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The junior laws propose to knock out all the other class teams at base ba'.l. Miss Florence Foster has one to Chicago to remaln durlng the World's Fair. John W. Haarer lias gone to Chicago in the employ of the Wheel hair Co. C. M. Holt will hold down the athhtic columns oí the F. of M. Daily hereafter. The blcycle races are lo l)e held Mny 20th, and there will be several enI lies tor them. Freahman banquet wlll be held on Friday evenlng May 12, at Granger'8 Aeadeiny. About 100 conples were iresent at the social of the 95 lits at N6Wberi-y Hall last Friday evenlng. I. F. Wilcox, '94 lit., won the oratorlcal eontest of the Fniversity Prohibltion Club, laai Friday evening. The Oniversity Record is belng ably edited thia year, and eonlains artiCles tlial every triend of the Fniversity will desire to read. Banquete and banqueta ! They are chaslng each other go fast that it is impOMlble tf keep a record of them all. It is probable that the st ixiuis Browns and the I". of M. nines wlll cross bats at Detroit on or about May 27th. The 1'. of M. base ball nlne downed the D. A. e. team last Satnrday, on the Athletic grounds by a Bcore of fi to 1. It was not a very pleasant !ay. A game between Cornell and the D. of M. niñea lias been tlxed to be played at Ithaca, N. Y.. May 20th. Consequently the D. A. C. game for that date is off. The üritvereity exhlbil at the World's Pair wlll contain the photographs of President Angelí, Secretary Wade. Treaaurer Soule, all the Regentd and all the full professors, properly labeled. The Gratiot Journal has tilla notice of Dr. Vaughan, and his recent knock out of the down east cheinists : Trof. V&ughan is the highest authority in this country- and possibly as high as any in the world- on ptomaines, the class of animal poisons first discovered and nained by Selme, an Italinn chemiKt, in 1876. These poisons are produced by destructive fermentation, or putrefaction of animal tisBues. Prof. Yaughan discovered and isolated the milk or cheese polson. This he nained tyrotoxicon, trom two Greek words meaning cheese poison. It is the cause of the sickness which so often results from eating ice cream and cheese. He also discovered severa] Other ptomaines and uoted their properties. It is belleved that these discoveries will revolutlonlze the science of toxioology and its appücation to criminal jurisprudence." A man should not imagine becanse a glrl of Blxteen laughs at his jokes that he is a great wit ; a girl of Blxteen laughs beeause she is slxteen. It doesn't take a very smart person to catch cold, but a man or firni must be wlde awake and enterprlslng to cateh trade. Newapaper advertisïiiK is the surest way.


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