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Teachers' Examinations Bxaminations of teachers iu Washtenaw county, ior rhe eniuing school year. wlll be held ets follows: Th? rejrular exarnlnation wlU be held each year on the iirni Thnrsday oi Maren and a neust at tlie county Beat. Applleanta for all gradea can onl.v lx' eiamined at these dates. Specini examlnatious wlll be held ut: Ana Arbor, irst Thursday of Mar., 1893. Ann Arbor, last Friday oí Mar., "0:?. Ypsilaüti. last Friday of Apr.. '93. MA1ÍT1N J. CAVANAÜGH, Con. THE NEXT MORnKnG I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. My doctor says it acts gently on the stomach, llver and kidnev. and is a pleasant laxative. This drink is made trom lierbs. and is prepared for use as easily as tea. Itiscalled LAHE'SMEDIGIHE AIldrticelst9sellit!it5nc. andiapackage. Ifyoa cannot gt it, fipnd your address for a free sample. I.uiK-'n Familv Medicine innveii the bowels ench lny. In ordor tobe hi'alltiy This is necessarv. AddresaUEATOKl'. wuowvaiiii.Leiiov.N.Í. OUCOÏOÏ 33 CURES RHEUMAT1SM. If one bottle does yon no good, don't uy anothor, For Sale by lruKKistfi, er eeut postpaid va receipt oí prico, $1.00. ■ URDSAL MEDICINE WI'F C CO., Masonic Templo. CINCINNATI, O, E. E. Calkins, 34 S. State St. Eberbaeh Drug and Chemical Company. COMMISSIONERS' XoTICF. OTATE 01' MICHIGAN, County oi WashtoThe underslgned having been aiointed by the Probate Court for snid ( oulity, Commislionera to reoeive, examine and adjust all :lainis and demanda of uil persons nuainst the estáte of Henry Tower. late of said county deceased. hereby give notice that six months 'rom date are allowed, by order of sai'i Probate Conrt, for credltorg to present their ■laims iijiaiiist the estáte oí sai-.l deceased, and ihat they will meet at the oflieeof Thompsou, llarriman & Thompson in the city of Aun Arlior, in sald county, on the twenty-third dny of June and on the twenty-third day of September uext, at ten o'clock a. in. of each of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated, Mnrcli ■-':;. 1893. GIDKON L. HOYT, j commlsswner. An.MixisTRATOii's Sai.i:. RKAI. ESTÁTE FOK .-ALE- .State of Michilmii, county oi WashtenaWj ss. In the matter of the estáte of Jennie N. Bennett, deceased. Notice is nereby ivrii that in nirsuance Of an order grauted to uadersigned administrator oí the estáte oí Baid deceased, by the Hon.Judge of Probate for the County of Waghtfiiaw.dii the second day of May.A D. 1898, there will be sold at Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, at the east front door of the Court House, In the City of Ann Arbor, in the County of Wa.-htcnaw, iu said state, on Tuesday, the twentleth day of June, A. D. 1893, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all eucumbrances by mortgage or otherwise exlsting at the time of the aeatb of snid deceaeed) the followiug described líeal Estáte, to wit: 1. All thuteertaiu pareelof land sitúate in the Townshlp of Salem, County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, and being Bub-dlvislon number four(4j according to the plat of the oommtseioners on partition of the estáte of .loseph L. Beuuott, deceased, aml bounded as follows. viz: ('omineuciug in the north liue of section flfteen, towu one, south range Beven rast, twenty-three 2:ii chaina aml elgfic (X) links west of the ïiorth quarter purt of said Beotioii; theDce south parallel with the north and south quarter line of said section to the east and west quarter line of said section: thence west six chains aml thirty-three (88) links: thence north parallel with first line to the north line of said section; thence east six chaina aml tblrty-three (8S) links to the place of beglnlning; contalning twenty-four acres, ag about one and une-half acres, thereof, conveyad by sald Joseph L. Beunett in hls life time. 2. The undivided one-fonrth (' ,) part of subdlvislon number one (1) according to the pint of thecommisslonerg in partltlon oí said estáte of said Joseph L. Bennett, deceased, being a part of said section nnmber fiïteen.and deBCrlbed as followa iz: the cast eleven (11) chains and forty-two (42) links in uidth off froni and across theeast sideof the north onal quarter of said section numteerflfcontainlng forty-eigbt 48t aeres of land. HiANK BENNETT, Dated May 2, 1888. Admlnistrator. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Ann rkr Saviigs hï At Ann Arhor Michigan, at the close of business, May 1. 1898, RE80URCE8. Loansand dlscounts.., $468,019 17 .:,,cks. bonds, mortgages, etc ::7.74:; 3g ( i ve rd ral" t s . . 8,857 60 Duefrom banka in reserve cltles 89,148 48 Due (rom other banka and Kanker 8.078 88 Banking house ïsoo 00 Kurniture and fizturee ?,14 02 Other real estáte i .!n7 07 ( urrenl and taxes paid. 2,941 .- and cash Items 1-'.' 07 Nickelsnnd pennies 52 9S Gold coin 15,000 oo Sllver coin j0. 2,250 00 r. --. and National Banknotes... i.soa Oo Total 11,023,888 45 HABILITIES. Capital stock pald in $50,000 00 Surplus f und 100,00000 undivided proflts., 6146 Dlvidends unpald 4-15 00 Individual deposita 167,665 66 Certiflcatea of deposit i'.i.ayo 00 Bavrfiga deposite Total $1,022,889 4fi MATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. BS. [.Charles E. Hlscock, Cashier of the abovo named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement, is truc to the liest of my kuowledge aud belief. CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. Correct- Attest: CHEISTIAN Mack, W. D. UakriMAN, ÜAVID RlNSET, Directors. crlbed and sworn to before me this llth MICHAEL J. FRITZ,Xotarv Public.


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Ann Arbor Courier