It"n Bometttnaaa Mud patent mediatoes are tor Bhfe kgnorant. The doctors toeter tihlB idea. "The people," wc'i-e toid. "are muwtly Ignorant u it comes to medical wteoce." Suppoee tbiey are ! Wïiat a eick lu.ui wactft B not knnwledge, bilt a. cure, and tin! medáüdne that cures is tilue medicine tor the Blek. Dr. EMeroe'e Golden Medical Dlscovery - rlie "do 1m1:,-v's" aiul t lic ■'don't tob." Xïuere'e on besiitance about ■ -i" nor "poBdtbdy." It says- ■■I eau cin-c vuil. oui.v di i-; 1 direct." Piertnape u fadjs occasionally. Thie maken ïneBie Ol ii when it does, Iktiiiisi! bhey never keep tbe money wh.i'ii llic iiiciü -ii: ■■ iails t dn good. 8ajpoee tiue doctors went on that in-in i]:t-. (- beg i ii ■ dbctors' pardon. Ir ouldirt do !)
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier