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0 [official. 1 Council ('hiinili. r. Aun Arbor, May let, 1898. Ui rular seeeUm. The council a called i order by Pres. w.-ius. i:il called. Quorum present. Absent- Aid. Flllmore - 1. The Jouraal ui the last regular and special sessiona approved. COMMUNICATIONS KROM TUK MAYOR. y, ■ Council: Gentlemen- There is no oroyision icharter or ordlnance tor appointment ol ■ City l'hysii'i:i:i. I therefore recommend that youemploy Miss Anna l'lynn. M. 1).. or somc other sultable person as City Physician, ïor tlu' period oí one yeai from thls date. May I, B. M. THOMPSON, Mayor. 7i ■ B ndl: Qentlemen- 1 bave made tbe iollowingappolntmenta subject to your approval : Parris Banfield. Marshal oi the city. t 01 ge II Pond, Treasurer. Tbomaa J. Keech, Member of the Board of Public Works James E Hftrkln, Member of the Board of Flre ( oiiiiius-jouers. i.nttlob Laick. ) Uurren E WalkerJ Membersof the Hoard Herman Krapf, ) of liiiildlng Inspectors. I have not appointed any member of the Board of Health. It luis been cnatomary heretofore for one merabcr of that Board to act as Inspector, and to foe paid for such special service. I that it is advlsable to have the Board eniploy au Inspector, so that the Board may have the power to chautie their iuspector at any time. If this rogseation mteta your approval and you authorlze the board to emploj an Inspector at a salary to be fixed by you. J will theu make au appointment with your action in view. If you desire to continue the present system I will then make an appointment of soine persou who will perform the duties of Inspector. May 1,1893. B. M. THOMPSON, Mayor. Aid. Prettyman moved that the appointraents o( the mayor be recelved and confirmed. Aid. O'Mara moved tliat the appointment8 of the mayor be referred to a special committee of five. Adopted a8 followe : Yeas- Aids. Hcrz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, l'rettyman and Pres. Watts- 8. Naya- Aids. Bcnalrer, Wagner, Kitson- 3. Aid. Prettyman moved that the appointments of the mayor be separately passed upon In their regular order. Lost as followK : Yeas- Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Prettyman, Kitson- 4. Nays- Aids. llerz, Martin. Snow, O'Iiara, Ferguson, Taylor, Mauly, l're.s. Watts- 8. The motion to now being put, prevalled as follows : Yeas - Aids. Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, President Watts- .7 Nay- Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson- 5. I'ETITIONS AM) loMMUXKATIONS. A petition signed by Iiichard Kearns and othera asking that permission be granted to Iiichard Kearns to erect a trame dweiling house on Xortli Main strot-t, east side, between Kingsley and Catbarlne si reets. Aid. Kitson moved that the petition be referred to the board of fire eommisalonen. Aid. Martin moved, aa au aniend. ment, to refer said petition to the committee on :rc department. Adopted. The original mot ion as amended, prevailed. A petition signed by the property owners adjoining the court house square, asking that the council order the sprinkling of the streets adjoining the court house square. Referred to finance commtttee. AXMDA1 IIEI'ORT OF BOARD OF ilF.ALTIl. His Honor, the Mayor and Commnn Council o the City of Ann Arbor: The Board of HeHlth, and Health Offlcer BUbmit their tinnual report. Whole number of deaths duriug the past year, oue hundred and thirty-six. The diseases causing death and the number of deaths from each disease are as follows.viz: Consumptlon, 19; heart disease, 13; oíd age, 11; pneumonía, 7; la grippe, ti; cáncer, 5; infant diseases, not classined, 1; dropsy 5; cholera infautum, 5; apoplexy, 4; paralysis, i; scarlet fever, 4; blood polson,4; childbirth, 4; rheumatism. 4; peritonitis, 3; croup, 2; convulsiona 4; brighu disease 2; diphtheria, 2: softemug of the brain,2; jaundice2; accideuts,2; brain di-uase,i; poisoned fromeatiug cauned fish. 1. Inflamation of the stomach, nervona prostratiou, ulcer, billious íever, typhoid fevcr. aplnal soítening.pleurisy, diabetes melitus, sunstroke, drowned, burn, one each; making a very lo death-rate comparing with other cities. Wc woiiM recommend that your honorable and wise Council should make an appropriation or créate a fund to be nsed by the Board, of Health, in emergencies ; and by the consent of the Common Councll, Hoard of Public Works, and Bire Department, to pay for property de8troved by fire: by the order of the Board of Health, t'o prevent tin: spreading of diseases daugerous to the public health ol the ity of Aun Arbor; also to defray any other expense neceuary to renovate or dislnfect. The time is f sit approaching when the cholera "scare" will make lts appearaneo. With a prospect of au umisual amount of travel through onr city duriiic the rommel and autumn, with a posslbillty ol coutaeiou dis caRes beiug brougbt to us from foreign couutrie?, we would recoramcud that another "thorough" house to house lnspection be made at once, and the whole city be thoroughly renovated before the hot weather commences. In order todo this it will be necessary to increase the salary of your health inspector who did tnnch for the city the ]-t year for a very small lalarv. The Board of Health uish tó recognize the courtesy and efflolency of the Pólice Department duriug the past year for their promptness in the exeCDtlon of the duties imposed on them by the board. The questiou of sewersdoes not m-ed it'i Catión, but the health and cleanliness of the city ueeds constant care and watehing Ut specofully, ELI W. MOORE, President of the Board. Dated Aim Arbor, May lst. 1893. JOHN KAPP, Ihalth Officer. P.8. One huudrect and flfty dollars is too mail a salary fora competent Health officer. Five huudred is luv price Aid. Taylor moved that the report be received and spread on the Journal. Adopted. ANNIAL REPORT OF CITY PHY8ICIAN. To the Mayor and Counctt, Oentleinen-I beg leave to submit to you my report as City pliyslclan for the year endIng May the lst, 1893. It is as follows : Ordinary vlslts at homes of tliesick 7S Two cases of labor, with total of vislts 8 Total visita 88 I'rescriptionstillcd at the homes ofsick"! 8 " " " my office 112 Total prescriptions 192 I renialn, gentlemen, Your obedient servant, E. A. CLARK. Beeelved and orderea printcü. KKI'ORT OF SAXITARY 1XSPECT0HS. Fibst Ware- Martin' Clark; Inspector. Condensed Sanltary Report frora house to house. Nnmber of residences and business places viBlled - ■'■]■' Number ol 'viinils l'oiiml - ■'_"' Number of water cloeeU fouud os Nmnberof earlliand drawer MCWeta lonnd ; ls Nuraberofvaulti-earth, closet nul drawen ordered eleaned -- " Xhe average distance of reaidencea uui . Loea from vaulte- S9rt The nearest dlstance from bouae 10 vault 2 ' riielurtherestdlBtanoefrora boiueto _ vaull ----- lio The average distance of oUterna Hom va u lts - " The average distance of wells from Vlll I IS - - ---- - - 'l% Tbe nearest dïslanoe of a well to vault 20" Toe furtherest " " lia Kumber of places where hydrant water is drank " Number if places where well water is drank - '■ Nuraberol places where cisinn water is drank NiiniUorof places using boiled water dX Namberof nulsaneea found - lue Number of eontagtou dlseasea withla twoyears 13 Ann Arbor, Uleh., September, 1893. siioMi L. 1'. Kai-i'. Inspector. Condensed Sanitary Report irom lionse to house. Number of himses and stores visitod áOT Number of vaults lunnd - ra " water olose s found M " eartii olofleta " l ■ vaults ordered eleaned - 2ü Average distance of vaults from residences and business places 4ift Average distance of vaults iroin cistern to vault 25 " Nearest distance from house to vault o ■■ Kurtherest " " cistern " " 150" Number of places driuking hydrant water "' NumberofplacesdrinkinEwell water 310 " ' cislern " none. 14 " nuisauces found 35 " " eontagious diseases within two years , none. Ann Arbor, Mlch , September, 18!rt. Tiiiri) Wakd-W. J. Ci.akk, Inspector. Condensed Sanitary Keport from house to house. Number of resideuces and business places visited 416 Xnmber of vaults and eaath closets visited 31IÜ Number of water closets visited 10 Number of