The News Condensed
Sebot. .T. W. Wabwicx, a brave ounff oílicer in the United States rmy, was eroshed to death in the government building1 on the world'B air RToumls by the fall of a heavy gun. Tin-, village oi Gravelton, Ind., was ompletely blown away by a tornado. Weslby Cokns waa elected mayor of ronton, O., f or the thirteenth consecuive term. Flamks In the paper mili at Enon Station, o., caused a Idss of SiOO,OüO. A. (r. Yates, wholesale coal merchant at Rochester, X. Y., made an assig-nment, with liabilities oí nearly $1,000,00. A ni.ocK of four-story buildings in "itninnati was burnecl, the loss being $100,000. A JURY in )!t)ston gave Mrs. Susan L. . Cleveland a verdict for Í10.000 in her suit against Charlotte W. Lyman for alienai.ion of her husband's affeetions. The bureau of Btatistics in its statements of foreign cummerce shows that luring the twelve nionths ended April 1 the excess of importa over exports was 168,636,000. Tin; amount of free gold in the treasiry at Vashington on the 17th was Í40.500. The trial of the United States cruiser Detroit took rlaee at New London, Conn. , and the result shovved the boat to be the fastest cruiser in the world for her displacement. The queerest railroad train that has been seen in many a long year drew out of New York for Chicago. The loconotive was the first one sed on this side of the Atlan'tic. It is called "John Sull." The two coaches look like stage coaches on railway wheels. The train will be on exhibit at the world's fair. Carter Harrison was inaugurated for the fifth time as mayor of Chicago Charles E. Williams, managing editor of the Cleveland (O.) Plaindealer, dropped dead in his office of apoplexy. A cyclonk wrecked forty buildings at Osage City, Kan., killed Anderson Wagner and his wife and injured twenty other persons. An explosión at the Buck-Ivanhoe tunnel near Leadville, Col., killed five men and seriously injured several others. Thomas M. Harr & Co., coffee brokers in Xew York city, failed for 000. Thk twenty-eighth session of the Minnesota leffislature carne to a close. Ekv. Sim Jones converted 2,400 sinners at Bowling Green, Ky., in ten days and liquor licenses were not reissued in consequente of his visit. THff announcement was made of an immense iron and steel combine that includes thirteen of the most extensivo companies in Ohio and Pennsylvama. They are organized under one management, with a capital stock of $12,000,000, and Cincinnati is headquarters. Cassvü-le, the county seat of Barry county, Mo., was almost wholly destroyed by fire, the loss being1 $150,000. A at Lyndon, Kan., blew down the courthouse and jail and the Methodist church and killed Henry Hirsh. Thievës took from the safe of George Wilkinson's jewelry store at Mansfield, O., watehes and diamonds valued at $0,000 An explosión in the blacksmith shop of the Minnesota mine at Tower, Minn., killed three men and nine others were iniured, two fatally. Frank C. Alma, the murderer of Christie Warden at Rutland, Vt., lias confessed that he is George H. Abbot, a noted desperado. Tiik town of Boles, Ark., was alraost entirely destroyed by a cyclone and seven persons were killed and a large number iniured. For the nine months of the fiscal year ended Mareh 31, 1893, the aggregate receipts from internal revenue sources were $120,510,056, a pain over the correeponding period of 1892 of $7,208,078. Frank C. Hargraves, Theodore Heitzberg and W. H. O'Brien, all wellknown men, committed suicide in St. Louis the same dav. Firk destroyed the great structure of the Clifton Wire Cloth company's works at Clifton, Mass., the loss being $250,000. Peter T. Smith, late paying teller of the First national bank of Wilmington, Del., who embezzled $50,000, was sentenced to pay a line of $10.000 and serve seven years' imprisonment. The sloop Elida, silk laden, foundered off Cape Flattery in a heavy gale and four lives were lost. A Bill to prohibit combinations formed to advance the price of the necessaries of life was passed by the New York legislature. A cyclone swept over Jasper and Clarke counties in Mississippi, doing great damage to property aud killingover a dozen negroes. Thk total domestic rice erop for the current season of 1893 and 1893, carefully estimated, is reported to be 255,000,000 pounds of clean or edible rice. Five litres were lost at Centralia,W. Va., on the line of the West Virginia & Pittsburgh railroad, by the of a jack used to hoist an engine. The house of Dan Erickson at Bradford, Mimi., was burned with all the household effects and the man, his wife and two children were cremated In Minnesota and Xorth Dakota snow feil to the depth of 10 inches. A terrific cyclone near Fayetteville, Ark., swept a path 800 yards wide, uprooting trees and destroying many houses, leaving several families homeless and destitutc. Ax abstract of reports made to the comptroller of the currency shows tinresoui-cesof national bunks in the country 13,469,781, 288. Amongthe liabllitiea capit;il stiirli ]ihl in aggregate - 000,000, and individual depobits 91,761,DOO.000. An Ohio Eiver ráilroad train was derailed on the twelve-pole trestle near Cereclo. Ky., and one man was killed and thirteen other were seriously injtired. Thk town of Shubuta, Miss., '.vas demolí V : own of 1,000 inhabitants in tli lene mining district of Washington, royed by fire. .000. e in a quantity of ba n in the hold of tl ; tham at B loss of 1100,000. lx their ninth annuul report the civil service commiesioners urge that the classified service bc extended ;is rapidly as practicable to coy posiUon in ublic service possible, and hope that a bilí may pass congreas to take the fourth-class pos1 ut of politics. The whole number of places subjeet toasompetitive examination vinder the rules is now 42, . governor of Tennessee ordered Tracy City to Buppress a minera' riot. Ai.t, the gambling houses in Louisvilie. Ky.. were closed by order of the mayor. At S an. , a inil) of "!0 eitizens lynched Dan Adams, a younff negro, for havin assaulted A pent Stout of the Union Pacific freifhi office wil h a razor. Ai. i. over Illinois, Michigan, indiana, onsin and Iowa a violent blizzard raged, accorapanied by hail, sleet and snow, stopping all travel and wrecking many baros and severa] houses. A steam scov was lipset in the river at Lock Haven, Pa., and tliree men were drowned. MtNEBS made a desperate attempt to libérate the convicts from tlie stockade at Tracy City, Tenn.. and during the battle two men were killed and a dozen others were wounded. FuBTHBB advices from the cyelone in Jasper, Claike and Jones counties in Mis.sissippi state that over 200 homes were mined and nearly fifty persons were killed. A negro nained Ilenry Germán with his wife and nine ehildren were imprisoned under the ruins of his cabin, and fire originating from a stove slowly roasted the unfortunate wretehes. A cyclonk struck Midland City, Ala., and destroyed a dozen residences, four stores and two warehousos. In some portions of Minnesota the snow was 3 feet deep on a level. The business portion and thirty houses of the little town of Water Valley, N. Y., were destroyed by fire. A tebrific hurricane swept over Nebraska and windmills, barns and hay stacks were overturned and wrecked and several persons were more or less injured. The citizens of Lexington, Mass., celebrated the 118th anniversary of the firing of the ''Shot heard around the world." Tiie new waterworks crib at Milwaukee was washed away during a terrific storm and fourteen men lost their lives. Fok over forty-eight hours Lake Michigan was lashed into frenzy by a tempest and several vessels were driven ashore near Chicago, others were wrecked and several lives were lost. The exchanges at the leading clearing houses in the United States during the week ended on the 21st aggregated $1,242,015,644, against $1,210,901,193 the previous sveek. The increase as compared with the corresponding week of 1899 was 18.6. Francis D. IIarris, a prominent young man at New Haven, Conn., died, and when his wife was told of his death she took her own life with a pistol. TiiKrivers in Minnesota and Dakota were booming, and the Red river valley, the great wheat región of the north, was one sea of water almost from Fargo to the Manitoba border. Business failures to the number of 208 occurred in the United States in the seven days ended on the Sist. against 209 the preceding week and 201 for tlio eorresponding time last year. Repobts made to the comptroller of the currency by the 8,806 natiomil banks doing business in the United States show that in round numbers these banks have 100,000,000 in gold coin and gold treasury certiflcatea and gold clearing house certificates approximating $75,000,000. Thb $100,000.000 gold reserve of the goverimient has been depleted to the araonnt of f2,700,000-. l'iv a tire in one of the shafts of the Butte and lioston opmpany at Butte, Mont., nine minera were cut off from eaeape and were either burned to death or Bnffocated. Fathf.u Yandkykn. a priest in the parish at Butte, Mont.. wassaidto have squandered $02.000 belonffing to the church. Fi.ahkrty, of Mount Morris. N. Y.. on trial at Geneseo for criminal intiimuv with Mary Sweeney, a parishioner under l(i yearsof age, was found guilty. Wim.iam P. Gaspkb, a eolored hod carrier at Kensington, I'a., is heir to $10,000 left him by a slavery days mistress. Miss Mary Struthers, living near New l'hiludelphia, O. Rohlk and l'allister, two murderers under scntence of death, escaped from the prisou at Sing Siug by throwing pepper in the gmard's eyes. Tliey are both Xew York men. Sriuiii damaged to the extent of 000 the United States ghip canal connectinj? the Harlem and Hiulson rivers in New York. A CVCLONE in Virginia did great datnajre at Danville, South Boston, Martinsville, (ireensboro and other t.owns. oThe home of Julius Manthieu at Beaver l'alls, l'a.. was burmed, and Mr. Manthieu and his wife perished in the flamea. Fhki) IUdgkum, Gtoorge l.vons and Willium Kinff were killed by the explosión of a fjlyeeriue house at Emporium, Pa. Jacob Newman, b Chicago lawyer, wüs swindled out of ?28,000 by an adroit sharper known to his victim as Lj'inan L. Lamb, of Akron, O. A storm in the Ohio oil fields wrecked over 100 wells, the Standard Oil eoinpany alone losing over 9200, 000. A Wetxs-Faxgo express car was burned near Albnqurque, N. M., and $75,000 in gold iu uue of the safes was melted. ELEVEN white caps, some of thera the most prominent men in Carrollton, (ia., ore Bentenced iu the superior court to twelve montha iu the chain g'ang. PERSONAL AND POLIT1CAL. Municipal elections -were held all )vi-r the state of Illinois. In most of the towrw the issue was liceuse or antilicense, and in only a few instances were the advocatt s of anti-license successful. Samuki. Pascoe w;is elected Daited sta1. from l-'lorida to succeed f. receiving95 out of the 100 votes James A. Tawitey, eonffressmanelect frora the First Minnesota district, feil down a flight of stairs in St. Paul and was probably fatally Injured. Geit. B. L. T. Bsa o was in rees from 1847 to 1S4'J and from i Yi 7 ! ut liis home in Westmorekuid county, Va. KnwiN BooTH, the veteran traed'.an, I st coke of paralysis in New V.irU. and it as thought that he could not recover. 1 inspring illnese of many inontlis Mrs. Almina Hancock, widow of Maj. Gen. Winfleld 8. Hancock, dled n New York at th !e of the jeneral's niece, Mrs. Eugene Griffin. Tuk New Vork legislatnre has adjurned sine die. Col. Vn.i.i.M McMichael, aged 58, a well-known lawyer and assistant attorney general ander (len. Grant, was found dead in his bed in New York.. FORclGN, Á. P. BuDOiiPHB, tne French billiardist, died at his home In Paris. His real name was Peyraud, and he was about 58 years old. lle was oncechampion of America. In -a battle between federal troopa and rebels at Santa Tomas, .Mexico, 180 of the former were killed, including seyeral officers. FoBTY housesat Slivno, a villag-e of Bohemia, were destroved by fire and four persons were killed and forty injured. In Mexico the rebels captured the cities of Guerrero and Santa Toraas, and in the tirst named city 600 federáis were killed. The marriage of Prince Ferdinand, ruler of Bulgaria, and Princess Marie Louise, eldest daughter of the duke of Parma, took place in Florence. The Australian joint stock bank failed in London with liabilities amount'ing to $(55,000,000. The deposita amounted to nearly $55,000.000. The official cholera statistics from Russia show that from March 18 to March 27 there were 460 new cases and 120 deaths in the government of Podolia, and from March 27 to April 1" 118 new cases and 35 deaths in the government of Oofa. Elsewhere in the empire 15 new cases and 7 deaths are reported. Kbiïaiiii 1Ii:m:v, fifteenth earl of Derby, died in London, aged 67 years. The Irish home rule bilí passed socond reading in the lintish house of commons by a vote of 347 to 304 amid the cheers of the üladstoneans and the Irish members. A Quebec paper has been investigating the exodus from that province and declares that it reaches 20,000 a month. In an affray in Mexico, just across the line f rom Phoenix, A. T., Frank Peary and YVilliam lirook, minere, killed the Mexiean sheriff and five other Mexicans. Both the Americans escaped. Tuk revolution in Honduras was said to be at an end and the government wus again in control. Tiirc emperor of Russia has signed the extnulition treaty between the Unite4 States and Russia. LATER. The, government expenditures so f ar this month have been heavy, exceeding1 the receipts by over 12,000,000. The receipts have been Ï23,7OO,OOO and expenditures Ï24, 900,000, and this has had the effect of reducing the net cash balance in the treasury to ?24,905.000. The Friend & Formy Paper company at Franklin, O., failed, with liabilities of f200,000. DuBOra the recent storm on Lake Michigan fifteen vessels were wiveked, nine lires were lost and property valned at f290,000 was destroyed. BowBU & Co. 's wholesale liquor establishment in Montreal was dïuuaged Í100.000 by fire. DuRwe a recent storm in theoysterg-rnwin'f distriets alon the Connectieut coasi the oyster erop was almost ruined, the loss beingestimated al over 1600,000. Thb Hank of Milbank, S. D., made an aRsignment with liabilities of over 1100,0 Sixiv of the provisional guard at Honolulú were poisoned by some drng put in their milk by their enemies, the medicine men. The two leading1 business blocks at Colfax. Wash., were destroyed by fire, cansing a loss of 1350,000. Jack Brabx (colored) was haneed at Bendereville, N. C, for the murder of Ii. I). Taylor, a white man. last August. Brady confessed Uis orime. ■'hk Sunvy Lutaber company'a milis at Dendron, Va., with (i. 000,000 feet of lumbtr. ere burned, the loss being $600.000. QoBACB WATERS, the pianoforte manufacturer, died at his home in New York in the ülst year of his age. His deatli was due to a severe eold. Thk Tennessee legislature has passed an act authorizing state banks to issue currency redeemable in gold and silver. JORK 8. Smitii and his wife and three small children were struck by a train at acrossintj in Jackson township, near Wabash. Ind., and all were killed. Tk acres of timber belonging to the Wade company ut the Victoria doek in Huil, Sngland, were burned, the loss beingOTer 1600,000. The Qre waa said to have been .startod by striking dockers. Tuk hide firmof Benjamin McLean & Co., ne of the oldest institutions in Kansas City, Mo., failed tor H 0,000. Thk details of the calamity that befi'l the island of Zante, In Greeoe, show that sinee the beifinninnf of April there had been a total of 100 earthquake Bnocks, there were not in the eity oí Zante fifty houses safe for thepeople to live in and l.'i'i persons lost their Urea
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier