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A Dainty Dramatic Dish

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Tiif phenomenal success of the fantast ie coraedy, "Niobe," last season, its invariably favorable reception by press uid public wherever and wheni'vcr presented has boen generally accepted as u hopeful Indlcatlon that the taste of the play loving public has finally been surtelted with the coarser dit-t ol tilt' knock about farce comedy and craves something more substantial and whole.some. To take the place of the traahy specialtie strung together without plan or purpose, and miscalled playg, there could hardly have been srrvnl a daintier dramatic dleh than the admirable comedy y the Paultons, as staged by the maeter hand of Ben Teal and lnterpreted by the Buperb company ol liis select on. Many erf the onee most successful farce comedies of the coarser order Have been withdrawn tiiis Beason, whlle "Nlobe" still Jlves, and not in an iiiiiniinate stone, but in the living and liviiy appreclation Of a discrimina tiiiíí public. Thislatesi in1 laugb provoklng concelts, whlch bas enjoyed somethlng of a triamphal march Blnce put upon the road in August will reach ua on Thursday and can be seen at the (.rand Opera House Ann Arbor. ( . Eberbach and his daughter Miss Clara, wcre in Baginaw Monday attendiog the tunera] services oí a friend. Mr. and Mrs H. SherwQOd, of Plalnfleld, are guests of their duughler. Mrs. John E. Travis, on E. Wil!iam streot. Cashler Belser of the F. & M. Bank, I). C". FaU, Oeo. Feiner and F. G. Schleicher were in Howell Monday, as uiniesscs In a wlll case Sani I'.litz is stil] at San Antonio, Texas, the weather there ranging among the nineties, He wrltes. lic expecta to visit Ai'iznna and Mexico Boon. W. 'I'. Whedon, of Norwood, Mass., was in the city over Snnday, visiting his párente Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Whedon, of N. State st. He is on his v,-iy in Chicago to take charge oí the exhiiiit liis liini s making there. II. M. Boye, oí the Farwell Register, uas in the city Prlday last. ]iy the way. Mr. Eloyg is BChOOl conmiissloner of Clare ('o., belng re-elected last spring agalnsi the comblaed democratie, prohlbltion aal populist vote. A. H. Snow, di Wlnona, Mlnn., an attomey ;it la, and ex-officiul wlth severa! tlttes, was In the city Monday, i-iting his brot her-in-la w ex-MayoT Doty and family. Mr. Snow is the father of Geo. H. Snow formerly of the city, and a gradúate of the Unicrsity. clase o! '65. He was a D. K. E. Ed. Ravanaugb, som of Sam B. i:,ivan,uii;li, formerly of Ann Arbor, was n the elty the last of the weck. His olrt friends here were surprlsed to ser iiim .-i young man grown is it Is dlfflcuH tu remember persons only ;i they looked when we saw them last. Mr. Kavanaugh has been living iu Philadelphia, bul Is on lus vay west.


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Ann Arbor Courier