vaults and earth closets ordered eleaned -11 Number of nulsauces found 61 Average dtstance from houses to vaults - -12ft Average distance from cistern to vaults - 41 " Nearest distance from house or store to vault 4 " Furtherest distance from house or Rtore to vault 100" Nearest distance irom cistern to vault 4 " Kurtherest " - 100" Number of places drinking well water 379 " hydrant " 40 " " " cistern " 'i Number of eontagious diseases within twoyears 5 Ann Arbor. Mich., September, 1S92. Fourtii Wakd-Fkank C. OHear.n Insoector. Condensed Sanitary Keport from house to house. Number of residences and business places visited 511 Number of vaults found 470 " " water closels found 23 ' " earth and drawer closets found 18 Number of vaults, drawer and earth closets ordered eleaned 52 A verane ilistance from vault to house 48 ft Nearest " " " " " 10" Kurtherest " " " ' " 100" Average " " cistern " vault 41 " '■ wells " " 41 " Nearest " " " " " 10" Furtherest " " " " " 85 " Number of nuisances found 73 Number of eontagious diseases within t wo years 29 Ann Arbor, Mich, September, 180J. Fikth Wakd- John S. Carroli., Inspector, Condensed Sanitary Keport from house to house. Nuinber of houses and business places visited 186 Number of vaults found 178 Average distance of houses and stores from vaults 28 ft Average distance of wel Is from vaults 27 " Average distance of cisterns from vaults 31 " Numberer of nuisances found 19 Number of papers served to abate nuisances 19 Nearest distance from well to vault- 1 ft " " " spring " " .. 16" " " " ei stern " " 15" Furtherest" " well " " .. 48" " " '■ spring " " ._ 4S " m 4 ti cistern " " -_ 45 " Number of places drinking well water 78 Number of places driuking tpring water 55 Number ol places drlnkiug hydrant water 34 Number of places drinking cistern water _ 16 Number of contagious dlseases in two years none Number of slaughler houses 7 Number of hogs at slaughter houses 74 Ttiese slaughter houses are declared a perpetual nulsance and should be abatixl at once. Anu Arbor. Mich.. September. 1892. Sixth Wakd- Isaac Nobles, Inspector. Condensed Sanltary Report from house to house. Number of places visited 414 Number of vaults found 319 " " water closets found 2? '■ " earth " " 61 Number of vaults ordered cleaned 29 Number of nuisances ordered abated 60 Average distances from houses to vaults 52ft Average dlstauce from cisterns to vaults M " Nearest distance from houses to vault 2 ' Furtherest distance from liouses to vault 150 " Nearest distance from cistern to vault 2" Furtlierest ülstance from cistern to vault 140" Number of places drluklng hydraut water _ 270 Nuraber of places drinking well water 56 Number of places drinking spring water 30 Number of places drinking cistern water 55 Number of places uslng boiled water 46 Number of contaglous diseases within two years none. Ann Arbor, Mich., September, 1892. Aid Taylor moved the report be received and ipread on the journal. Adopted. The foUowlng blda were recelved : ANN ABBOR SAVINGS BANK. Ann AHliOR, May lst,1893. m, J. Millcr, city (ierk, Ann Arbor, Mich. Dear .sir.- In response to your circular letter of the 19th uit., askine bids forcitv mouits. I beg to submit the following: Thisbaukwill iiay interest on daily balances at the rate of nve and 17100 per cent., and will clmrge the same rate on ovenlrafts. By oidor of the Board. CHAS. E. HI8COCK, Cashier. OFFICE OF STATE HAVINÜS BANK. Ann Aiuioit, Mich.. April 29th,1893. lo the Cominon Council oí the City of Aun Arbor: liiiitlemon :- ín rapante to your invitation to i)ote terms relative to the dispositiou of thc city's fundsfor tlie ensuiiiK year, nebeg leavc to sulimit (or your conaideratloD the followlng proposltiou : We will pay on daily inlauees 4 and 1-5 (four aud oue-íiíth par cent.) aud upou overdrafts we would charge yon 4 nnd 9-1U per cent, (four and nine ten'thg per ceut.). We would be glad to be farored wlth the City's buslnets, and can assure vou of every courtesy. Respectfully yours, ROBERT PHILLIPS, Cashier. Aid. Taylor moved that the bids be received and ordered filed. Aid Prettynum moved as an amendnient, that the bids be referredto the finance committee. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Alds. Schairer, Wagner, Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, l'rettyman, Kltcon, Tres. "Watts- 12. Nays- None. The toQowlng bids were reccivcd for printing the council proceedings for the coming year : AVashtenaw Evening Times, 28 cents per thousand ome ; Ann Arbor Argos, 30 cents per thouaand ema ; The Democrai and The Begteter, 40 cents per thousand eme, In two papera, and priatlng pamphlet, form usual Bize, 28 cents per page : The Aun Arbor Conrler, ': per thouaand ema ; The Aun Arbor Oourter and The Ann Arbor Argua, joint bid 2p cents per thousand ruis to each paper. Aid Taylor moved tliat the bida be referred to a special commlttee of three, to report at our nest meeting. Aid. Martin moved as an omendment, thai the bid oí the Washtenaw EÍvenLng 'limes be accepted as belug the lowest bld. Lost as folio ws : Veas - Alda. .Martin. Show - -. Naya- Alda. Schairer, Wagner, Herí, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitaon, Prea. Watts- 10. ïlic original motion belng jmt. prevailed by B vea and nay vote as lows : Teas- Alda. Bchairer, Wagner, Herí, Show, o'Mara, Fergnaon, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, President Watts- 10. Pres. Watts- 10. Naya- Alda. Martin. Snow- 2. Two Communications were read, relative to the condition of East Univcrhity Ave. Iteceived and referred to the committoe on itreeta. KEPORTS 01 STANDINC COMMITTEE. FIXANCE. lo the Common Council: Your Committee on Finance respectfully report tliat they have had the following bilis under consideration and would recommend their allowance at sums stated CONTINGENT FUSD. W, J. Millcr, ealary $Bfi 66 E B. Norris. salary 25 00 Mrs. Jacob H. Stark, janitor 6 26 Dr. John Kapp, salary Health Ofllcer 8month8 100 00 Eli W. Hoore, ealary Hoard of Health 6 months 25 00 Martin Clark, salary Inspector 3 mos.. 25 00 S. W Beakes, salary, Treas., 3 mos 25 00 Dr. E. A. Clark, salary City Physieian Smontlis 25 00 W.J. Miller, rappUes 5 40 Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co., street liKhtiiiK C28 33 Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co , office lilíhts 2 00 Wm. G, Snow, team and earrlaue 1 50 Est. R. A. Beal, council proccedings .. 23 07 Ann Arbor Argus " " 23 07 James Smalley, nurj ing cow and dog. 4 50 Win. Hen, painting 7 50 K. 1!. Norris, court fees 5 ÜU David Hinsey, office rcntl year 5" U0 Telephone Telejrraph Construction Co., to 7 telephone rental from April Ist lo July lst 43 75 The Ann Arbor Argus, printing 24 00 ltichmond & Baekus Co.,pupplles 49 40 Louis J. Liesemer, printing elecnotice 2 10 P. O'Hearn, supplies 5 90 Wm. G. Dieterle, table, Ctta ward eng limise 5 50 Gco. Wahr, Mipplies 2 48 Wm. H. Mclntyre. matches 1 00 Hotia Pulcipher, eopying ordinauces.. 7 00 Soblson & Howlett horsc and nutrgy.. 2 OH Est. H. A. Beal, council pamphlets 23 70 Lansing 42 30 L, P. Hall, election coni's'n services.. S 00 W. J. Milier " ' " .. 5 00 S. W. Ueakes " " " .. fi 00 i'. Krank O'Hcarn " " -- 5 00 Jolin K. Mlner, " " .. 5 00 Williaiu Herz, paintinj; 25 47 Total 11,338 44 STUEET FUND. Nelson Putherland, salar}-, 60 66 Geo F. Key, salary 60 00 Frederick Kadke. labor 22 ? Frank Duiidale, labor 21) 86 Michael Williams, labor -J 17 Charles Colfrrove, labor 8 17 Harry Kajugka, labor 11 77 Frank Schulz, labor.. 17 77 Herman Bucholz, labor 75 Edward Barnett, labor 3 30 Patrick McCabe, labor 24 15 Andrew Zlefrler, labor 75 Gustave Walters, latior 2 10 Jonathan Drake, labor 7 87 Peter HinderloíijJT, labor 75 August Hetticb, lalr 10 72 Jacob Knapp, labor 135 Jacob Micht'lfclder, labor 10 72 James Wilcox, labor 2 25 John f-teinke, labor 6 37 Charles Ganoske, labor 2 85 Albert Shoemmen, labor :i 37 John E. Mansfteld, labor 3 38 Udgar Warner, labor 1 80 KichardBuriis, teamlnir 30 62 Charles O'Xeill, teamingr 32 90 Michael Heary, teaming 26 60 Martin Nasrle, teamin(f 23 27 Chaunc-ry Thompson, teaming 10 84 Daniel Crawford, teaming 7 87 Israel Clark, tesming 77 90 Andrew Dupsloff, teaming 7 87 . butnemnd, norse and cart 23 (ia Seybold & Allmendingrer, repairs 20 Grossman & Schlenker, supplies 3 55 K. .1. Rojíers, eupplies 95 EssliüKiT Bros., iipplles 9 80 James Smailey, drayin&r 4 10 Sehuh & Muenlig, supplies 19 25 Iliram Kittredge, ifravel 69 .".