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Nora Woud and Minnie Ithoda, of Lima, O., aged about 4 years each, found ;i ple and ato it. The pie had been filled witb rat poison and the children died in conTulsions. GrLBB Bbo. A. Co.; one of the oldest jewelry firms in Chicago, failed ior Í100.000. Lu a railrosd wreek near Somerset, ]';!., John E. Pile and hls wit'c and daugiiter and ïeven quarrymen were killed and Beveral otlier persons were fatally injured. Capt. R. T. Evans and four men, who wcro supposed to liave been lost off the Bteamer Ohio in the receñí galeón Lake Michigan, arrived in Cheboygan. DUBIKG the absence of R. A. Honea (colored) and his wife their house near Aberdeen, Miss., was burned and their three children perished in the (lames. A. lï. tlEPBUKN, who has just retired frora the comptrollership of the currency, has been elected president of the Third national bank of New Vork. As pxaraination by experts from the agriciiltural department in Washington showed that two-thirds of the coffee Bold throughout the country was adulterated. !■'( BTHEB advices from the cyclone in Oklahoma territory say that seventyfive persons were killed and many others were injured, some fatally. The towns of Norman, Downs and Keokuk Falls were completely rnined, and among the killed were Nathan Banks and his wife and two ehildren, Mrs. Wilham Mahoney and four daughters, John O'Connor and wife and three" children, Mr. JohnsoD and family of four, and John Peary and wife and seven ehildren. At Pureell the Hryant family of five ineinbers was killed. The loss of property is immense, and many persons are homeless and destitute. At a meeting in New York of the National Civil Service Reform league Cari Schurz was elected president. FlHB at Memphis, Tenn., destroyed one of the barns belonging to the Citizens' ar company and seventy cnrs were burned. [:ii. Sioux City (Ia.) Dressed Beef & Canning company failed for $215,000 and the Sioux City Dry Goods company made au as.siiiuient with liabilities of $:i32,000. Five business blocks and siveral honses were unroofed by a tornado at Coluinbus. Wis. An earthqnake shook the buildings at Lancaster, Pa., until their wlndows rattled. As this was the second shock withLn a week people were growing uneasy. Egbküt G. Hasdy, wlio once bore the title of the real estáte king of St. Paul, Minn., failed for $100,000. The sword that (ieorc Washing-ton wore when he was inaugurated as the flrst president of the United States arrived in Chicago for exliibition at the world's fair. '1'iiF.opoLis Pendí. etox, a miller at Wolf Lake, Ind., returned home af ter a long spree and killed his wife and baby and then took his own lifc. The little village of üor.ita. ïex., was destroyed by a cyclone and one man was killed and his three uhildren were blown into a well and drownièd. A staitk :f John Kricsson, the invcnttjr of the monitor, was unveiled in New York city. E. R. Clabk, a prominent and wealthy iron manufacturer of Pittsburgh, Pa., dropped dead on a street in New York city froin heart diseasc. A swept over the lïttle town of Jenson, Ark., blowing down nine buildings and damaging several others. Ai, Kennedy, the uoted opium smiijjgier, was arrestad at Niágara Falls in an endeavor to smuggle scventy cans of Turkish opium. The Ladies' Cemetery association ai Vicksburir, Miss., unveiled a monument in memory of the confedérate soldiers who feil in defense of that city. ÖBOBGB Bcrke wasarrested at Round Mountain, Ala., on a charge of counterfeitmg, and $13,000 in bogus silver coin of all denominations were found in bis possession. Director General Davis in his final report upon the preparatory wnrk of the worul's fair says that SÍ,24S, 930.55 have been raised for purposes of the exposition, exclusive of tlie cost and value of exhibits. The great naval review on the 27th in New York harbor in honor of Columbus was participated in by warships f rom Argentina, Holland, Germany, Great Uritain, Russia, F ra nee, Ital3', Spain, lirazil