlon, thence north along Bald sectlon line six (6) chains and tweoty-flve (26) links to the place of beginniut; containing sixteen and one-fifth acres of land more or Said sale will be made in accordunce with the terms of said decree. Dated Ann Arbor, Michigan, this Uth day of March.A, 1. PATRICK McKERNAN, ( Ircult Court Commissloner in and for Washtenaw county, Michigan. '.. 1'. Kim;, Solicitor for Complainant. 1669-186 JAY C. TAYLOR, Ter.;i Solcist - AND- Teaclier Of t3a.e "Voice. studio, 51 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. Cabinet Pliotos $1.00 FOR 10 DAYS AT 221 E Ij Ij "2" ' S Have i"üs oí a :i-


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