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riant at least (HM '!■■ "" Arbor l'ay, and tiitUB lulp to l-.-.-iut ' y your UlOllK'. Dexter i ' ttarougli thla ;i!ni levying anj Lilage tai. Happy ton ! aré makin.iï a ou ol ; r clone píctai W3U Ourlett, of Dexter, h ni ii. bran.-iL üore a( PJnckney, wltli "Win Damow Ilduc.l . A. & N. M. li. E. iar etiope, which ü la rumored, vvill be ïviimv.d From Ovroeeo. g the sob toí b nww paasenger b bn tin' Lake Shore K'y. np towii. Tli.c LadlB' Ubrary In Dexter te onc óf thje ol '■■■ town. Books iau !;:■ lira wil cvn-y Salurilay atterJ1OO11. . R. poel b ; Dexter te makinaiiii.-nn-nts for au elabórate ob.-crai .mi ol Memoria) Hay in tliat plaoe. Mr. HeiberBew ra :e track te ahout completi-d. and horeefi will bood be .lev. ar speed ttoereoni Thls It dti thous'ht tliat Um l'lymouth lire vas tlue work of an ineendiary. If '6O "tlu; yunlty person ought to lf aplrohemlrd nul Bcalped. Matttuew Blrd moved i,it Saturday irom tliie homo Jio lias owned and occuiiid ror i many yeare, on to a farm Qeddes. - Dexter Leader. Dexter b bo a uw wind mili OTW ttte uran wU on B Street. Tlnis [e duiiUiic-s ,i natural result of the atterapt to eoforce i!ic liquor law Chtas. Tarker, of Utna, has leased a ]art of tlue resfüdence owned by Frank F. Taylor, on Ann Afbor st., and is ireparhii;: to become a citizcn of the "v illage.- Dexter Newe. A Bbe i-a'.alpa karinjií.-ii has been eet out on tlLe lawn of the central 6c1wki by taie WorWa Pal claea. It :s to be dedloated wltJu appropriate exercdses on Arbor ]Jay. - Manchester Enterpríae. II. TV. NewlBürk, casiiiiT. glvee imite that tiio new Dexter Sarlngí Baak win 1m? opened lor bnainen to ínorrow, Tlnii-.-ilay April 27. and inviics al] fricinls id depoelt thclr surplus fonda tlin-cin. Now thajt the vtllage eouncil furnwhi) wlíl set them out n.mi agre tu : hem, iba News mfcrt intcrcsi in ihc woi 9 quite wondefrful, over 100 troes en !-]M.krii lor. Tho K. O. T. M , ;it thta plácete eteadilly gnowlog. Thj-ee new hiEmlers were tnátated lasi Prlday t aiMl tlhere aro btill more lo folBow. l'.vcry youim' iiiíin shoukl join íihe BOiáety.- l'iiickncy Dtepatch. Tlie Jarmer wbo rajsed wheat aml iiurcJuisiMl geed ímiud tliat it tiöok narly 14 busíil of Uie former -lo ome of ttoe latter. If he íiffured t closoly lio WOUld find that oate brougüit about as mu li per jiound aa ■iiieat.- Ex. HiUslalc lKiat-ts tliat ln a populatjon of 3,000 Bine luis over 50 wWowe, lintn witli a. population of 1,000 toas 50 wklow-fi. Tbere was a Ume vh !tO() inliabilants w liad 64 wldtoWB. Tilias rural burg is grcat íor líeme ■viMiowk.- (Ttaton Local. Sedgwk-k Dean uní (ieo. A. Peten mieaeured la es on a ivolitieal discusalion at tlte front door ot the post office Monday aftenioon. Both are keen and well read up to date, and trom apireáramos cacli learned somethiing new trom thio other.- Dexter Leader. Thie school board, ilso a mimber of citizene, inspected tlie school house laet Bnnday. A.ltÜoqgh they found ttue building1 no different from what it luis been tor Bcvcrul yearg, the board deiided to have an expert come and inBpect it.- Wayne Review AVlui i nro tJie membem oi that board üniim on week days ? They must be vcry busy jnen ! An jnu-restiiiK mui uas tried before 'JustSee BunMge week ; the Buit tui auctjon om trovér to recover a rond ivarini wbtoto the treasurer of r.i]ir-vay, Mr. Wrtt, liad levied on to coilect a (liiu-li tax aoaeued againsi ivm. Curtí. The huit bagan Thurtrday monvinji and lasted until Saturday &10011. The jury renctered a verdict of ho cause of action. and the pin int Ff 'appealed i.d cin-uit court.- TocumUK Hera-ld. Theoouiicil was orgaaizedlast Thurs lay and tCue foUowing aptKirrt;rants made: A'iilage attorney, Qeoge W. Turnbuii ; manbal Raak Oreen; pound marter, Abner Van Tyne ; f.ire wanlm, W. F. RlemteriBcJuieidcr ; ptnet commiesioner. O. J. .Crowell. Finance committeo, Geo. CT. .Crowell, Ja. L. Gilbert and I. M. WbCteter ; ordaaanoe commlttee, AV. P. Iliemenecluneidcr. .las. J., Gilbert and A. A. Oonkriglilt ; street committee, Geo. J. Crowell, Jacob Schiumacher and W. F. BebneuRtmelder ; uide andcnow walk ooinmitieo, I. M. "Wliitakor, A. A. Conkrig-lit and Jacob Scliiuniaclicr. The saloon kecper'g lionds were placed at $4,000, tic same as herei , Heral(j. O. W. Scxlnn has sniiir lini' lftTg ó lence in Hamuu-u-. One f t'iii'in win be placed n díáon in i .Mirhi.iían building a n a grotrp oí íine lamí :: Btate.- Plocki,cy K-p.! Mr. and M.-. H. i. Xiiilack are móvil lilis wek wbere they wi;l niakr it. t luir luturr lioni-.'. Thelr mar.; -'t' their Mire aml i;l i-li I ln-tn success :. H ■■ tiae acceptted a poeúbioai Ín J. H. MUler's ii i'iim on i . It seeruK li.araiy neceeaary io ui :iny o! onar majilo erogar makers tii: i to too íiiany al Vcad.v : "A ■womk-rfully Kood iinita■ ]iiap;c sugax may bo made by lia voi-iiiK' onlinary brown n:;;ir witli ;ui extract of üLlckory bark. Ie ie bo be aiuKist lodtetlnguiabable trom i ne." OoDgTeeBmaa Gorman has been here to look over ihc grouud and claline of tibe VïwSous -aii(Ulalcs tOT post ina-icr. Mr. Gorman te a corteous and compattioaabile gentleman, and i lic luteresta "f the masses at hcart. as e ooBgreeem&n.- Tpsilai iic!. Ji must be ttoa.1 tbe Bentluel mjiii ie a candidato íor 1'. M. Tluit tmvn Eb DoreTW loet and miglit lust aá wU be content fco remata a country cross roede, wSuose desHnles are i-uiod by üuoee men wlio ffiaccwraur ivcry emterprtee lm wh,: u thcy do : ! cürc ■! ; nl iimn-iliati' (lnanclal ld i ii 1 li'iii-.'lvi'ri :unl it is only un-li. tffort, iu1lic spirit and harmonSouw tuuatltag iiiat bulld np a good (aty.- Oueteee Herald. F-' loos mr Uw improvemont of roads for a compara ti voly ■i-ate o'utiay : MonttUy removal f all,loo6e stoiies jiïi tlue road ; bi4iMntliIy removal of all fixcnl Btonee ; aakiiiig tlhie roadway m!y of the liarde1 toe ; . ■ i - i .- 1 1 al baad ; pía tog a tile drajn leng-tlLwie and in tlic center of neqnfrlug all new roads and all miv pepeare ka oW onee, raked or '(1 prrlci-ily Miwotli. Th Plymonth Jlail prives thls idoa of fJie way tlicy Idiiulit at the lire in I place on tí ITth tnst : "One of ■filie píate glaae lo Ule Plymtmtb SavInlgB ]iank front was braken so Un' fixture.s in tibe office eould be got out. J,ater mi. a quarrel took place in front of the building and one of participant wae liinmii throuch tttne ,other, so that both of the glasfl wene broken tor mere nothüng." A lmeliiei of oom will make four .l OHB of liisky. Ciivcrnmcnt tax on gellone of whisky, $3. GO. The sky madr rlpe aod oid by the Jay Sye See rapld ppocee, ïella readily 1t .$4 per gal., niakin 16 tor four tallmi-. Of tibie $16 tliiï farmer g Hici'iiis ; i hc fiovi'i-nnient gets $3. GO; hie railrii:nl ■- : tbe manui'aetu1 1 : tbe VTjoder geta $6.10 ; hii-.rOH.-umer gets the devil ; whlle the and tax-paycr foots tlie l)iü. - Jiu-kson Tati-iiit. Maple Ktreet has beeji quite famous PtB fliiwcrs. and l'.lus K])riiiK is nu cv rpnoii. Mm. Dsmon's Windows are Ulied witjb many rare plaats and a l(-ombination of tinte t'hat must deiilli.t the oimnoisscnr. l-'a.rtlicr down Wveatrect, we note tihe fine display in fMrB. Chopmian'B wSnOowu, ivhere for weekt tlnere h:is Ix-en an exhibit of tropical luxurianoe. It may 1e sonic"wliíit agajiist McCallister'e code to fetop aml gaze, bnt it can't be helped. 'Everybody does it.- Ypnilantian. They Oawn't lill jt, ye knciw. . If any country on tlue face of the trlulH) can pcodnee more kinds of "weather in tho Mune lmgth of time iIkiii Mi: - li ii-n 11 we would like to know lts latituide and lomgitude. We can fcnjoy(?) tthe climatic cffects of every 'zone oai tlhie globe withJn 48 hour8, ■uïMl somc extrae thrown in. Talk nbout copper raimes, aaid school furniluic. aml murders and all tlue otlier VtsÜOge in wliirli Uk; Wolverine st-ate boa Om in.-iiU: track, lnt it must be i iini ;i !! th.-n her eaterprtee in the Vcathcr imd!U8trjT piits cvcrytliins? olse ín öue sihade.- Noi-ihviiic Record. Tn speakjaig of tfae rflmildinu ope4-ations in ili,;ii city, the last Ypsilantian lms this para(pupb : "The opra howse loss would onwb Sta owner, 1it tJie leesee, Mr. simtc, write at ii 'in tJne Soo that majiagere bhrough'out tiue Btate are p{KMdng to deVotc ooe niiiilit's in for the rebuiMtog o tiic lKHi,.. whteh mtght llp it oit vcry niatri-ially, uitli ;i local oommJttee here tw take care of la tunde and assure i in-ir proper om. rllc sayg 18 pi(n,.s iiiiw a lurky jumiher. iia.i zivcn tfae Pet Baker ('cinpaiiy Bwo dates, 1h' I2th and l-'!Ui. Tlicy ci,,sc (lic KSth, ..[sc ihcy and many of uur cüttceofl WOUld luivc Immii in ihc 1k,usc whn il was dashed tb pieoes." As a.n advertieemcmt tlio cyclonc was a decaded succpss. Tlie city was full oí ,-iu'li.l-seers, Thou-sday, Friday and Saturday, priucjpauy of thoee ■vvli.0 caino in by the strcct railway ; but Snnday Uie peoplo "came from all dtrecttow in carriages, on bicycles, a-foot and Uorseback. Tlie etreets were packed and it was a wild day. Too many gave evMence tUat tangleitoot was accessible to those who knew ttu secret of obtaJnmg it, provided tliere was any secret about it. It was ;i iircat idvert 'inent, luit it is doubt ful whi'tlKT it was of the ]i i.viiiiï kind. Wi' pivvr it shoiild be markíMl "(me tnsortlon only." YpOanU Sculiiiel. A licavy ia ! n slnnn Bel iii Wednesday cviiiing and eontinurd all niniit aml u u fTTl v.-siri cl.iy i i. tt WU mpontod ly vcry eevere ikh-iIi- (lid as inn.Ji. dainane a the cyclone itsi-li. Canvas and tar paper Whdcb h:id boen ai ranuvd for temporary roofpr.ivpd ent :vry as lese oalnst iiMii.iin d force nf vrind and rain, aml Üi' iüi n rrcd lniüdhms were fliKxlrd. Tlii' t iiou-aniis ol dollars won i I be Box Facfory wae without jirolc ■( ion and terrilily ilaniai;, il. as N-, a - tïue sin-ksof Bolbrook . ('ook & Brown'i furnitiire, Setuaffer'a harnees shop and many dweJUngs in various parte of the city werp -wiioiiy defenseleee auainst i li,c storm. Tlu' water pourcd In Ktnall rivn-s önnongti the Cleary C-oüo.í;.' aml CmrtilB can , tory. 'i'ii'-n lasi 1 1 ' Li" 1 1 1 il snow cd. aml is verv


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Ann Arbor Courier