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Mre. Dr. MacLachlan yisited in Detroit last week. Mr. and MM. H. J. Brown were in Detroit Monday lor the day. B. J. Boutwell, of Cliicago, is vlsItlng his famlly for a few days. Miss May Cooley will receive her rrlends Friday .Tune !, from 4 to 7 o'clock p. m. Sani Sctoafer, of Fuut. in the eraploy of Hnbert Woodward. is In the city for the week. Mis. .1. C. Ooreon, of 12th st., is btíing visitcd by her won H. F. Johnson, of San Francisco, ('al. Mrs. W. S. Studley has removed from Evnnston to Detroit, and will reside at 177 Forest ave., east. Ernest B. Perry, of Bay CMty, has been visiting his párente, Prof. and Mrs. W. B. l'erry for a few days. Mrs. W. W. Whedon and Mrs. E. A. Spence left for Saginaw on Monday to nttend the funeral of their father. Mrs. Dr. J. A. Dell left Monday to visit triends in Mil&n and Macon. She was accompanled by her little daughter Hazel. School Commlseioner ('avanaugh vlslted t lic schools in Dexter yesterday and to-day is in Shafoo on the game mtesion. Mrs. M. L. H. Walker, Miss Soule and Miss ('ook been at Iansing this week in the Interest of the "Wonian's ( ymnasiinn. Mrs. McLachlan recelved a visit from an aunt reeemly, who resides in Detroit, but lias been Bpendlng tinwinter in California. Homer Hendcrson. of Cleveland, was in tlie city over Snnday. aeoompanied by Mrs. Henderson who will remata tere some weeke. J. D. Ryan left Saturday for the easi to select an assortment of goods for the fall trade- it seems quite a raye to look ahead, doeaa't it ? Mrs. Pette entorta inert the King's Daughters last Saturday afternoon, al lier residence cor. Madison and Thompson sis., in a very pleasant manner. Dr. J. W. Morton reports his eyes ,-is beiqg BOmewhat better, but it will lie some weeks yet before they will be strong enough for him to resume iiis practlee. Edwin Miack was in the city over Bunday, the guest of his parents. .1. H. (ut t tag hias returned from his old home in New Hampshlre, leavtag liis lather out of danger. Mis. II. .1. Kiiiiicn, of Milwaukee, aa c.iIIcmI tJ Ann Arbor by the illness of hor mother, Mrs. Dr. B. M. Ilartley of 40 "N'illiain st. She will rcmain some little time. ■V. K. Childs, wlio liad been "under the weather" pliysically for some daye, was out for the flrst time last I'riday. He is at liis desk onco again, and tbere are many who are glad to sec liim back. Mis. Gcorge II. Iïrooks who had been vlaltlng Mre. Weldmann, on S. División st., received a telegram Mouday from her hueband tliat thelr residence had been burned in the big fire, and she returned to Saginaw on that day. Mr. and Mis. E. W. Groves, of Austin, Texas, are visiting thelr father, ffm. 1'. Grovee, of NorthJleld, andother trlenda in the viclnlty. Mr. Groves is cliief engineor of the public works in that city, and at present engaged in superintending the construction of t lic electric light works, water works and furnishing power for manufacturiag entorprises. The city is expending $1,400,000 in this work. The power is furnished by a GO ft. dam acroes the Colorado river, extending a (listance of over 1,200 fect.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier