Real Estate Transfers

Kiinuslird eocb week bythe Abstract office I of James Kearns & Co.. Aan Arbor, Mlch. Ab stracte furniehed on short iiotR-f : 1 Jolm (J. Kooke to ffm. S. Hooke, v'2 of 11 e '., B6C 14,Superior $1,000 00 , John Gllbert to Adam 8. Turnbull, lots i 87 and 89, Gilbert's lsi udl to ïpsllantidty 1 00 Dan'l G.8wltzer to E. A.4 A. Swltjier, ïpallantl city- i 00 Wm. Rider to Chas E. Rider. 85 ac off the esideof w & ofn e ', sec. ]' inid 60 acres off e side ol w '- oí su', i,i 6,000 00 John v. Lavrrence to John II Hiner, lot 8, bik 4, Lawrence add A A. city 850 00 L. Oruoer to John K. Minor, true dt 1 I, hik i south range -2 west A. A. city Thomas Basle to John R. Miner, trustcclut 17, Jas. B. (Jott's 2nd addtoA. city 212 00 Wm. Lymburner by Adm. to Jas, 1;. Bach, trustee lot No. 14, bik 2 soiuli e il Kast . A. City - - 1,755 00! Emma B. Kiiif; to w. Jl. Smith, WCTt nart of lot 9, bik 6 south range i-'. I .. A. city - 1,850 00 John 1!. Corllsset nl.toWiu. 1'. Stevens lot I-. 1 add to A. A. City. Frank Batbion to Sumni und % Of part Of lote il and -i, original plat of V i .-- i 1 i 1 1 1 i city l,ï00 00 Frank Bathfon to Sumner Damon, part of Iots21and 2i, Ypsilantl city 1,000 00 U. Ulllerto Nannette B. G.Smltb e '., of Iot8 bik 1. A. A. city R.Smi ld '- 2, Thoma I ownsend uud ■ Superior '- l 00 j eb Holsrer to Wm. Bolger e : W '., and w '.. i e '., oi alc'm : ?. 4.400 00 II. , T. Hutzel ie Stephen Pratt u Of lot 16, bik :', -iiiitli : , I, A. y 8300 00 s. Barnard to John A. I of e ■,v i . rlor - :. nr J.Kit sdii.). art of lots -il and 8rd add i i Amelia Schneider to George Smlth. lot 682 Norria Bastera addltion Ifpsllantl eity G75 00 L. W. 8. Morgan ,'by Ex. to August Hirk, lot 9, bik 7 .Miiyiiiinl's 'Ju-t add to A. eity. 1 175 00 James Kit-on by lieirs to Henry A. Kitson, et al. purt of lots 5 and 6, Mk 2 nortli i !. A. A. city 8,2
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
John G. Rooke
William S. Rooke
John Gilbert
Adam S. Turnbull
Daniel G. Switzer
E. A. Switzer
A. Switzer
William Rider
Charles E. Rider
John F. Lawrence
John R. Miner
Leonhard Gruner
Thomas Eagle
William Lymburner
James R. Bach
Emma R. King
W. B. Smith
John B. Corliss
William P. Stevens
Frank Rathfon
Sumner Damon
Phoebe M. Miller
Nannette B. G. Smith
Thomas Cowen
Perry L. Townsend
Gottlieb Bolger
William Bolger
Herman Hutzel
T. Hutzel
Stephen Pratt
S. Barnard
John A. Riggs
James Kitson
Arthur J. Kitson