and the United States and presented a pageant unparallaled in history. The review was witnessed by over a million persons. At the close of the proceedings the flagship Philadelphia slowly steamed up to Riverv-de opposite the tomb of Grant and on this day, the 72d anniversary of his birth. fired a salute to his memory. The First national bank at Ponca, Neb., closed its doors. EmvARD McEi.roy, an insane man, entered the room at his home in Providence, li. I., where his mother and a cousin, Miss Healey, were sleeping and ent thoir throats. He was captured after a struggle in which lic severely cut two ofneers. The National Haseball league opened its season of 1893 on the 27th. Two ol the six games were postponed by rain, viz. , the lioston-New York and I'hiladelphia-Brooklyn games. The games plaj'ed resulted as folio vvs: At Cincinnati - Cincinnati, 10; Chicago, 1. At bt. Louis- St. Louis, 4; Louisville. 2. At Washington - Washington, 7; Baltimore, 5. At Pittsburgh - (.'levelahd. 7: Pittsburjfh, 2. THE 7:id anniversary of the bivth of Gen. Grant was oelebrated in an approprlate manner at his old homeiACalena. 111.. Gov. McRinley, 'i' Ohio, being the orator of the day. The eentenary of the Beformed shuroh oí America was celebrated at Liracechurch in Pittsburgh, i';:. Tuk resignatlon of John 1.. Stevens, United Staics minister to Hawaii, is in the hands oí the secretar? "f state. Vii.i.ia.m T. Steblinö, aged 74, and Miss Ann;i Reed, üjjvií 20, were married at Pittsburgfh, Pa. Sterling said it was purely a love match, as he luul no fortune to attract ni.s wife. AXDRICH & KVT'S tin attd eopper stamping worka at Bnitalo, X. Y., v destroyed by lire, the total loss being $100,000. Manwkhs, aged years, the youngest trcimp on the contineDt, arrived at Denison, ïex. Maaners is a professional tramp and has been on the road two years. He claims Portland, ();■;■.. as his home. Tuk Bed river overflowed its banks for 50 miles in Marshall county, Minn., and spread 5 or 0 miles into the country on each side. Many farmers lost all their stock and at least $100,003 damage was done. Tuk state department bas been advised bj' the United States minister at Cuatantinople that the OOmplaints of thia government in reference to the burning of the girls' collegfe at Marsovan, Turkey, have been settled. Dihectob General Davis has submitted his final report upon the preparatory work of the world's fair. It shows the acreftjfe ander roof to be 200, 150 acres being covered by the exposition and fifty by the concession buildings, a total of 6,698,300 square feet of space covered. In addition to these ar# the state and several other buildings. At Fort Wayne, Ind., Jesse" ranee pointed a revolver supposed to be unloaded at his friend, Henry Wilson, and it was discharged, killing Vilson. A WHTD8T0EM at Niágara Falls did great damage to the large hotels and many trees were blown down on the islands. DüBIHO the week ended on the 28th the leading clearing houses in the United States reported exchanges to $1,077,422,004, against $1,242,015,044 the previous iveek. As compared with the corresponding week of 1Ü93 the increase was 8.3. Heavy withdrawal of deposits caused the Second national bank of Columbia, Tenn., to suspend. Tiikre were 2:JS business failnres reported in the United States during the seven days ended on the 2Sth. In the week preceding there were 20S, and during the corresponding time in 1892 the mimber was 21 1. Eiuvakd It. BüNWBLLL, agedSO, living in Enterprise, Ore., killed his wife and daughter, Uien hiraself, because action lor divorce had been brought against him. Ccaüiied by representatives of two citiea the famous old Liberty Bell that proclaimed the declaration of American independence 117 years ago arrived in Chicago, closing a tour of triutnph from Philadelphia. The trouble between the Isavajo Indians and the white settlera in southern Colorado and northern New Mexico caused Gen. McCook, of the department of Arizona, to send troops to