-' Kembert Jones, labor 8 10 Wm. Kosencrans, labor 11 80 Total i 861 36 BRIDGE, CULVERT AND CROSSWALK FÜND. James Tolbert, lumber and 6Cwer pipe 119 H6 Charles Stevens, labor 9 75 Chrietian Eberbach, supplies 2 UI Willlam Kuehn, labor 16 12 Willis Clark, labor IK 31 Lawrence Hui?h8, labor 1H 00 WimkJ & Son, lumber 4 97 1'. L. Bodmer, lumber 20 35 Total 20Í1 82 F1RE DEPARTMENT FOND. Fred Sipley, salary B0 00 C. A. Edwards, salary 50 (O Henry Mcl-aren, salary 50 00 Louis Hoelzle, salary 50 CK' Charles Carroll, salary 45 00 Max Wittlinger, salary 46 00 Frank Kapp, salary 4' 00 Alben West, salary 40 00 Herman Kirn, salary S 00 John Kenny , salary .. 8 00 Morgan Williams, salary 8 00 Sam McLaren, salary 8 00 Win. Kettich 8 dO Water, lire Journal 3 00 Fred Chapín, nay ml straw 2175 Mrs. H. H.a.n, washmir s oo Knellen Armbruster, oats a i" Swathel, Kyer i Peterson. oats 16 80 Tal t 4S7 7 POI.ICB I!D. James It. Muriay, salary 6Ti (10 David Collins, salary 50 00 Noble C. Tice, salary 60 00 Wm. G. Snow, norse and busgy 2 00 Total { 167 00 CEMETKRY FÜND. Eli S. Uanly. labor g oo Mathew Luiupold, labor 6 25 Total ïfS poor rusD. Fred Slpley, salary 3 vj Eberbach Drug Co., medicine 6 00 John Kisele, groceries 2 31 Mrs Ann Evans, aid ] 05 John Goetz & Son, (rrooeries 9 01 Goodyear & Co., medicine 13 63 William F, Lodholz, groceries . i m William H. Mclntyre, prroceries 8 99 ü Hara & Boyle, groceries 7 92 Caspar Hinsey, groceriee 115 Klnsey & Seabolt, groceries 1 75 Vv. Salyer, jrroceries ü 75 Louis Khode, coal 9 00 Fred Stein. meat 2 00 Total f !Q RECAPITULATION. Contingent Fund 1,338 44 Street Fund 881 36 Bridge, CulTcrt and Crosswalk Funl 209 82 Fire Fund m 67 Pohce Fund jgj qO Ceinetery Kund 11 25 Poot Pund 70 0 Total I8.W6 68 Respectfully submitted. Wai.tei: L. Tayi.ok, WlLLIAM 11 BBZ, Finalice Com. AM. Behairer moved thai the report be accepted and adopted, and warrants ordered drawn for the aums Btated thereln. Adopted as tollows : reas- Aids. Sehalrer, Wagner, Herí, Martin, Briow, o'Mara. FergUSOD, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kltson, Tres. Watts- 12. Naye- None. BÜPPLBMBNTARY REPOET. Aun Arbor Thompson-Houston Electric Company, streel lighting from Aprii L'Süi tO May Ist, $79.05. Aid Kitsim moved t the bül OÍ the Ann Arbor Thompaon-HouBton Eleetrlc Cö., be accepted and adopted. and warrant ordered drawn to the animint of $79.05. Adopted as followa : Yeas- Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Herz, Martin. Bnow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 12. Nays - None. REPORT OF BOND COMMITTEU. Chairman Prettyman reported that the bond committee had examiin'd the tollowlng bonds : William Herzog, principal, wlth Matthaeus Fischer and John George Seyfried sureties; Eberbach Drug and Chemical Company, principal, Wlth Leonhard Gruner and Edward Eberbach sureties ; conimended their acceptance with the sureties named. Aid Prettyman moved that the report be accepted and bonds Iherein. Bpecified, be approved. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Schairer, Wugner, Hcrz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 12. Nays - None. Chairman Ferguson, of special committee on mayor's message, asked for further time, which was grantoil. REPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS. CITT TKEASUREll'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDINO APRIL 30, 1893. To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor : Balance on hand as per last report 115,440.09 MONEY RECEIVED. Contingent Fund - Miller, licenses 600 Street Fund- Orders canceled 11.05 Fire Fund- Sipley, building permits 4.00 Pólice Fund- Pond, flnes 1.00 Total $ 32.05 (15,47814 IfOBIT DISBURSED. Contingent Fund (1,231.06 Street Fund 312.39 Firemen's Fund 463.KU Pólice Fund 172.25 Poor Fund 189 74 Soldiere' Kelief Fund 4:i0ü Total Disbursemcnts 12,412.04 Total on hand 13.066 10 BALANCE ON HAND. Contingent Fund, overdrawn 2,084.82 Street Fund, overdrawn 1,073 59 Firemen's Fund 4.694 54 Pólice Fund 1340.18 Poor Fund 1.161.83 Water Fund 3,178,21 Cemetery Fund 258.67 Soldiere' Kelief Fund.. 1,043.69 University Hospital Aid Bond Fund 840.00 Delinquent Tax Fund overdrawn 1,400.81 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund 5.003.15 DogTaxFund 100.00 Total (17,625.32 (4,559 22 Total on hand ? 13,060.10 Respectf ully submitted, S. W. Beakes. City Treasurer. Anu Arbor Cily, May 1, 1893. Ann Akbor Savinqs Bank, ) Ann Arhoii. Mich., Mayl, 1893. S This will certify that S. W. Beakes, has on deposit to his credit as City Treasurer, the sum of Twelve Thousand, Nine Hundred and Forty-Two and 07-100 Dollars, ($21,,9+2.07). Yours Respectfully, Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier. The monthly reporta of the city clerk, city treasurer, city marshal and poor superintendent were read and ordered filed. City clerk reported the filing of the acceptance of the two gas ordinances poned April 5th, 1803, by the reipectlve gag companie. Aid. Martin moved that one of the 5th ward aldermen be added and made a mombcr of the aewer coramittee. Adopted. . PréS. Watts appointed Aid. Manly. T" th HonorobU OÉiy CouneU'. The undersigned has the honor to report tlmt in accordauce with the resolution passed by your honorable body he has examined the dooks ano voucners oí llie City Treasurer, the books and accounts of the City Cierk and ntuls the same correct. He would further report that has examlned the Interest account between the City and tlie Ann Arbor Savings liank and flnds that it Is correct. Uespectfully, JNO. R. MINER. Received and (iled. MOTIOXS A.ND RESOLUTIOXS. By Aid. Tnylor : Resolved, That the salaries of the following city officers be fixed at the following prices for the coming year : City Clerk $800. City Attorney $300. City Treasurer $100. City Marshal $780. Patrolmen $000. Aid. Snow moved to commit the resolution to a special committee of tliree. Aid. Prettynian moved that the motion be laid on the table. AVhlch motion was lost by a yea and nay vote as follows : Yeas- Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Prettynlan, 8now, Kitson- 5. Xays- Aids. Herz, Martin, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Pres. Watts - 7. The motion to commit being put, prevalled by a jrea and nay vote as folio vs : reas- Aids. Sehalrer, Wagner, Bert, Martin, Snow, o'.Mara, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Wal ta 9. Naya- Aids. Ferguson, Taylor, Man!y ::. Tres. Watts here appolnted the following Bpeclal commltteeg : Commlttee on the mayor's appointments- Aids. Hen, Snow, Ferguson, Taylor, Prettyman. Commlttee on prlnter'a blds- Aid. Taylop, l'criiiiscin. Schalrer. By Aid. Fergnson : That a special commlttee pi three be appolnted by t chair, to look np placea (or a aultable building) foi; city offices. Adopted. Pres. Watts appointed the followIng commlttee : Alils. Fergnson, I sou, Schairer. By Aid. Snow : Resolved, That thls council tnke a vote on allowinjEf Gco. Palmer thirtyfive dollars for property destroyed by order of the board of Health. Lost as followa : Veas- Aids. Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Manly, Pres. Watts- 5. Nay- Aids. .Schairer, Wagner, Martin, Hen, Taylor, Prettyman, Kitson -7. By Aid. Prettyman : Ilesolved, That the board of Public works be instructed to establish street and sidewalk grades on Fourteenth street. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Herz, Martin, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, l'rettyman, Kitson, President. Watts- 11. Xays- Aid. Snow. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. Aid. Prettyman moved the question as to legality of the two gas ordinanees, passed April 5th 1893, be referred to the city attorncy for a report. Adopted. On motion the council adjourned.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier