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Good Looks. Good looks re more tJum skin deep, Üependálng opon a healthy conditlon of all tllue vital árgana. If the Liver be lín-active, yira lui vu a Billious Look, if your stomach i u dieordered you have a JJyspeptïc Ixok and if your Kidneys le afiected you have a Ptached Look. Sec-uTc grad Ji-alth and you wHl havo good looks. l'.hters is th; n'i-cat, alteratfve and Tonlc, acts ditoctly on ttow vital orgaus. Cures 'i'inipics, Blotclies, üoils and glves a prood oompK'xion. Sold at Eberbadi í& Son au (Kieo. T. Haussler, ManctLeetee. Th,iti is trom pm ol A-rchWehop Treiand : "The great cause m' social Viinie is drink. Tlic great cause of lioverty lis drink. Wh,en I of rthiefanxily broktMi op and íisk xhc cause - drink. If I po to the gallows and aek dts victim thie cause, the answer - ilriink. Then I ask mysclf in perfect wonderment, liy do not men put a stop to tlhijs thing ? Our leglslators fwSU come togiethier and pass every lineasure neceesary to thie welfare of hio people, and yet pase laws sancioning (lic. aaïe of Uqmor through kaloons." Bueklen's Árnica Salve. The Best Balve in the world ior CutB, Bruises, Bares, Ulcera, Balt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Ohillblains, Corns, and all ekin l.'ruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay requiired. It is gnaranteed to glve perfect eatisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 centa per lxx. For salo by Eberbach & Son.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier