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The man who whistlea at bil woi-k, sagti bAfl somewheie sahl, Wlll never bonest labor shh-k. Nor meet u task with dread. About one dozen members of the Wolverine Cycle Club took a run over to Saline and back Sunday. And still the miserable thieves continue to steal flowers. Nothing wül stop them except a watch dog and a ehot gun. On Saturday, at 2:30 o'clock p. ni., the Mission Circle ot the M. E. church, will meet at the residonce of Mrs. McKenzie, No. 45 S. 12th st. If you have any money that you can possibly spare subscribe to the School oí Music stock. The rnore schools the more business tor Ann Arbor. l'rof. Banr broughrt in some rye Btalks four feet long, last Saturday, grown on his city suburban farm, the result, lic saye, of "Book iarming." Eev. J. AV. l' and Robert ainpbell attended tlie meeting of the c'ongregational Associatlon at Owosi-o, last week, returning home Saturilay. And now it Ie said that tliere will be a lajee apple erop after all; that the buds were only a littlo later than uaaa] la oomtng forth, that'a all. ood uowí. Jay Taylor the famous tenor of Ihis city, has been making for hini-■)( a great hit at Detroit in the role of the "Black Ilussar," at the Lyceum theatre. AHyn B. Geddes, of Ann Arbor, a maduate of the Phannaey class of '88 of the U. of M., died at the home of hds father-in-law at Lake Odessa, on Sunday morning, May 14th, of consumption. He leaves a wife and ono child. Mr. Frank Howard, of this city, who is considerad an authority on banks and banking, reporta that the feveriBh ieeling lu regard to these u;eneral depositories of the people's wealth has vaniished, and that there i a Bense of security now on the part of both tlit' people and the banks. gjn hlm Mr., because In tun he'd n erely Kr.. And tbc n In -;■ The follow nlte, Thla Dnughty Mr. Kr. Sr.- 1 The W. O. T. ü. meete at Harria Hall p. m., al ". O'clock. O. Macl has Improved tfie Iooka ol liis residence on I'ourth ave., iy bhe removaj i '■■ Aid. Fergason hem recelved orders for 21 cox loada í road wagons and oarts trom ■'. ■ i.;";is. Mo. The Preabyterlan society haa pur,l the reaidence ol l; D. A. Maci.iririau. cm s. División st.. tor u e aa a parsonage. -1 churcb haa been tboroughly ovrhanled, repalnted and touei'.rd üii on the outIde, giving it a decldeflly DOa1 and la.-ty oppearanoe. The Mt. Veraon socdety il meet on Defcoratlon Day, May 3Oth, Tueliay ai :' i. m'., ai Harrte Hall, ladies parlot. All taterested are cordially invii rd o attend. The ruliins In the city are haring b big íiiíiii with the mlschlevous gqulrrels, who are tryfcng to rob thelr oeeta ol their eggs. The wrlter saw oue ot theeè Ughte the other day. ïeeterday tiercé wlnds prevailed over a considerable exteal oí territory. Much damage was done to trees, and buildings in this county. At Holly the losa is fnlly $10,000. The fonrth lecture in the course of "Old Testament l'.ibie Storiee re-exainineil n the Ught of Modern Mecoverles," will be glven next Sabhaih evenlng. Topic, "The Apple and the Serpent or the Fall of Man." Supervisor James Kennis, of the 8d ward, has been dra wn as a travers juror for the June term ol the L'nited States COUrt, at Detroit. And very Btngularly lie doesn't care to accept the invitation. Prosecuting Attorney Thos. Kearney has rented t he wesi rooms in the L'd story o! the Aümendiiiser block, and as soon as the present term of court lias a lull he will move thereto. He will have a suite of exceedIngly pleasant rooms. I'.y a recent ordinauce swine are prohilbited troö the city limita of Aun Arbor. The Courier, noting the fact declares it "a erious question with many families what to Uo with the swill and arbage trom the house." Kmpty it on the nlght marauders of flower girdens.- Adrián Presa. Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Howlett have gone to Anderson íf attend the wedding of a cousin, Mr. Tvouis K. Howlett, who will be marrled this afternoon, at 2 o'clock to Miss Laura M. WIlBOm. The ceremony tafees placo it the home of tho bride's párente, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wilson, of Anderson. The Deutsche (lesellshaft founded 28 yenrs ago by Mrs. I)r. Palmer and Miss Ooaátanoe von Haíften, liad a Goethe May Day at the residence oí Prol. È. Baar in t West End, on the 20th. The membew are mostly professors of the University and ladiee, who sprak Germán. Goethe wreatba and Goethe songs were the order oí the Hay. Dr. and Mrs. Angelí honored the poet by their presence. John W. Bennett has moved uto bis new offices over John Moore's drug si oro, has tlu'in all nicely fitted up, and has as pleasant quartera as any a i i Ocney In the city. The front part, wiiich is nicely Ughted, hf will use loc hi.s private office, and the room to the rear will be used for a justice court. Mr. Bennett is to be congratolated upon hie pleasani business hoone. The annual Memorial Sunday will be obeerved bhis year, next sunday, Hay 28, by attendance at the First Baptist chureh. the sermón to be preaohed by the pastor, Bev. A. s. ('arman. Uesidrs the (rand Army Post, it is expected the Sons of Veterans, the Woman'8 Relief Oorps, and Co. A. Is1 Regiment M. 8. T., and the Ana Arlior Kiflcs will attend in a body. The only person killed in the greal fire at Baginaw, e. ., last Saturday, was Robert Turner, father oï Mrs. W'm. W. Whedoo and Mrs. E. A. Bpemce, ol i ii í -; city. The old gentleman was 89 years ol age, and was resldlng witli a daughter Mrs. C. u. Holland, but fust how the fataliiy occurred la not known at tliis wrltlng. Mrs. Spenco and Mr. Whedon went to Saglnaw yeeterday, to attend the funeral services, which wil) be held to-day. On Sunday afternoon last, a carrtage in wbich was Harry Pouglas, lus sisters and another yonng lady, was overturned at the corner oí Hill et. and Forest ave., by reason of the team becoming frightened, and all the occupant.s were llirown out and somewlmt injured. It was thonghi that Miss Allee Douglae had sustalned severo injuries at first, but vn-y fortunately tlioy turned out not to be of a very serious nature. The many friends of this family are reJoIcVng that all escaped with no greater injuries. Sonio astronomically inclined ink slinger lias been studying up the almanac, and evolves this : -'The day of tlie month and week are always tho same in March and November, and in April and July. That is. ii March comes in on Monday, November will do likewise, the same rule applylng to the other above namod inontlis. In leap year January Is with March and November. Tho last day of February and the fourth day of July always occur on the same day ol the week. The same is mie of the L'lth ol April and Christ mas. The staeriff'a ootlce thua suppllea A moral and a tale ; Thi fellow thoiiRht blmaelf too wise To uii' the Bchemes that i devise; And el be falled to advertlsa He'a ndvertlêed to fall.- Tl The papila ol Efi 8th grade wlll glve an entertalnmeni a1 the chape] on Frlday evening. It wlll conslst (jí recital lons, muBic, etc. The Aan Arbor Oourier said Ias1 week iha't "sunshine bas ruled now lor several days," and Immedlately It ralned. - Ypsilanti Sentlnel. It was only one oí nice sunsiiiny Bhowers that makes all nature Laugh, vuu know. "Mayor Thoinpeon, President Watts, City Attorney Norrte, and Aldennen Manly and l'rcttyiiian are tlie commdttee appointed by tlie council to visit i.ansing and seeure the passage oí an enabling act to issue bonds for sewer lateral. Tlie iiew briek building' oí J. F. Hoelzle, at tin; corner of E. Washington Bt. and rourtli ave., is bellig encloood rapklly. It wlU be an ornament to the street. NOW ii the old Cook House baro eould be made iuto Mores, Washington st. could put on. airs. Whether Representativa Kline or llepreseutative Mills is responsible ior ÜliH, we are iiui prepareu to state; Lnder the new law, book agente niay be killed lroni August 1 to uctober 1 ; poets trom Maren. 1 to .December 1, Inclusive ; uuibrella botrowers [rom l'ebruary 1 lo May 1." The Glee and Banjo Clubs give au opea air concert in ïroiu oi uie law building to-night. at ï:iso o clock. iii.r-e clubs are certaiuly superior to any the Un.vcrsity lias licreio.ore sent oul, and there is littie üoulk bul that they will have a rousiug crowd, us iree conterts are usualiy well palronized. It was pretty coid last uig-lit, and in some portions there was a irost, tliough not a great deal about the city. In some localities early garden vegetauon was nijiped, but it is tüought that littie iï any ftrult was injured. In the nortliern part oi the Btate they Lndulgedln a heavy unow storm niglit beiore ltist. A very line and satisiactory txhibition by tae nieinbei"S oí the physical culture classes of tlie ward schools took place in the iligli School chapel last Friduy p. m., at 4 o'clock. ïli young children went tlirough the manual very griiceiully and prettily, and were watclied by a good sized audience oï parenta and lriends. The papers yesterday morning annouiiced the appointnient oí John üillen as postuiatster oí Saline. As it seems Lo le necessary that il deiuocrat shall be appointed to this position under the presont admiiiistration, John haa lots oi iriends who rejoice over lus good íortune. He is a good man and deserving oí his party. Tlie evangelist c services to be held tlie coming fall, by liev. 11. Fay Mills, under tiie auspiees oi the churches oï t!;is city and the titudeufs Christian Assuciation, have been dellnltely Hxed to begin Monday, Nov. UOth. Mr. Mills" services in Minneapolis and Milwaukee reeently have met with great success. Many tlimisands having been converted. Anuther old resident of this City has baan ealled away in tlie death cm Banday evening, oí Mrs. barali A. O wen, who reided on I'luin street, north side. The deceased was 7' years old, and eame to this state in 1843, residing at the home where she died, ior the past 25 years. Funeral services were eimducted by llev. Cainden M. Cobern, at the residence j-esterday p. m. The Young People'a Union of Ann Arbor will hold its closing meeting ior tlie year al the l'resbyterian church, next Sunday evening, irom 6:20 tu T''" o'clock p. m. Tlüs comprteea all the Young People'a Socicties ui the different churchea oí the eiiy, and the Student's Christian Assocdatlon. Becaose "f this meeting the evening servteea "i the chnrchea will ooi cammence uut il 8 o'clock. Professor H. S. Carhart reeeived official notlflcatiön las! week of apappoiiitmetit by Se;-"y .ii State Cri'sliam, as om; at tlie live defegated to represent the l'nitc-d States in the Chambear of Delega tes ai the World's Kleclrii-al Congress, ChlCOgO, August 21. The other delegates are Prof. Howland of üaltimore. Dr. Mendenhall. Sup'1 oí the ü. S. Coast Survey ; i:iihu ■l'hoinson, oí l.yiin. and Trof. Nichols oi Cornell. The Woman'a Home Mieeionary Society is to meet on Triday, at three o'clok p. m.i at the resföence oí Mrs. A. Iy. Noble, on ,S. División st. At. the saine time will oceur the opening of Mlte Boxea and the reception of the sil -ilenial offerings of individual members. The gentlemen are all inviled to tea at G o'clock and to spend the evening. Miss Lucrelia Caddis. sulierintendent ot the Detroit DeaconeSH Home, will be present. Several writers of proiuinence are giving tbeir ideas and theories on "How to Suppress Poverty." There are two ways. The first one is to get over "that tired ïeeling." And the next one is to take your county paper, pay for it, be a man among men. There is one peculiar fact that people do not generally think of. ■Vhen you see a man who takes hls home paper and reads it, you can rest ass'.irert that he is one of the kind who will get on in the world. Oh, shootingstar! Oh, shootiug star, 8ay ■■ sin ou tell na Uiat Wbloh wo would like to know. to-wit : What are you shootini; at? The juniors of the high school will be entertained by Collie Stevens, at the home of his párente Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Stevens, at the corner of Ingalls and Catharine sts., next Friday evening. Yesterday the fire department was called out because of an incipient conftagration in the smoke house of Zuren's ment maiket, on K. ■Washington st. The third cali from this place may not be as fortúnate as the fust two have been. "When you put fifty or one hundred dollars in your pocket and start for the Columbian World's Fair, just bear in mind you have :i big job on hand. If you intend to see the whole show, you will have to travel over 700 acres of land and visit 400 places, where the great wonders are on exhibition. You had better buy a return railroad ticket so as to be sure to get home again. A very interesting programme will be give-n next Saturday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, in the Unitarian ehurch, by members of the Detroit Branch of the Association of Collegiate Aluinoae, who meet on this occasion with their Ann Arbor members and friendo Papers will be read on Household Sanitation, Scientific Cookery, and Household Economie, the whole to be follmved by a general discussion. AH college women and any others intereeted In these BUbjeeta are eoidially invited. One ol Ann Arbor'S entlmsiastic amateur gardenere, who would get as mad as a hornet, and rlghtly too, should any one suggest to hini that he didn't know, has liad a practical i'.lustration of the tact forced apon him this spring. A few days alnce he bought a lot of Lima beans, and together with the balance of tkie tamily, all agreed that it would be a capital atoe thlng to ralee Borne, they ükiMl them so well. The next mornintï uur a. g. took some of the beaiM and planted them. As they did not come up on time he commenced an investigation and found out Chai tlu! beane had been evaporated. If tliiw gentleniian succeeds in mlsing a good varicty of the evAporated ait iele, it is thought that a fortune await him. Speaking of the craze for ferns, hypaticas, anemones, and other wüd flowers, exista among householders in the city, reminds us of an incident that eaine to our notice the day, in whlch a certain wellkxtown gentleman of the city, got hold of a plant that he didn't care for. For two or three years he had lieen cultlvating a very handBome llttle rtne Uiai came up with a leu oí w lid flowers that he had planted. I; waa so pcetty that he coacluded that he had made a great discovny, and bragged over his neighbors considerably. Kecently tliere happeoed to be at his place a pertson learned In botánica! lore, who was sliowu the plant. He didn't take a second look at it, but said :-Well. my triend, you have a very pretty little vine there, but I advise you not to h-ondle it much." Why not ?" was the astonishml reply. "Simply because it is potson ivy, and it might roake you serioua trouble."


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Ann Arbor Courier