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Chelees has .-i new gun club, i oui for hot shot . Wayne la Just now enjoylng omething new - blackblrd soclals. Preston Rouge, of Saline. Is studyIng vocal mualc at Aun ArbOP. The Dumlee Reporter is sweot ,-iu(l i r.i vela in a palace Ca'rr. The Ypsilantl papera ar estil) printIng poetry about their great cyclone. rebulldlog of the burned district in Wayne has been commencetl. Tlir Saline l'ai-iiier's dub will meel on Crida; -May 12th, al F. C. W. hume. 'I ie Saline grammar school neniors planted a tree on Arbor Day. Hurrah for the sensible seniora ! Milu Baldwln, oï Cheleea, died April L'lst, of paralysls. He was ui oíd resideni oí the place. Miss Louiae Gulde, age 21, daughter ol Mrs. Maria Frey, dled at Chelsea, April 27th. Saline eportsmen are now putting on Btyle uith the lateal (ad for tl1 gpori rnity, hammerlesa guna. Zalmon !',. ( barcb, tormerlj ol 8a line, dled April lOth, at WestminlBter, Britlsb Col., leavlng a wlfe anl two daughters. In some tocalltles the storm ol week was sn cold thai ii Iroze to the trees and rufned a large portlon of the iiuils.- Saline Observer. Troni the appearance of Chelsea caninea we should judgè that muzzlin' will be the proper thing for nimmer pauta.- Standard. Wright Bros., of Toledo, have pured the paper mili proper'ty ai Dtfndee and propoees to put it in flrstclaa Bsbape tor business. Next Saturday the Chelsea fali eiety wlll moet to appolnt tendente and make arrangements tor a fair tiús tall. They propose to a Bhow Chicago or no Chicago. 1 li. i's good grit, at least. Au exchange Bays : Farmers should look out [or tlie $480 piano uien. who w i want i" leave an instrument is a agreement in the hands of üjíent numbvr two, provea to be an order tor the piano. A. X. Morton, the Chelsea po elerk, vh eame aear being killed by a collision on the T., A. A. & ?.'. M. B. E., is able to be abont again, anO expects 1o tempt fate once mor-.' by returnlng to his place. Improvementij have gpolled the Waterbnry watch tor the email and have pot improved the .su clothes that go with them. The nratch is no longer pleaeing when il'' cannot wind i; Bteadlly for holt an hour on the Stretch. - Chelsea : ard. Th. ii fairly good condition for bicycling this fspring. re many places, how where they could be Improved- not only tor bicycling, but for other wheeling. - Milan Leader. In which assertion the Leader will not be disputed. The Plymouth people complain aboul the Blowness ol iome ol th insurance eompanies in adjusting tbelr losses. lt has been a bail . dr Insurance companiea just the same, butoí 01 rse the company which paye the mos1 promptly stands the best chance for fature business. The farmer's worst enemy, saya an ób erving wrlter, o far as transportatlon is concerned, is not the rail road, bm the wagon rond. And whai he most needs tO do is not tO make war a.uainst the rail road eompanies, hut to sel al, out the business of cheapening transportation trom the farm to the rnilway.'- ('helsea Herald. Edwin Milton Comstock was killed by the cara last l'riday, the ülst inst., while crosslng the track of the AValiash B. K.. at Whit t aker station. Those who saw hiui at the time, think he (lid not realize tliat he Avas on the track, tor he must have heard the whist le of the approachlng train and only saw it when it was too late to escape. - Ypsilantian. The Ypsilantian ' niakes this pira for one of the cyclone Bhattered old oaks : "We wish to pul in a plea for the renmaiit of the noble oak on Congress Btreel just below Chicago ave. The tornado brokt1 it oïf ubout twenty teel trom the g round, but it Ii.-is i rugged arm reachlng out twont y teel ni' inore, and fragmente o! two or thrcc otheri, which the suinnu'r will clothe witli green, and they may live to recall the pleasure it has glven in foriner years, and as an 11lustratlon ol the terrlflc torce ol the whirlwind. It has q circuinference of six ít'ft where it ivas hroken, and more than ten feet at the ground, and it was sound to the heart. Mrs. Sklnner, apon whoae house the shndOW of the tree was used to iall at Bonset, tclls os tliat when she settled there more than sixty years ago, the oak was alrcady a sturdy tree a foot in diameter, and tliat Through three-score yeara Bhe luis watched its proud growth, and a thonaand times rejolced In ïis Btrength and beauty. We support her wisli that the shattered liiub.s may be pruned, and as jmieli as