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A New England Miracle

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The vast health-giviag resulta alUready attributed by the newspapers Aroughoul thlg country and (auada to Dr. Williams' I'ink l'ills tor l'ale Peeple" have been recently Buppleïncnml by the wondefiul ■■■ wroughi u' the eaees ol two confirmad Invalide In one household In a Nv Bngtond town. Tb radical ünprovement In tbc physical condltion o! t&ese two people trom ih' ase i t li i nicai medicine to vouched tor, uot ojily by the eager téstlmony of the patiënte thémaelvea, gladly ven ïor the benefit oí other sullerers, bul also by bhe Indubitable aésnrances oí (isiutcrested relfttives and triends lui had bren coffnlzani ol the years oí pain and dtotresa endured by ihe two invalids, and who now witnesB thetr r.storntion to health, vigor and capaclty. Toe namcs of thes.' people, the Ittteat io tcstiïy from thelr own experlence to the nrarvellous restoratlve, tonio and'Eealing qualitlea ol Dt. WUliams' l'ink Pilla, are Fred O. Voee, a lid liis inotlier-in-law, .Irs. Oliver C. Holt, of Peterboro, memberg ol the e household, whlch is composed of .Mr. and Mrs. Holt, and Mr. and Mrs. Vest-, the latter a daughter ol the Holts. Tlie home occupled by the iamily is a cocy and neat looking two-storled house, sltuated on the top oí a liill and surrounded by many ol the natural at tract ions ol a reeldence in the country. Mr. Holt is emjihiyed in the CroweU shoe manufactory oí Peterboro, and Mr. Vose has far' many yeara run the engtne on the Fitchburg rallroad traína between Winchendon and Peterboro. Before entering apon .-m account oí tbe kwg lUneaa ot Mr. Vose and nis mother-in-lnw, which shall bc gtven in their own worde as taken by a reporter of the "Boston Herald," it will be well to give the exact reason for the coming together ander one roof of the two families, as this fact lias everything to do with the manuw in whlch Dr. Williams' Pink l'ills íirst eame to t'ac notice of Mr. Vose and tlit; reason of their introdnetion into the family as a medical remedy. Mr. Vose's wife lLad been in failing health ïor a number of years, her illness finally developing into a brain trouble, aceompanied by intermittent paralysto of the tongue and lower limbs. Death had taken all her children, and the heavy mental afiliction to sueh an extent that her husband hiin selï an invalid, was compolled to take Bome ineans toward geenring for lier complete rest and freedom from all nouaehold care. To this end he gave tip hotMekerpklg, and took lus wife to her parents' liome, where her mother might care for her In her ailments. Mrs. Holt was herself sufferiiiK from various ëómplslnta brought on by nervous prostration several years ago, but her daughter'e pi'vitit and more hopeless condition was tbe more urgent and more appcnling i'.isi' oí the two, and so Mrs. Holt for several years has t ried to forget her own disabilit ies In Icnderly ministerinii to her stricken Öaughter. In February last Mr. Vose was reading tho weekly paper, when hls attent ion was attracteel by the aeeount of a caO of ])aralysis cured by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink PlllB. The similarity of the case deacribed to that of lus wife at once aronsed the deep interest of Mr. Vose, and he ed liiK mother-in-law's attention to tli published 'article. Aftcr tong consult ation they decided to send for the I'ills. The beneficial effect they liail upon Mr. Vose was marked. From boine; unable to stand she was so materlally strenthened that she could walk without diffkMilty, and in other respecta her condition was nnuh improved. The beneficial resolta noticed in Mrs. Vosc's condition from a trial of the pills cauaed botb her liusliand and mother to consider trytag thein fir tlieir own complaints. They iried T In-ui on 1 he principie that "M tliey don't euro they can't hnrt," but before each had finishod thelr first box they had feit such relief that they carne to the bellet that the pills not only could nut hurt, but weiv actually and speedily curing tlicra. To the "Herald" reporter who was sein tu Investígate hls remarkable cure. Mr. Vose gave a dctailcd account of lila lonsi illncss and Bubsequeni recovery. He began 'nis narrative by sayini; : "I am not anxioue to tret Into the papers in 1hs or any Other eonnection, but, as I wrote the Ir. "Williams' Medicine Co., I have feit such happy resulte from the taking of Pink Pilis tíiat I wllllng, il niy rpci-ienct' will lü'l any oae el--e, to state hOW they bencfitcd me. I am 37 years old, and l ." ycars nf this time I have speni in raitoladlng imthe Fltchburg railroad on th( Wlnchendon and Peterboro branch. For the past thrce yeara i have been englneer of the train whlch connects with the Üo.ston trains ;it AVindicndon. 1 have boen troublcd with a weak stomnch from niy boyhood. In fait, tliere never was a time in my remembraoce when 1 was not more or less troubled from that Bource. "Seveo years agO, howcver, thfi complaint became greatly aggravatec from the nature of my work and other causes, and I suffered greatly from it. My rfcomach wonld not reta in food, niy head ached constant ly. ilicn was a (Hmness, or blur, before my eyea tOOti of bh6 time. and niy hcad used to become (ft dizzy I could scarcely stand. On Rettins np in tho niorning mj' head swam so I was frequently oblied to lie down agaln. I had i most dlaagreeable heartburn, a continuous belchiní; of gag from the etomach. a nasty coating p( the mouth and tongue, and mj breath was jnowt offenBlre. I consult cd physlelani In Peterboro. anc took their medicines for two years but was helped so Bllghtly by'them t lm t at the end of that time I gan up in discoiiraircnicnt. and let the discasc take care of iisclf for a lOOÍ time. I prew worse as time wi-nt ■ on. I have been obliged to glve up work ïn.iny :i Urne for a week or frwo, and have worked a1 other times Wben 1 OUght tO have been it liiiinc in bed. I havo lost inany months the paal geven years, and would have lost more only lor t in; fact that I Btuck it out and would not givo op uut il 1 liad to. "My appctlte then tailed mr, and aboüt lour years ago 1 began to aotlce a fluttering ol my hoart, which grew so bad alter a whlle that I could not walk any dlatance without a vioicui palpitatlon and complete loss ol breath. The pains lm my stomaoh, from Indigestión lastod t wo three day at a time. I lost considerable lleak, and belore long I notlced that my kldneya were affected. Thi.s dame from my work on the enuine, 1 know, as inany raiiroad men are troubled in the B&me way. I bad awlul patos in the Binall of my back, and was obllged to niake water many timos dvrlag th day. "I resolved to go boek to the doctors ayaiu, tnough their treatment liad dono me no good before. I was told that medicine was no good for mo, that what I neeöed was u long rest. I could not take too long 8 vacatiou, belng compelled to work for my Hving, and so 1 kepi along, taking what stuif the doctora prescrlbed, but; no botter, exorpt for a flay or two at a time. Tinally niy lega and hands began to lehe and swoü with rhetunatlc piins, and I ïound L couldn't Bleep. a,t nigbt. If 1 lay down, niy heart would gp pit-a-pal at a great rato, and many night.s l did not close my ovos at all. 'I was broken down in body and dlscouraged in spirit, wnen some timo in l'ebrttary last, I was reading in the "Montreal Family Horald anil Weokly star,-" which we take every week, of tho great curea mulo by lr. Williams' Pink 'i'iiis tor Palé People. I got a couple oï boxes for my w! ;í sho would be helped any by them, and then I tried thern niysoli. I did not put mneh stook n them at first, but before I finishoil tho tiisi box I noticed that I was feeüttg botter. The palpitation. of my heart, had bothered me so thnt I couldn't breat.he at times, bagan to Improve. 1 eaw that in going to my house 6n the hill from tho depot, which vas provioiisly nu awful task, my heart did not beat so vioiontly and I had more breath whon 1 reached the house. After the second and third bo.xes I grew 'botter in every other respect. My stomaoh became stronker, tho Las bolohinii was not 80 bad, my appetlte and digestión improved, and my sloop became nearly natural and nndisturbed. I have comtinued taking the pilLs three times a dar ever sfrnce last Maroh. and to-day I nm feoling better than at any timo during tho last eight years. "I can confidently and conscientiously say that they have done me more good, and their good effect s aire more permanent, than any medicine 1 have ever taken. My rheumatic palOB in leirs, and hands are all gone. The pain in the small of my back, which were so bad at timos that I couldn't stand up straight, have nearly all vanlehed, and I tlnd my kidneys are well regulated by them. ïhis is an effect not claiiued for tlie pilla in the circular, but in my case they brought it about. I can ttow get up without the sliglitest distress or palpitation or of breath, and ani feeding 100 per cent. bet tor in every ahape and manuw. "They have Ihvh a saving of money to me, for since 1 began thcir use I have not been obUged tO lose nmch tinii' away trom work. 1 am stiil fcakiog t he plllfl, añil mean to continue thein until I am eert a in iny cure Is a thorough and last ing one." Alter talklng Avitli Mr. Yose at the depot, where his englne was In walting. the reporter went to the house where .Mrs. Holt. the other patiënt for wliom the pilla llave done so niuch, recelved hiin and gave uu extended account of her experienee with them. Mrs. Holt said : "1 am ."7 yeara Old, and for 14 years past 1 have hail an hiterniittent heart trouble. Tliree yeara ago I had nervous proetratlon, which left me with a nuinber of ailments, for which 1 have been doetorlng unsuccessfully ever since. My heart trouble was laereased so badly by the nervims prostration that I had to lio down most ol the linie. My stomach also gave OUt, and I had continnal and intense pain irmn t lic back of my neck to the cnil ol' my baekbone. I went to physicians in .leïïei-y, Xewport. Alsted, Acton and here in I'eterboro. luit my health contiimed so miserable that I gave up doctors In despair and lost all falth in medicine altogether. I began to take Dr. Wllllain' Pink Pilis l.'vst winter, more trom curJoslty than because I believcii tliey could help me. but the first box made me teel cwv sn mach bettiT. I have taken the pilla since February last and fhey have made mv teel lik a ni'w woman. The terrible palns in my spinal column and in the región of my are gone, and 1 lielieve for good. My palpitation li.-is only troubled me three times sijice I eommenced using the iiilis. and my stomach now performa its tunctlona without glvlng me the great distress which iormerly followed everythlng I ate. The pilla have nclrd different ly lïom any medicine I ever tOOk in my liíe. I llave tried everythlng -doctor'a medicine?, patent medicines, sarsapariüae, and homeopathie dOSeè. In II weeks three yeara ago. I speni $300 for doctor'a bilis and medicines, and since Uien h.'ive put out as mucli more money, but the relief 1 obtalned, if any, wa only temporary. "With these pilla, however, the effects are different. They are not catbartte like other ])ills T have taken, but wem to act direct ly upon the stomaeh and liver without any loosenlng of the bowels. My sleep, too, has wonderfully Improved since I beg.-m tlieir use Kor a long time before I took tlieso pills I lost sleep night aft er niglit with my heart mul pains in my back "My iinprovement in health is a source of remnrk on the part ol those who have known how sick I was. My liushnnd, who didn't knowI was taking the pills, is delighted at the noticeable betterment in my health, and upon learning the cause of it. urge.d me to continue the use of the pills. This impulse, however, is not necessary. as T have been too sick in the past not to fully cíate the valué o! a remedy that has done me 80 iiiurli good. Dr. "tt'illiam's I'ink l'ills are certalnly a grand medicine, and Grom my ezperlence with tlii'in I can cheerfnlly and cordlally recommend tbem to any one who i.s tiroubled wlth beart palpltation, Indigestión, Ilver complalnt, and the. m.'iiy lili consequent upon nervous proetral Ion." Dr. AVilliams' I'ink Pilis are not a patent medicine In the sense Ín whlch that term is nsu.illy understood, but ímt are a gclentlflc preparation, buccesgfully used In general practlce for maay years before being oflered to the public generally. They contaln n a condenaed torm all the elementa neceeeary to glve new lid' and rlchness to the blood, and restore Bhattered oerveg. They are on untalllng Bpeclflc for anch dlseaeee as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysla, si. Vitna' dance, BClatlca neuralgia, rheumatiam, nervona hadache, the effecta ol la grlppe, palpltation of the heart, the tired feeling ri'snlttog froin nervous prostration ; all díM-ai-es dependlng apon vitíated humors in the blood, siii-li as serofula, chroniJ erysipi'Ias, áfcc. They are'also a Bpecific ior troubles peculiar to témales, such as gtippreselons, irregnlarities, and all forms of weakneaè. They bulld up the blood and restore the jlow of liealth to pale and salkrw tdioeks. in the case men they effect a radical cure in all oases arlslng from mental WOrry, over-"vork or expesses of whatever nature. They are manufactured by the Dr. Williams Medk-ine Oompany, Scheneetady, N. Y., and Iïrockville, Ont., and are sold in boxes (never in loose form by the dozen or hundredi at RO eonts a box or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druprliists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company from cither addrese. The price at which these pilla are scdd makes a course of treatment comparntively inexpensive as compared Wltb other remedies or medical t ''eatment.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier