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In the ctuse oí the professors who are quarrettng over Dr. Obeta's proi !„. i vo mcdk-al DChOOl of the I niverslty, we recommend nlte in graln doses. Admlnlster ry ruteen minutes Uil the pulse drops. Tbat's a sensible premsrlptlon. 'litis dteagreemeni ol doctors causea more trouble i han all the rest ol the institution pnt together. Aconlte In graln doses mlghi be quietlag. The nijrlit Bpoller of Ann Arbor flower gardems should be glven a chance to piek bird-ehot ou1 ol hls legs. Au 1 II that wouldn't make him Blng sufflciently an addltlon ol rock sait eoated wlth cayenne pepper should be added. Prof. Eoli, of A un Arbor. mat. lus Importad setter in joini debate wüii a i'pslann motor. We glve tbe professor this ■pointer"- to be more carelul ol hi- next Better. Would that more dog owners would make it a polnl to follow the professor's well set example. There are people, Btlll, WKÖ do nul quite underetand whai is meani by ■.nn Arbor Dav." Send'eni over and u e'll clnick thcin in the plckllng val. il. I!. Moon has become superintendent of a ('heiM-.i Bunday school. The Ugh1 he sheds on the BCrfptures, i lie Bcholars cali Moooshlae. A little lunar, so to speak. Uniese au Unmedlate and comblned eiiort is put forth to preveni it. Aun Axbor will have a raglüg poel in hor mldet. lle is E. 1'. Johnatone, of the senior law elass. He has alrendy issued a. volume and some OXtractS appear in the papera. The at tention of the board of health is invited to thi.s new danger. In revengo for tliis, next week we shall publiflh an ;'Ode to che Adrián Prees." Prof. Scott oí the luiversity, has heen oilered the chair of Engllsh in a Massachusetts college, and is eonsldering the offer, bat has soms hesItation about undertakini; the lanuáge in a state where it is so little spoken and so violently opposed It raust be that the I'ress has not bean able to rellen the Boston brown liread accent. It is 6aid that the Iniversity studente spend annually In Aun Arbor over $1200,000. This statement ut l'irst blush íooks like a Btupendous aberratlon of the moral faney, but the sura i really about $400 per student, and does not nclude vhat is spent at poker, l'oker? Poker? What'a that? And the Normal base ball team, spake one unto another Baylng ; "Lel us go up unto Alblon and smite thDickieties hip and thigh ; and behold they shall become uur meat." But when they were come, the Dickieties feil upon them and pouaded them around the diamond 10 to 7 and they returned home on a shutter. A'erily "all fleah is grass !" And how vei-y green sometim -.


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