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District Sunday School Convention

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The followinj; is the programme to be-observed for the Second District Sunday School Convention, composed of the conntlea of Waahtenaw, Monroe and Lenawee, to lx held at Dundee, on Wednesday and Ttmraday, May lOth and llth : WEDNE.SKAY AFTER.NOOS. 1:30 p. M.- Song Service, couducted by Rev. McH. Mllne. 1:48 i'. M - Dtvotional Services and Reailing Sciipture, eondueted by Rev. W. II Skentelbury. Welcome Address - Rev. W. J. Balmer. Response- P. S. MeKinnon, Tecuniseh. 2:30 P. ii.-Bow to Interest the Young in Systematic Bible Study- f, A. Manny, Aun Arbor. 3:00 p. ji. -Home Preparation for the Lesson -Rev. S. ï. Morris, Dexter. 3:80 P. M.- Heli. ful Hints for Sunday Schools - Rev. (J rover Jackson,Fairfield. 4:00 P. M.- Chalk Talk to the Boys and Girls -Rev. H. M. Morey, Ypsilauti. WEDNESDAY EVKNINU. 7:30 P. M.- Song Service, condncted by the MusIchI Director. 7:45 P. M.- The Kook That Leads- Rev. L. N. Moou, ('helsea. The Teacher With a Starlesï Crown- Rev. W. K. Spencer, Adrián. Tliat Other Teacher- Rev. W. P. Pope, Monroe. THURSDAY MOKM.NG. 8:00 a. M.- Conference of District Officers. We most earnestly beg for tin' presence of every officer of each eounty at this meeting, to plan for asigressive work. 9:00 a. M - Devotional Exercises eondueted by Rev. McB. Milne. Dundee. 9:15 a. M.- Onr Field. Pres. from Lenawee County, I'. 8. McKiunon, Tecum■eb : President from Washtenaw Couuty, Rev. O. t'. Bailey. Chelsea; President from Monroe County, s. M. Sackett, Monroe. 10:00 A. M.- Town OreaulMtiOM- W. II. Reynolds, Hillsdale. 10:30 a. M.- House to House Visitation- L. B. hake, Toledo. 11:00 A. M.- Teachers' Meeting- Rev. H. A. Smith.Tecumseh. 11 : :iü a, M. - Resume and Cousecration - E. A. Hough, Jackson. 12:00 M. - Dinuer. TIURSIIAY AfTKKNOON. 1:30 P. M.- Song Service led by Mr-. E. A. Hough, Jackson. 2:00 P. M.- Address- Rev. O. C. Bailey, Chelsea. 2:20 P. SI.- Relation of the Young People's socieues 10 ruiiuny a c u o o i Work- Prof. F. C. Wagner, Aun Arbor. 2:40 P. M Xormal Work- Mr9. A. B. Stevens Ann Arbor. 3:00 p. M.- Deeper (Jonsecration of (iod and Our Work- Kev. K. H. Covert, M on roe. 3:20 p. M.- TheMissionaryBpirit in Our Sunday School Work-Kev. Thos. B. Leith, Petersburg. 3:10 P. M .- All Along the Line- E. A. Hough, Jackoii. THURSDAY EVENINO. 7:30 P. M.- Song Service, led by Mrs. E. AJ HoukIi. Jrtckson. 7:45 P M- Addresa- E. A. Hough, Jackson I Go Sir, But Went Not- Rev. L. B. Bissell. Monroe. (od With Us An Element of Power in Sunday School Work. -Kev. W, W. Wl'iitney, Adrián. Jlosing Word-; and Benediction. Questions and Discussions in order followiiig eaeh topic. The troubles of the T., A. A. & X. M. K. li. culminated last Thursday in the appointment of a receiver, "Wellington R. lSurt, of Saginaw, behiíí nppointed to t luit position. The road has been made a prosperóos and paying one since the Ashley's liavc handled it. From a üttle stub voad it has become a great line, and could their management continue would no doubt be a link in a great through route from Minneapolis and the west to the east. The present difficulty appears to have resulted frora a series of disasters eommencing with the strike of Itl engineers a few weeks ago. This was followed by Beveral bad sniashi]s. the washing out of the track in numeroua places, etc, etc. At last Wall rtreet gol aftnr the stock and boiuls, whicli dropped in one day fiom ::c.i in 18 cents. The company whlcb built the immense transfer steamera for the road, to run from Iudington across Lake Michigan, asked for a receiver. and the request was granted. Mr. Burt being appointed to the place by the court at Toledo. It is thOOght in i)rivate circles that affaire wlll be s adjUBted that the Ashicys wlll continue the work they have earrled n so wel! lor so many years. Below are the nlne longest words in the Engllah language at the present wrltlng : SuticoiiNt itut ionalist . Incoinprehensibility. Philoprogenitiveness. Honorificibilitudinity. Anthropophagenarian. Disproportionablencss. Velocipecestrianist leal. Proantitionsubstationist. Transubstant iat ionableness. TV'hen yon are cleaning house remember that Martin Ilaller makes a speciaity of covering and making over old parior fornltnre. Only eight weeks more, and tlien comes the sweet girl gradúate.


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