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The Legislature Has Adjourned

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vah for 1 jislature. In golng we '■"■ ii:i:l Ihilutli ana ha vi' the kinks til your wlalsSerB.- Sarotogten; It la poesible that the Dniti luay see fche day when it wiU regfet the insult cfffered to ('liina by the aci .i Un' iii-i-M-ni admlníetration. Otti ol 1,525 bilis introducta ut the recent legislatlve Besskm, 463 were sed. a pretty good record. legtelatnre was not so bad aa it been pajnted by it s enemies'. Nol by a lOOg 8hOt. By reverslng b ruling ol Comitoner Rattm In refci-cnc,' to penj te the preseni admlnlstration oxim'ims to make a eaving oí some - 000,000 ofl i he oíd aoldtera who gave mtvíits :uid lmperUed thelr Uves in detence ol the Dnlon. Thlí U eviilcntly an atoklntetration that is intluenced by the fellowe who fotight on the otlicr aide. Sume good muy rewlt to ihe southern Btatea II Georgia'a commissioner of agriculum: Barrios out liis plan . He proposes to cali a meeting of the agricultura] cominissioners of eever;l Bouthern Ktates to "devise p!an to elévate thc standard of farming in the t-outh.'' They will have au imínensc field to wurk Ín. li theiv la one thing in the whole industrial world of America, which needs reíorining more th.ui any (jther it is the tilld the sol] Ín fornver Blave Btates. These millions ol acres of gralti yiéld lianlly enougb v aeed, year after year. X. '. SUerwood has iicm re-appolntcd to the poeltiOD ol bank commissionet íiy Got. Kk'h. This irf an appolatincat. that rcfh'cts credit upon the cholee oí tbc governor, and (h- jutice to a gentleman wao i.s deeerv. Mr. Bberwood has done the ■ work in ibis oíi'ícl', and lias done it wcll. While thoroughly investigathiK ttoe condltion of the varions Jbanka oí the state, he lias retalned Uieir respect and confldence to such an exteni tha.1 they all Jolned in a pctition to the governor ïor bis retontion in the office. The people ot the si a ir ture to be congrattüated upan tiiis appolntment as welí as is Mr. Bherwood. Lael Siinilay the WorWa J'air was opened, aod was vlelted by 300,000 people. The saloona and other quesUoimble resorte o! Chicago were empty. dan any good Christian throwiu all prejudlcea aide, doubt but tbat Cbrlstlanity waa better served ly opening tA i he Fair than ii haa been in t past by keeping it closed I i : -i-.vt ïLiiiv: In thoee grounda i elemtlog ;iik1 ennobllng. a vi-it to Uifiii is a benefit to every-one who s'irs iiicrc The eme een nol be Baid of the attractions outsidu of the grottnd. Is it not lxittcr, in tlio langnage o! that Greal Teacher, "to do good tlmn evil on the Babbatb Day ï" The opening of the Pair on Sundfty Ie doing (food to thonsanda and keepLng tlicm away [rom tmptation and rice. The doora in Satan'a aüuremi-iits are alwaya open, whie open, . iind wtaen people are dcniod adinission 1 .111 i[iiii e apt to catch thcm. for tlicy are idle that day, and Ing Bomething to occupy thelr time iind inind. I A Sturglí casWer La eufferiñg trom blood potoonidr, tlie result Ol raoiatenlng hls miisï.t tips -w hile countIng bank bilis. We mentton thia for the Cüution ol the editorial iratcriiiy. -Adrián Press. The Tecumseh HeraJd lias dtsoovere.d that 'the womaa wlio marrles ;i man to reform him. andertake a job thai ivill ruin her complexión." The editor'fl remark we take bq be bj w-hdlly apon -Adrián ______ __ The people erf New rork state are just beglnnlng bo flnd out how much democratie musrule coste them. The approprtatlona oí tlic democratie for 1898 are about $4,000,000 greater than those made by the repubUcas legtelatüre for 1892. ;. there are any i ■ - i:i Michigan wlio think that Mr. Cleveland uiii torsake Mr. Dtekineon Mr. mjghi as wel! hang np thêir musical Instrument. It would bc base iüu-ral il iidi' Wï him bO flO mi. a.ii'1 thpn "Komp" te too light a V.-.i!. IC. Qataby, oí tlie Detroit ! !vefl hls p.iy forclingin, bo Hon. Don M. Dlcklnson, in the mmisslon as minister to loali Ion is one li' -1 i tor a number oi yaw by James Birney, i. y, an;l is nu doubt suit■liiy's t:iPi cla m ■ ; for capital punishnicnt. They argue thai when a man d.s hJing tor murdfr that he is Oad re is bo ehan ■'■ tor bis is true but we lo not believé the state haa a rlgW to takc any man's lile. lt may confino liii'i su th;;l !' 40 ïui-thcrliarin lul t i;LHe. Mancl ter Enterp Oui1 anuabh reet temparrepabltcan contempórary traveli"l quite a distance out ui lts way bast week to tbrcrw a h.-ur.liul oï mud at the ( ijurier. ]t is always noti thai when au Lnetltutlon ol the kiud is "uii lts 1 that it takee every po its neighbors, and our esteemed contemp. appears to !■ nS excoption t the rule. Thepe s nut a paper in the city, wlth perbapg ono exception, that - not try to al 'ihe bilí gíaiitlng the riglit oi huft' témales in municipal clectii]i-, jkis-im! both branches oï the legislatura, and is now the law. This bilí has au educational qualification, and n.) One can vote -who can not ! the ballot she casts. This is a step universal l'emale eufXbe people of the state, af.:w beem put in practice, wAll lx; able to judge then, whetner tliey care to extend the right any farther or not. ïhe law w!ll not add to tho d noraat yoters, and ii i; b Bucoeesful v,-ill be the meaos ol Insertlng in tte general (lotion lawa an educational test, for all voters, wfelcn all the. bettac fclaM of people are hvnrtily in favor of. Whether or not the presence ol women at the poUa will have a tendenoy to iiurify politics wül now be brought to a 1 e-i . The men who took part in the lynching of Sullivan, the Duraud murderer, last week, are as grcat crimináis as was SuHlvan himsclf. There ia tliis diííercnce : Sullivan admití cd liis unilt ; these crimináis gneak out of it and find salety in numbers. The ooroaer'i jury that rendered a verdict t lint Sullivan carne to liis death by (Hielde, "in the marnier of a felón and oí liis malice aforethought," ought to be imprisoned for thcir Aastardly verdict. It was a cowardly act 1i helji screen the law-breakins; viilians whio took upon themeelvei tbe ]iunishincnt of a criniinnl, only to become crimináis tbemselves, ïlK'ie is no excuse for such a mob in Mlctigan. lt was a dtagrace to the state ; a Btain upon the fair name of our poople ; a blood-tUirst y proceed'mig that no self-respecting human being would take pari in or even countenance. It is a good ttane to cali to miad, and i ■ govern one'a scif accordlngly, tliat there ís ajwaya a demand for the best goods. The tarmer who scnils lirst-class fruit, berrlea and regetablefl to market soon makes for hiimsplf a reputatlon that la worth a great deal. Xhe man whose etrawberry boxes are Ulied with lirgt-class berriee all the way through, is the man vin iinds raialng Btrawberrlea proütable, for buyerfl pely on his esty. Tlmuurli a man muy be honeal ami eell seconda tortead oí firsts he will not fiml íarminj; paye as well. It cosis .ís íniKii (d ratee poor crops as sood, except in labor; it coste more in reputation, woich is to a farmer what credit is to the merciíant Indeed, it Inmrea oredit to the farmer. In these days of compe1 ilion 00 man can afford to Waste bde enérgica n producing anytliing (han tlie lcst. It is bettet íor him all round, in pocket and in credit, to raise OBly one kind of article and to have thar lirst-class, than to raisr aereral vardtiee which are only average. "With every year tUe tendeney to Bpedaltiea lacreases. The time may como uiion each farmer wlll be a specialist.


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