possilile. ui' the old tree be gaved. Mrs. Richards, we are iolfl, owiis tho property in front of whlch it stands." Miss Ellen Taylor of Dexter township. dled April 25th, aged Í0 years. Wheat ia Salmi townshlp never looked better than it does thla ipring, 8O sald. The ereflltora ol the Weimeister esof Howeli, wlll get about 15c on the ■-!. Mrs. A. BUnpson lias returned home to Hudaon after a six weeka rt&y In ia City. Etev. F. E. Pelrce la to dellver the Memorial Day addrees before the G. A. I!. it Dexter. Cooley Reevea Is nol one i ii);i - ter Leader proprletors any more. -T. M. Allen ruiw it alone again. Frank 8heft( ld, tormerly of Dexter, later i Lanslng, is now working for A. I'. Ferguson ai Ann Arbor. Plymoutb sinrts In wlth a running for July il II for farm horses- ,,.;,■ half mll - no entrance fee. Ne y, May 8th, the vlllage ol Wayne wil! vote mi bonding the place for $5,000 for lire prote I Ion. It io i peak to the ordlnary township supervisor these days. He .., busy making out dis aasessment. The South Lyon young lolks wi lik,, to have a public llbrary and readlng room. It would be a good thlng. The same engine at Chelsea ru meat ehopper, sausage stutti r and I e cream treeïer. There la pot pourrt lor y ou. The Chelsea House haa eh inged hands once more, J. R. Gillam, ol De,' belng now the land Lord. -Standard. dam ji the Dexter Mills i„ . n repaired bo that the wheela oí those milla have comí o go round agaln. The reamery Co. ai Thayer's Corintracted Ita milk and I ■ the year ai .1 very ad■Vf. .}. II. Cleveland, oí Detroit, iw acting a8Ca :c new Savlnga '-ank at er, until Mr. Newklrk ahali finlshed hls Leglslative du Ij. Bassett and A. M. Clark o.' Anu Arbor, are gradlñg thelr lot a! Porth and preparing to erect 1. f Iiiti basement cottage and a barn. ter Xews: ,V . :■ 1 are b o í;- tielr farms, themselyes, their i-milies, and the country in which they along the highways 011 thti' Pinckney's K. O. T. M. lodgi ring Uke"a toad in fly timo, and re falrly tumbling over each other I ■ get In b next matrimonial epidemie. Adrián p em fco be Hav[ng iota oí fun throwing miv.l at each r- part ol thém at least.- Clinton Local. Well, mud is ptentiful this spring, that's one thing eertaln. -. Icinlty la beIng plowed up and sown to i gome wheal wintered badly and will pay much' botter at the correaponding pricea.-Pmckney pi p The recent storms have given farmers something extra to do thls spring in putting up thelr fences. ae politie lans are doing the same thisg, also. All trom the same i - Willd.l A certain pastor o! one o: the Methodist churchea In Ypsllanti, sald of the. tornado, tha1 "11 was Bteered tqchurch by the devil, but the I took a hand and ran it into the opera house." So. Lyon Plcket, li soumis discouraglng to say that many farmers are plowing Up lielda sowed to wheal last fall. Vet thls is actually the cake. fce and Insects caused the damage whlch will be very heavy in sume local ttes. Dexter News. We hear it evi ry spring. A cit'zen of Sein vlllage has had a vision recently, reveallng to him blre locatlon near that place, of a vast treasure burfed beneath a flat stone. That Citizen lías probably been r a 1Ing Mark Twain's descrlption "f Toni Sawyer and Huckleberry Plnn's find. A bilí to allOW Aun Arbor to COl'.eCi lier taes ti'-e a year. has passed the leglslature. Whew ! How-is that tor "rubbing it in."- Dexter Newe. U the country supervisors keep on saltIng Ann Arbor. she will be obliged to collect her taxes three times a year, like as uot. The Plyïnoutb Mail tells ol this good deed: "A ïinmber of the lady friends of Miss Xellie Steele, -pas-r,l around the nat,1 as il were, and uhen they t.ok au inventory ol the contents they lound Bixty dollars, all ol whlch they presentid to lier. As Miss Steele lost ev.TV t hilll? ï 11 the tire, B Bisty dollar gift was most acceptable." In a private letter, onr tormer townsman, AV. II. Ppttle, of Arkangas City, Kansas, says that lus family and himself are well, that Mrs. Pottle thinks that she is permanentiy cured of quinsy. she still keeps up her piano practice, and at a reeent public entertainment the audlence would not let up until slie had responded to u ad encoré. He says that they have had good rains there and prOBpecta are fair for Kansas. He thinks that we vill have todlg cyclone cella rs in which to hide, like once they did in Kansas. He hope-; to make


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Ann Arbor Courier