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As The Emperor Of Germany Grows

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oliler be bepemee nwre and uk. re iiroverian in his w.iys. CniCágO Tribune. Croker'B orders that no Tammany jn.i 11 Hhaii apply for pie shows that tve beltevee the dfflce Bhoold sééK tbc tlger.- Memphis Appeal. Judge LurliiTii's iicw rule to appoint none but demócrata on pension jiH'dical lioanls is a new device to meet tbe Bóurbbö eraie for sjioiis at the ócpeaae ol Dnïon Veterans.- N. Y. I'ress. It the deatb penalty a to be reMored it all, why not make boodling punishable by deatli T lictraying a public trut niiRlit not to be lower in the list of crimes tlian nnirder, nli.liouRh it niay still fiirure lower In ïiieamiess tliat piokini; i)nckets.- Detroit Erenlng News. Secretary Cnrlislc acquitfl lus son IyOga.ii of rcsponsibility ter ('hief Bturtcvanfs reinoval. mul assumes it himsclf. This confirma the Imprenten, already widely current, iliat the secretar; is a apolisman of the iirst water, and 1hat Ixnran is merel? a chip of tlui old bloeit.- Boston Journal. The, j)rovineial goverament in Ha■n-aii gtill ïnaintains itself, notwithstanding the bad influence of President Oleveland's impatriotic man IUount, ivlio lias been lending his influence to the royalists. Perhapa tho people will find Ihomsolves able m ïnaintain a republic il' forelgD "■'- tions will keel) tlicir hasda off. The Ixmisvülc Courier-.lournal is makinR it hot for the old Midiera who voted for Grover last (all. Hear this : "'riicrc must be war, not penci-, until every protectlve duty is atricken nut of The taril'f aiil every robber eoffci' cooler Kt rieken off the pension rollK. Iet jtaiied fade of republie.'iniMii w inee. oiir williers are uilwrnng." Fot every box of tin píate made in this country, the Bhearman receives 9 mits. iiis ïtritish competltor has to be content -wit li 2 1-5 eents. This. dMterence In wages prevaiis i hriiimiioui the varloui gradea of Avork in tin píate manufacture. ilow ian wc compete witli Wal. in this iniliistry without protectlon T - N. Y. Trese. All of whteh is reepectfully reterred to t lic average free trader to figure out ii lic can, to the satistaetton o: the laborlng man. Unie the greal White City doea pmethlng in nil.-iy the teeling tha1 ■ i prevalent now all over the coun try, t visitón to the Pair ar belng fí')iiíí'i and cheated, and tak en advantage of in eveary way, thcr ■wiil be a contlnual dropping off ii the travel to that wonderlul Oo lambían Bxposltion iliis nimmer There is do queetion bnt that Chica go is gcttinjï an nnprecedentei amount ol adverttalng, bul il Ui no of a kind tiiai most towns hanke for. Wrangllng, Jobbery, hogigshnes and genera] dieregard tor everythlaj nation regarde moei hlghly in .■ niad aeramble lor the almighty dol lar is nut the kind of a tharacte every city -unid care to show 1 tlio world. Chicago has known hei eU ko loog, ho wever, tliat sho 1 iiKed to it. Il is nnly the ri.-i ol tb country that Is soinewhat Btartle and nirprised. Kut. ghe would 1 do weil to put a sto[i tr it.


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