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Mr. umi Mm. O. II. Bntterfleld returned Iae1 week trom Vermont. Charles T. Henion and wlfe havo gone to Anderson, Intl., to reside. .Tustice üutts will lcavc Ann Arbor along t ie first of next month, to reniaiu severa] weeks in Chicago. Itev. and Mis. ('. M. ('obern invitod in a few (rienda last Prlflay livcning to meet Prof. Bigelow, of Boston. John H. Cuttlng leít Monday for New Bampshlre to isit bis father vrbo is quité í 11 - Mi-s. Garriguee and daughter Miss Nellie, are borne (rom Washington, I). ('., speading a tew day'a vacatlon. .Mis. Dr. T. ('. I'iiiilis. of Milwaukee, Wis., is vislting her párente, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Vli'lon. on X. State street. Iíev. i. P. Davle preslding eider of 1liis district, bas removed with liis fainily to Détroil for permanent residence. Misses F.dii'i and Mlnnle Roed, of Xorthville, have been vlslting thcir uncle's people, .1. M. Cook and famlly during the week. E. P. -Johnson took a run down to Van Wert, Ohid, last week, to sec OOW li is farm was gettinjj; along. He foimil tilines n good shape. Ray Fall eatertalned a number of young frlends at the home of liis paréate, Mr. and Mr. 1). ". Vuil. last Frlday aftemoon, that being hia llth birthday. Dr. and Mrs. Cny have returned to Detroit, where they will reside iicrinanciit ly, and wlicra the Dr. will enter apon the practice of his profeaslom. Mr. and Mrs. .. B. Beal, wlui have heen travelling in California and the weel tor the past two months or more. are expected home the first oí next week. Prof. A. A. Stanley at tended the banquet glven by the National League oi Muslclans at Detroit last Friday evejüng, and responded to the toast: "i he .Musical Profeselon." The announcemfcni ii.-is been made oí the engagement oí Miss j: Dunster, of thls eity, and Mr. D. B. Barlow, of Mahony tv. Pa., a member of tho junior law class. Hou. Joseph T. Jacobs tefi Monday to attend a meeting of the Board oí ludían ( 'nmmis-sioners 1o lic held in New Vork city. He evxpeets to be .■iii-ci.i a v ek or 1 en flays. Mr. and Mrs. .1. .!. Goodyear, accompanled by Mra, Goodyear'a mothe-r, Mrs, Comstock, leave for Chicago the last of the week, to spend some time at the Columbian ExpoBitlon. The 23d morriage anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Fall occurred last Frlday, and a few friends osskted tlicin in observing the occasion in the evenlng, among the party belng the Business Men'a Quartette and llieir wives. Mm. A. M. iioiy was called to Minneapolie, last week by the sertous illness oí her danghter Clara, with tyI [ever. Mise Clara lïas been. abIn the weel for a year nearly, .:iii was expected hom in a few days. We ar., pieaeed to learn that Miss Dóty is Unprovlng. Dr. J. W. Morton, for the first time in upwards oí sixteen years, has been obltged to Mieoumi) to disease and to doctor hiniscli bastead oí adininisterinu o the needs of others. He has an affectlon of the cycs that is j;ivIng him considerable trouble, but he hopea to be about agaln In a fe-w ilays, and there are inany others who hope he will, al-o. Whether this is tit for tat wo will ollow those whom it hits to judge : "Whèn the country newspapers find MK-i-s Invading the Held oí Home merchandise and selling goods to the farmers, ihey arise and whack the intruders, and advlse tlic farmer to buy his goode Of the home merchants. And when forcign printing houses send their represent a ti ves amongthe merchante and business men, many of these same business mon givo their printing and get inferior work." linid the stakes- Butchers. Get an ink-ling- Quill pens. Great Scot- Robert Br Cnnning Uttle thlngg- Foxes. A feilow feeling- The phrenologlst. Jumped on with both fcet- The mat.


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Ann Arbor Courier