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tAll ages, and all concïitions of womanhood will find just the help that woman In Dr. Pieree's Favorito 1'resc.Tiption. Tlmt's a matter that's guaranteed. It it ean't be dono, then the medicine costs you nothing - its makers don't want your money. fljj Get it, if you'r a tired or suf'j j fering woman, and get well. It I ('X buildsup and invigorates theenÉkf f tire system, regulates and proi X-J motes the proper functions, and ï restores health and strength. At the two critical periods in a wofman's life - the chante from girlhood to womanhood, and later, the "change of lifo " - it is a perfectly safe and an especially valuable remedial agent, that can produce only good resulte. tFor all the derangemente, irregularities and weaknoMi peoaliar to the sex, " Favorite Prescription " is the oify remedy so certain that itcan be gv.aranteed. If it fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. You pay only i'or the good j ou get. Cau you ask more ? Som ... .ii iiï oí a lX)i'O- ïlio giniiot. ADIRONDA "■ii" i TRADB MARK i Ner ve posrtrvBLT cubes HEART DISEASE, NERVOÜS PROSTRATION. Slee pi e : all derangeraent of the Nervoua ! Unexcelled for Infants A Blessed Boon forTircd Mothersand Bet Purely Vegetable, guaranted free from opiates, 100 full size doses, 50c Rey. R. X. Mlddleton, pastor U. E. elmrch Cedar Springt, Mlch.. laya: Sleep and rot were strangers to me axter preaching till I used "Adironda." Now I sleep soundly and wake refreshed. and I can neartlly recommend it. Prepared by WHEELER and FULLEK MKDICINE CO., Cedar Springs, Mlch. SOLD ]!Y JOHX M00RK DRUGGIST, 8 K. Baron Bt., Aun Arbor. ESTATB OF JOBMM. LkTTS, I Ne ciMl'ETEXT. STATE OF KICHI6AN. CoantJ of Washtenawt8Si A t ;t r ss ion of the Probate (,'ourt for the County of Waahtenaw, holden at the Protate (tilico in the city of Anu Arbor, on Moniay, thu Utb ilny "f April In the year oue thou ■and, oiiiiu Imiulrcd and niiifty-three. Present, J. Willlard Babbitt, .Indge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte John M. I.etts. incompetent. George J. Crowell, the Guardian of snid ivard, comes into conrt aud represents that he II now prepared to ronder his annual account is such liuardian. Thereupon it is ordered thatTuesday. the 21d lay of May next, at ton oV-lock in the fqreïobu. be asalgned for ezamlnlng and allowlng nich account, and that the uext of kin of said ,vard, and all otln-rs peraoni lnterested In }aíd estáte, are required to appear at a Bession f said court then to be holden at the Probate tfflce in the city of Aun Arbor, in said 'unnty, and show 'cause, if any there be, wliy :he said account ahould not beallowed: Andit is lurtüer oruerea, tnat saia iiiumuan give DOtice to the persons interested in said estuU', of the pendency of suid account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be publiahed in the Aun Arbor Courier, a newspapei priuted and olrculatlng In -aid county, three luccesslve weeka previeras to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BAHUITT, (Atrnecopy.) Judge of 1'robate. Win. (.. DOTT, Probate Register. Sale of State Tax Lands. ArmroH Gf.nerai.'s Office, 1 Lansinü. UlCH., March M, 1808. J Noüce is hereby given that certain lands sltuated in the oumy of Washtenaw bid off i to the State for taxes of 1888 and previous vean, and desorlbed In atatements wnlob will ïereafter be forwarded to the ottice of the Treasurerol said Connty, will be sold at public auctiou by said Treasurer at the County on the first Jlouday of May next, at the time and place desiguated for the Annual Tax 8ales,lf uot previously redeemed or canceled according to law. ,;iid statements coutain a fnll descriptlon of eacb pareel of said lands and muy be raen on application at the office of the Conntj ; urer af ter they are received by hi m. Th hmd struck off to the State for tnxes of ir otner years, at the ïux Salee In Muy last, 11 be offered subject to the right of relemptlon prescrlbed by law. 1 KV W. TUBNER, 62 Auditor Genera . I . WANT COLUMN. Short advertlsemeota uot to exceed three Unes, er Logt or Found Houses for Sale or Kunt. "WauN. etc., Inserted .s for 25 ceut-i. Sitiiations nanted. free. BI, BEES- A few good swarms for sale at . .1. II. Hurdock Dezter Mioh. F 8 w. K.- corner property Xo. -lo E l nlveraity Ave. For par ■ ad. columns ofWashtenaw Evening Times, (Daily ) L. I.. Janes. i nBOOM i t Madison st., school and wlndmlll factor; on X. Fourth Ave., Aun Arlor, íor sale. Algo fcwo lots aud a blacksmlth shop at Whitmore Lak,., e n ;t Clalr, 83 X. Fourtb Ave., Ann Ai hor. FOR 8ALE- Two Farms. Mrs. Xorth's farm "■ countv farm and liullock-Everett rann m Balem town. Andrew E. tiibon 30 Maynard straet, Aun Arbor. Giïi $50 Jersey Buil for Sale. $50 I .-olor and a richly bred beauty. Sired by 1 ork Stoke Togls, son of 8toke Tóela oí Linden, full brother to the great Matilda 4th, who gave n;.lj:: ponnda of milk in one vear Dam, Perrotta Bulle, Imported. J. F. Averv Saline, Michigan. ,,2' GRAND OPERA HOUSE MONDAY, MAY 1 STETSON'S BIG SPECTACULAR b in m TheBarnum of Them All 30 -- PEOPLE -- 30 Two Bands and Orchestra Composed of WHITB AXD COLOKKD MD8ICIANS. A Pack of (ienuine Bloohouuds. CARLOS Tho Biggest Dog in the World- $1,000 oll'ered for hls equal, Two TOPSIES, beaded by the great KATE PARTINGT0N TWO MARKS, Eva and her Pony "Prine," l.UNi: STAK 11ARTKTTE. Afiican Mandolín liayors. NEW SONGS, NEW DANCES, NEW MUSIC Everything new: A carload of beautiful sceaery. The Great Steambiat Soane, Cotton Plcking, Home in (he South, Kva's Ascensión. THE GRANDEST STREET PARADE Ever Cüvon. Tae bandsomest uniform-; mannfactured. No Kïception. CTPRICES AS USUAL.


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Ann Arbor Courier