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The Ohio Chemical Co.

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READOUR TTTT T ÍRESPONSIBLE TESTIMONIÁIS. JCTL JLA-JLV ACENTS WANTED. O DOUBLÉ OHLOR9DE OF GOLD TABLETS v. Will compii-telv dcstroy the dcsire for TOBACCO n from 3 to 5 days. Perfectly harmless; cause no f vS." C . 3 skknuss. and niay be givenin acupofteaor cofiee without thr koowledge of the patiënt, who will - L V C vou' ing orcl.ewing in a few days. f "" V o . DRUHXEHNESG and ÍÜ9RPHINE HABIT ïï'SSZ U.1 ATS" V OVV tteni Cour SPHCIAL FORMULA GOLD CURE TABLETS. rfV A f w I Duii: i' :, y :!M'iwed the free use of Liquor or Morphine until such time ast:.. y (ii'C thein up. k. A teStimOV- v t hict nf testimoniáis free, and shall be glad to place fK áí 1 f snfferers 1 V ■!■' ;.:iv . :" tlicse liahits in comnmnication with persons who nave been L . nialS IPOm cun: . 1 TABLETS. M '"i nopennowhn HILL'tí TAÜLETS are for sale by all first-class druggists nt $1.00 SK W% bU perpackagc VBk. 1. íi. havebeencurIf vuur ilrufrciFt does not keep them.enclose us S!. CO ■" we will seud Bk 'A . j , , you, by return mail. a package ofour Tablets. RkS K'" edbytheUSeof ; Wiite your name and address plainly, and state wbetbcr Tablets A. 3BIM Vk are ior ToKacco, Morphine or Licuor Habit. % K". .'k '-'(SS SSv 5" Uil I '0 . TA Dl CTO c=criviEr-ivic3G-E= A. mlfl HILL ö v I AÖLt I ö. Pi C_ IVl fc_ IVl CD t_ ( a% j WBfir TheOhioChemical Co: TjLk cS, V'' ■ 1 ' Iïkm: Siu: - I have been using your VTï r.VAPATiTFE a cure and invite the most careful invesmJ. mJK enre for tobáceo habit, and found it wbuid tigation as to our responsibiüty and tho ineriu of our IhJI Mlr do what yuu claimed for H. lusul tin cenls I TabJcts. HL K w worth t üié strongest chewing tuiincco a dav, DO NOT BE DECEIVED into . K.. and from one to fie cigrs; or 1 v. .:A f ingunv"' Rostrums that are being fl ifci gi w ironi uu [o(..ny ,i pt s n! t !-.ici:c. ÍI-... c'.ir.-. -1 offérujfor f aio. Ask for HIIjL'S TABKHW. HkT and smoked for twenty-five years, and iwo puckages LEIS iitid takt; no other. .'.X .'", L of your Tablets cured mé so I Have iki ilf.sire for it. Maimfactured only by _ '♦-'■V "'%. "%? I!. M. JAVLORD, Lcsik-, Mich. THK 5 i Lá%Y Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. Vk r ■DL.nk TBt; Onio CniMirAi. Co: flllin PUCMIPAI Pil ÍIÍ "■a.Vfe-'i Gkntlemen:- Some time agol sent or t'.oo worth of your UtilU UilLlïlluAL llUi k V A W p Tablets for Tobacco Habit. I reccived them nll right and, although KlSnk HHk. k I was both a heavy moker and chewer, they did the work in less than 61,53 AND 55 OPERA BLDUK. T Hk. three days. Iamcurtd. Trulv vours, LIMA OHIO itv 'áa. '■K' MATHEw Johnson, p.o. Box 45. DiHTinil ARS S. k PlTTSBÜROB. PA. PARTICULARb 'yBk K Bk Tni Omo Ohemical 0o: SM. H iBk HJI Gentlemen:- lt gives rrepleasureto speak a word of praise for your Tablets. FREE yéSÈ " ;"tv t F My sou wasstrongly addicted to the use of liquor, and through a friend, I was led to ■HH Él. try your Tablets. lie w:is a heavv and constant drinker, but alter using your Tablets .i, Hk vS Ljt&j. but three davs he quit drinking, and will not tuch liquor of any kind. I have waited g ■kBib. Kr f"ur muuths bcforc writiug yuu, ia order to kuow the cure was permanent. " Btk. iD m V.jurstruly, ríiyy ÑíKK ■%% MRS. HELEN MORRBOX. jtb BekV QmH; Cixcisnati, 0. án ChI r Thf. Omo Cnp.MicAi. Co: _, . , . . . j? TX 'ffl. iï, 5 Gentlemen:- Your Tablets hare performed a miracle in my case. I have used morphine. hypoderft. RkA micallv, for seven years, and have been curedby the usc of two packages of your Tablets, and without -M JB auy effort on my part. W. L. LOTEGAY. 0. Address all Orders to 9 (In ■sviHir.jf picase mention this paper.) 51, 53 and 55 Opera Black, LIMA, OHIO.


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