the scène of the outbreak. The world's fair engine No. 999, a type of the most modern used by the Ñew York Central raiiroad. took the Empire state express from New York to buffalo at a speed of hV% miles an hour. Tuk naval review ceremonies were brought to an end in New York in the shape of a street parade participated in by the marines and blue jackets of all the nations repre.sented in the review except Spain. ETbom ten inches to a foot of sumv feil in northern lowa counties. Reports from Washington say that p u-ts have increased b; 000 durinff the first three months i year. The most notable advance was iu eotton manufactures, iron and oorn. Dcbikg an enti'. i at the ..dist church B ■ v, Vu., a panic was caused , ■ mature explosión of some colored lifrhts, and many persons were seriously injured in the rush for the doors. ; settlement of the miners" strike in the I'ittsbnrgh district by deciding to accept the wage seale of last year has rt. ]t pnts anend to the prospectivo strike of nearlv S0,000 min■ i 'it United States. BD Runyan, aged 4, died in horrible affony at bprinjffield, O., from nicotine poisoning. II is lat act was to smokc seventy-two eig-arettes without stopping. Mus. ü B. I'"i.xi:y. tut' pretty young míe oí ti. 1'. Finney, a prosperous merchant ut Huntsville, Ark., luis distinguished herself by her hnsband with flve baby girls, all within the s;a je of one year. Jim BUBKB and Sara Massey (both colored) were hanged at Henhain, Tex., the fonner for Mrs. -I. V. Sraith and the latter for a criminal assault on MrB. B, F. Clements. Over 10,000 persons witnessed the execution. Thk Standard üil company has seenred control of its ohief' living rival, the Manhattan OU COmpanyof Kindlay, O. The property transferred by the deal is valued atil5.000.000. Fivk prominent citizcns of Colbert county. Ala., have been ladicted by the United States g-rand jury at Huntsville for voters at the -last presidential election. PERSONAL AND POLiTICAL. Wn.i.l.wi EVBBBTT (dein. I was eleoted to eongress from the Seventh district of Massachosetta by M Daaj rity. LrjtuT. James L. Smith, l'. s. A., retired, died in Washington in his ."-2d year. Gen. Bobebt Smith, a war veteran, died at his home in Ham lton, 111., ayed m; ears. THK president has appointed 1.. F. MeKiuney, of New Bampshire, to be minister to Colombia; Thomas 1. Thompson, of California, minister to Brazil, and Georg-e . Caruth, of Arkansas. minister to PortujfaL Du. CüBTia . lirssi.v. a inillionaire philanthropist and pioneer in the eopper and steel industries of the country, dicd at 'nis home in l'Htsbnrg-h, Pa., in the itlet year of his age. Gkn. John M. COBSK dicd of apoplexy at his home in Winchester, Mass., after an illness of only twelve hours on the 58th anniversary of his birth. Gen. Corse served throughout the war and won the rank of major g-eneral. At its close he was assigned to the command of the department of the northwest, with headquarters at St. Paul, and conducted an Indian campaign to a successful issue. Wii.i.iam C. C.orin died suddcnly in his office in the general offices of the Chicago A Northwestern railroad pany in ( hicago, aged (!) years. Mr. tioudy wás regarded aa oneof t lic il il est members of tbe Chicago bar, and was one of the best known lawyers in thi.s eonntry. Mus. Ellbn OTuxm.i; died i:i Inilianapolis at the age of 104 years. Tuk Ohio republicans will hold their state convention in Colutnbns .lune 7. CAPT. CÍILBEBT C. Wii.tsk. of the United States uavy. who commanded the Boston when her mon raised the stars and stripes at Honolulú January 10, died at his home in New Vork, aged 54 yi'ürs. A. Kiu'o. the oldest republican in the United States, died at his home in Crawfordsville, Ind.. ajred 103 years. Jobs B. Pabsons, the oldest life-saver connected with the Mas achusetts Humane society, died at his home in Rockport, aged 82 years. Naiiilkon BoSAPABT JENKIN8, a famous Ohio river pilot of the earlier days, died in Louisville. Ky., at the age of 60. FOREJGN. Tuk Exeter [nvestment Trust company in London failed for $525,000. ïnn greater part of the villaffe of Byng liiict. on,., was aestroyeaDy nre. Loss, 1200.000. Thk suspension was announeed of the LoTidou chartered bank of Australia. Wlth a paid-up capital of L1,000,000 and a reserve fmul of L820,000. 1'kasan is stopped the train eonveying- the czar to the Crimea at Clarkofli to present to the czar a petition against eertain local abuses. A conflict ensued between the train guard and peasants and forty-two peasants and fifteen soldiers were killed. Bobebt T. Lincoln, the retiring American minister at London, will sail for the United States on theGth of May. Db. Haffkink, the bacteriologist, inoculated 400 persons at Agra, India, with cholera virus and no evil results were reported. The latest official report shows that cholera is steadilv decreasinff in lïnssia. The bleach worka at Epinal, France, were destroyed by lire, the damage amountini to 'i, 000,000 francs. lx a battle bi'tween troops and bandits near San Vincente, Mexico, all the latter and twenty-five of the former were killed. Wii.i.iam Townse.m). aged 88, of Sheffieid, England, was arrestad in London on the charge of attempting to slioot Mr. (Uadsone. Uxtxcn States Coxsf!. TATLOB, "wHo has been consul in Manitoba for over twcnty-three years, haring been appointed by Gen. Grant, died in Winnipeg after a short illness. Eight THOl'SAMi men employed in the Loire navy yard struck at Nantes, France, for au increase of wages. A TERRiFic storm swept over rrinee Edward Island and near Halifax a larffc number of lobstermen were blown out to sea and undoubtedly perished. Fihk swept away l(i:2 houses at Kreutzburg, Bohemia, and sis persons perished in the flames and over ÖUO were homeless. Tuk province "f Santiago de Cubabas been dedared in a state of siege. NEWS ITEMS. The province of Santiago de Cuba has been declarad m a state of siege The latest official report shows that cholera is steadily decreasing in Ilussia. Lieut. James L. Smith, U. S. A., retired, died in Washington in his 52d year. The centenary oí the Bef ormed ehurch of America was celebrated at Grace ehurch in Pitteburgh, PaThe resignation of John L. Stevens, United States minister to Ba-waii, is in the hands of the seeretary of state. A. Krug-, the oldest republican ia the United States, died at his home in Crawfordsrille, Ind., aged 103 years. Napoleon Bonaparte .enkins, a faimras Ohin river pilot of the earlier days, died in Louisville, Ky., at the age of 80. A windstorm ::' Niágara Falla did jreat damajfe to the lartre hotels and many trees were blown down on the islandtt. Aldrich & Etay's tin and enpper stamping works .t [iuffaïo, N. Y., were destroyed by flre, the total loss being iion.oo. Al. Kennedy, the noted opium smug-ífier. was arrested at Niágara Falla in au endeavor to smugg-le seventy cans ofTurkish opium. John R. Pursons, the oldest life-saver èonneeted ivith the Massachusetts Humane society, died at his home in Kockport. aged 83 years. Edward I!. Bunnel], aged 50, living in Orejón, killed !iis wife and daughter, then himself, because aetion fordivorce had been brought against bim. At Fort Wayne, Ir.d.. Jesse France pointed a revoher Bupposed to be unloadcd at his friend, üenry Wilson, and it was discharged. killing Wilson. Jacob Mullet. while plowing on his farm near Helniiek. O., uncovered 150 silver coins, most of them of French mintajre of a date as Ear back as 1TT5. An earthquake shook the buildings at Lancaster, Pa., until tiieir windows rattled. As this was tiie seeond shock within a week people were growing uneasy. Dana Thompson broke the American lmlf mile Bwimming record in San Francisco, lowering the time from 1") minutes and '.'il seeonds to 14 minutes and li seeonds. Chris Nieman. a farmer at Laona. 111., while insult' set tire to his barn and thirty head of cattle and six horses were eremáted. Niéman then shot and killed himself.


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