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Council Proceedings

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CouncU Chamber, Aun Arbor, May 28, 1898. Adjourned Beaslon. Called to order by Pres. Watts. Boíl called. Qutírnm present. Absent- Aids. Wagner, FlUmore, I-Yriíuson. Taylor- i. Tres. Watts announced that the íirst order oí business be misccllanechis business. Pres. Watts appolnted the [ollow. tur special commlttee to meet witn the S(il(!ier"s Kelieí Commission : Alds. Schafeer, lier;:. Show O'Mara, Tny[OT and rrettynian. A-ld. Martín moved that we prowith regular order ol basta Adopted. The Journal 'í th last session was approved as corrected. (ín motion oí Aid. 1'rei tyman, exI 'resident M. E. Cooley was nllowed ilie privileges of the íloor. Om motion of Aid. Manir, hls Honor the Mayor, wae Invlted to i wat inalde the rolling when attendlng the meetings. COMMUNICATIONS FKOM THE MAYOR. To the Honorable ('oinmoii Conncil. Gentlemen : I would rospectfnlly report to your honorable body that I have not approved of so much of your proeeedin.irs of May 15, 1893, as grants permtesion to Richard Kearns to erect a frame ilwelling house on Ixt 3. Block 3, north Range 1 eeat In thta city. Said lot is wlthln the íirc Umita. You have no power to lcgalize a violation of the ordinaace establtohlng fire limite. Your actlon, therefore. is no protection whntever to Mr. Kearns, and its only effect TtiU be to tnislead that fíentleman and embarras those whose duty it is to enforce this ordinance. Yours respectfully, I!. M. THOMPSON. Mayor. May 19, 1893. The question being upon the nctlon of granting permission to BiChard Kearns to erect a frame house in the fire Umita, the mayor's veto notwithstandinir, the question WM lost, two-thirde of the alderineii eleci not voting therefor, by yeas and nays as follows : Nays- Aids. Schairer. Hen, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson- 5. Veas- Aids, Martin, BnOW, O'Mara. Pres. Watts- 4. A pet it ion Bignd by 11. ICempf, asking the council to order the removal of certain electric light poles in front of his residence on Inga lis street, to the outside of the curb. Received and read. Aid. O'Mara moved tliat the petltion be reterred to the lighting committee wlth power to act. Adopted. KBPORT8 OP BTAND1NO C0MMITTKE8. OIÜIINANC'E. ( hairinan Manly introduced an ordiuaiice entitled "An Ordinance Helative to Trespassers," which was read the first time by its title and reierred to the conuuittee on ordinance. Aid. Manly moved the rules be suspended and the ordinance be giren a secouii readlng. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Schairer, Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara. Manly, l'rottyman, Kit.-on. Pres. Watts- 9. Nays- None. BXPOBTS of BPBCIAL COMMITTKK8. SBWBBS. To the Common Council: Gentlemen - Your committee on Sewers beg lesve to report that tluy have further considered the ïnntttT df lateral süwers and plana for defrnyiiiK the i)h"' f their construct ion. A Joint meetinof theSewerCoininittcc and hoard of Public Works, at which hls honor, toe Mayor, and Professors Greeno and t'ooley ere Invlted to be present, was held Friclay eventng lust. A report of the final work dotie by the Special Committee of tbe last council was BUbmltted bï l'rof. ('ooley. This report is bereby sabmitted as part of oür reiort. Of the four plans presenten a havlne received the most favorable consideraron of the lonner committee, uumber three is regarded as most nearly meeting the views of your committee, nnd is believed to possess fcwir obiectlona than auy yet preseuted. Special effort bas been made to nnd a plan that will upportion the xpense in au eciuitable and, we hope. satisfactory nianner. Sucll a plan must work little or 'no hardship on those least able to bear the expense; at the nme must enable and eucourage the t number of property ownen to make iwc of t Ij o sewers at au eaiiy day. Many of our oitlzens are able and would prefer topay the entlre expense at once: manymlght nnd lt Inconvenlent, others, almost Imposslble, to meel the expense In onepaymenC Theplan reoommended we belleve will accommodate all. At the same time it permita the city to pay cash aa Ule work proceeds. In this way a lañe number of our pwn oltlsens may be prorlded with employment, and the necesslty to let the work by contract to nutside people does not exlst tu tbc same extenl as would be the case were we obtlged to put oiy forseveral mouths the times of payment, While this plan Inereaaes llaDUities of the city does not tncrease the direol t&xes, ae the interest on the bonds is paid by the (ui sous w bo make use of them. A doublé bene tü resulta: tirst, the city gets its work done cheaper for cash : secona, tbr people who cannot pay the entlre amount at once can make thelr paymenta in Installments, and have the benefit of a low rate oí intérest, By reduoing the expense of hovise connectlons fö the loweat posslble point many more will find it convenlent to eonnect at once, and thus will the true benefit of a sewer system become a a much earlier day than would be posslble with :t plan Involving a uniform oharge per toot oí all laterale and bouse connectiug Bewetj. Tbc plan whicli your committee rcconinieud is is followe : Determine tbe average eost per foot of all laterale, including man-holes, ilusl]Ing tanks and other aceessorles and expenses, hut nut including the eost of house eouueciint; i iis rost may be determined for the entire city considerad as one district, or for special assessment dlstrlcts, as found most Uent. half the cost thus found shnll continue a rate per foot for all property adjolnlng or abutting upon that portiou of a street or allev througb or along which the lateral sewers slnill extcnil. Determine a second average cost per foot of all house eonnecting sewers sufficlent to cover the actual expense from the middle of the io the poini of connectlon with the house. This latter ioint may he át the house or at the point of conuectiou to a cess-pool uow iu use, provided lt is sultable. This second cost shall coustitnte a rate for eacb foot of connectiug sewer that may be necessary or that may be desired by the property owner, tooonnect the lateral sewer with property. The city shall assume and defray all other ises Incident to the laying of such lateral and eonnecting sewers. When a sewei is built on two sjdes of tt corner lot, I rods by8, or its equivalent, tbc two sides shall be added togethtjr and divided bv tuo to determine the frootage on whlch the first rate iur lateral shall charged. Wheli more thun üue bouse is. built on a lot of standard slze (4 rods by 8) (the property oí ft single indi vidual) a certa] n tixed charge, uot less in ainount thnii the average tost of u single connectlng sewer shall bu made for eacli addltlonal house.even tliough oue conoecting sewer niay serve for all such huusrs. The rates for stores mul similar property sball be the same as lor dwelllngs. The rates for ware house, maiiufacturing and other establishment natng large connections.shiill beat the actual costof suchconnection. Property owuers makiiitr use of the maiu sewer shall be eharged at the sanie rates as those makiiu; use oí the latorals. Theentire eost of laterals and oonnectlng s,-u, is niay We pald in olie or more installments; or' the cost of the cqnnecting sewer ïmiy be pald hen i be connection is made and the cost of tbe laterals in one or more tastallineiils shall nut exeeed live yeiirs. Interest at the rule wblch the l'onds l.ear shall he added to eaeh installment for the time whioh it niay have run. The laterals and connectlug sewers shall be built bythe city. The money shall be raised by issu'ing short term bonds raunlng not to exoeed flve years. The total ainount of these boudsoutstiuidini.' at anyone time shall not exeeed in uiiMiunt forty tlioiisiind dollars ($40,000). The plan outlined. yonr committee believc. wlll be fouiKl aooeptable to a larga niajority of our cltlxens. We would therefore recommeud that the necessary enabllng acts be procured from the Legislature nmv in session, in order that vork niay begin without nniieessary delay. Ann Ar'l.or. May 2:ird. 189. Uesiieellullv siilnnitted, CHRISriAN MARTIN. C. 11. MANI.V. 11. (,. l'KKTTYMAN. W Q. SNOW, Committee. Aid. M;irtir moved that the report be aecepted and adopted. Adopfed as follow: Yeas- Aids. Bcbairer, Hen, Martin, siK.w. O'M&ra, Maniy, Prettyman, Kitson, l'rcs. Watts- D. Nom-. KKl'olils OJ CITY 0FFICBB8. City clei-k reportad on ■ bid for printing eounell proceedings, on his table. (in motion of Aid. Martin the bid was lelt over to the oeil regular meeting. Aid. KcTguson at this point arrived and tuok liis chair. MdTIllNS AM) RESOI.UTIONS. By A!1ctiii:lh Martin: Eleeolved, Tliat a comraittee conahstlng ol Mayor Thompson, President Watts, Al'ds. Manly, l'rettyman, and city attorney be appointed and instrncted to draft a BUltable bill and present to the legislature, providlsg for the method of constructing lateral scwers, as indicatcd in report of the sewer oommlttee this day approved by tliis council. Adopted as follows : Yeas- AldS. Schairer. Herí, Martin, Show, O'Mara, Ferguson, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 8. Naya- Aids. Manly, Prettyman - 2. Cy Alderman IW-rz: Resolved. That the city boards and the council eominittees do subniit to the finance committee at once, tluir respective estimates of tlie amounts of money necessary to Ik' raised on the tax roll for the need of the city durkng the nexi fiseal year, and the said finance eommittee do report the une to this cooDCil at it next meetiiiii. to til end that tlie matter may be di.scussed, determined, and duly certified. Adopted. Aid. Kitson moved to reconsider the vote on approving the last minutes. Adopted. Aid. l'rettyman moved that the minutes 1k corrected and changed so that it wlll appear that Aid. Kitson oted a.iiaiiist the niajority report of fire conmiit tee. Adopted. The niiiiut.s were then approved and corrected. BRPOBT OF BOND COMJÍITTBK. Cliairinan Prettyman, of the Pond eonimitiee reported Ihey had eamiiied the bond of City Treasurer Pond, wlth John I'. Lawrence, Tred A. Howletl, Moses BeabOlt, Arthnr Browo, Jobo i:. Travte, II. .1. Brown, Joba K. Miuer. .lames I,. BabCOCk, e. Q. Darllng and A. Ty. Noble as sureties and rceotiiinended its accept anee wlth the surelies named. on Motion oí Aid. l'rettyman the bond was approved, as follows : Yeas- Aldt. Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Fergngon, Manly, Prettyman, Ivitson, Pre-. Watts 9. Xays- Xone. On motion the council adjourned.


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