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A Good Road Law

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A l)iil has jiist been passed by tlie legislatura oí Né-w York -wliicii embodiea to a large extent the reeommendattona eoncernlng highway improvements recently mad by Governoi- Flower. The blll allows the majorlty oí ilu' supervisors In any couniv to select i rnimber f Mghwaya under their Jurlsdlction to serví' as county roads. These higbwayB musí not be wiihiu an Incorporated vlllage or city and must lie recordad In the county clerk'B office by sultable mapa. Provisión la ateo made for the appolntmeni of a connty englneer to holil office for three years unl'ss removed by the supervisors before liis term lias ezplred. The ex1 cuse o. malntainlng the county roails is tu be a county charge, to be mei by an annual appropriatlon by the supervisors. The law allows the board to desígnate the roads whlcb are to be repalred and malntained by the appropriatlon but requlrea the eiieiiiliture to be made under the supervlsion oí iiie county engineer. There la aleo a clauae which require he apportionment oí money to be made In such a manner that the vrork done In each town anal! be as neaxly as posuible proportlonate to the equallzed valuatlon oí the property o; ihe place. 'lo provlde the necesaary tunda for this Work I lie supervisors are authorized to Issue bonda bearing not more tlian ." per cent, interest, running not more than 20 years and sold for not lesa than thelr par valué. All roads COnstTUCted Or maintaiued by sueli means are to lie under the exclusive jurisilict ion oí the board oí supervtaora and engineer oí the county and exempt trom the Jurlsdlction of the htghway oííicers oí the towna through uiiich tliey pass. Moreover, in any county where the systein of county roads is adopted it is obliged to keep its remainlng hlghwaya in condltlon by money appropriation and mu by i he System oí WOrklng out the ruad ta . There le a blg White Honae, Par, tar away. Wbere Grover houde out j.i.Almosi ei erv daj : Bnt althougta I kirk and 1 ni ver heai the dluner liell I bATell't ha(i a sinell - Perhapa l never may.


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