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NARC0Ï1CS. Their Uses and Abuses- Timely Words of Warning. More i.i'-;i :■ ta spent yearly In the 1'iütcil States for whisky, toto and opium iiiaii vould be required to ]iay Ofl the National di-bl. Th tieadly evJls are worklng sad lnroada i the niinds aad constïtutiona ol the 1h-.-.i nu mi ol ttoïta lavored land, wrecktng hornee, breaking hearts, ruir.inu.' and Bending men and women toto untimriy gravee eind Insane asyiniiis. Many remedies íor tiic cure ol ■ haliit's have been put on the il of whlch have proven Bbrry tahúres, fo on that they Lore of the patiënt than lie Is able to stand, eompellln hlm to exerctee bie wlll power n abstalning trom tiit! n.-c ol BtlmulentB whil is taking the medicine. The abeúrdi!- of s 1 1 ■ ■ i treatioeini ahows on lts er abl2 to give iip hda habita !e would have no need oí medicino. Va Chloride of Gold Tableta is the genuino remody made. It la a rMt Ive guaraAl i eure fo f. Opium or Tobacco In any ir ii. It iequlrea nr wffl power, but illows tho patleni to continue hls abite umii he öropa them ol hta own (i'.ilion and Without the least struggle. The medicine is pleaaant and oatalna no harmlul drug. Where red wives and mothers can give t in tea or coffee without nee belng detected, white the usual : resulta will speedily tollow. beee Tableta have been ou the inaridt for years, and tliousands of tesImonlalB bave been fm-nisiird, telling if tiieir wonderful curee and the Uves !iat have been bleseed through I Aak yonr local drugglets for Hall'fl Tablete, or write to the Ohio bemica] ('.. eole mamufacturere; XAma. Ohio. Grolng to seed- The eanary blrd. LUMBER ! LUMBER! LUMBER! If you contémplate building, cali at FERDCN'S LUMBEB TUD ! Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and get our figures forall kluda oi LUMBER !; We manufacture our own Lamber and guaran tee VERY LOW PFMCES ïl.Give us a cali and ve vfill makc it to your interest, as our large and weU raded stock fully sustains our assertion. Telephone Connections with office. T. J. KEECH, Supt. JAMES TOLBERT Prop INSURANCE, REAL ESTATEand LOAN AGENCV No. 2 Hamilton Block. Life, Fire and Accident Policies writteu Ín First Class Companle Untes Low. Lossee liberally adjusted and promptly paid. One hundred Lotsin Hamilton Park Addition f or sale on easy terms. Office Hours: From 8 a. 12 m. and 2 to 5 p ra. A. W. HAMILTON. pASTHMA? SCHIFFMANN'S Asthma Cure Never fails to givo instant rolief in tho worat oasos, aud A4a cure wlicr.í ethen frvll. Trial fnckige F HE E of Iruirv-lit or bjr Bal!. Mdre. DR. R. 8CHIFFMANN, St. Paul, ninn. ■■■■■■■■Hi HÊkt III ■■■■M The best HUtoryof the PriT TI lll UTIV" the 8. from thu dis lili i IVI h llil covery of America to tc i CQLUMBIA For special terina apply at once to PALESTINE PUB'G C0., Elkhart, Ind. E. N. BILI3IE, TEACHER OF VlOLlN. Pupil of Emil Sauret, Berlín, Germany. Can be seen Tuesdays aud Fridays at hig rooms 51 N. Jlaiu St.,Ann Arbor Orean Co'Block. Teachers' Lxar,inatioris lv ;iniii.!tinus oi teachers 'n Washtenaiv county, ior the onsuinjj school ycar, wül iw held as follows: The regular examlnation wlll be held each year om tiu flrw Thursday of .Mai-cti aud Aunuüt at the county wal. Appllcante foc all grades can mly Ik' e.xnmined at these datos. Special examluatlona nrlll bo held at: Ann Arl,or. tlrat Thursday of Mar., Ann Arbor, laai Frlday of Mar., '9.3. Vpsilanti. last Fiiilay of Apr.. '93. MARTIN J. CAVANA0GH. Coin. It Cures Cold, Coughs. Sore TUroat, Croup, Influenza, 'Whooping Cough, BronchitU and Astama. A certiin cure for Consumption ia first stage, and a aure rclisf in advanced stagea. Use nt once. You -will see the exoellent effect after taltin? ths first dose. Sold by dealers evcrywóc-re. Largo bottles 50 cents and $5.00. GIJCOL.OI I CURES RHEUIV8ATISM. If one hottle doeg you no good, don't bny another. ïor Sale by Inimist, or eoiit pustpaid oa recefpt of price, tl .00. BURDSAL MEDICINE M'F'C CO., Masouio Templo. CINCINNATI, O, E. E. Calkins, 34 S. State St. Eberbaeh Drug and Chemical Conipany. U8SIONJ US' KOTICE. SE i iF M 'i lili.AN. County of Wa lOlnted by the Probate Court for -.- . Commlsadjust all Sa of i!l p against tbe estáte of Henry Tower. li I county debat ix moi innn ■ order "f [tors to presenl claims against the estáte i eeased.and that they wil! mee 'i hompson, Harriinan & Thompson in the city of Aun Arbor, in said rn'iiir. ■ twenty-third of June and on tbe twenty-thlrd dayof Bep■ ucxt, at 'on o'clock a. m. oí eacb i Í eaid daya to reoeive, examine and adjust said claiBiB. 1 March 23, 1893. G1DKOK L. HOYT, j commiasionere. dminirtkatob'h í REAL ESTÁTE FOR 8ALË- 8tate i-í Mk-liian, Connty of W'ashïenaWi 38, In ilir matter ol the estáte oi Jennie N. Bennett, deceased. Notlce i hereby given that in pnrsuas au order grauted tn ü- underslgned admlnieti'Htor of the estáte of Baid deceased, by the Hon..Iu(lKo of Probate for the County of Washin the second day of Mny, a. I. 1803, there will be BOld At Public Vendue, to the : bidder, at tbs oast frontdoor of The ! Court House, in thu t ity of Ann Ajbor, in thu ( lounty of Washtenaw, la said Stati', on Tues, day, the twentieth i:iy of June, A. D. 1893, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (sul i to all eneumbrances bj mortgage or other I exietfug iit the time of the deathof said deceased) tbe followiug described Real Estáte, to wil : 1. All that certaJn parcel of land slluate lu the Township "f Salem, County of Washtenaw, Mate ni' Michigan, aud belng sub-djivision er four(4) aeeordlng to the plat of the commissioners on partltion of the estáte of Joseph I.. Bennett, deceasea.aud umnded as foHows. viz: Commencingta the uorth line of section Bfteen, town one. south range i-r. twenty-three (28) chalua and eignt (8) I i west of 1 1 ie nortn quarter part of said Bectiou; theapesouth parallel with the uorth and soutb quarter lina of said seetion to the uast and west quarter line of said section; thence west bïx rhains and thirty-thVee links ; thence uorth parallel with flrsc line to the north line of said seetion ; thence east six chainsand thirty-three (88) links to the place of beginining; oontalning twenty-four acres, excepting abouj one and one-hali acres, thereof, conveyed by said Josepn L. üuniu-tt in hid life tiiiHi. 2. The undlyided one-fourth R ) part of subdivisión number one (l)accordug to the plat of thecommissioner8 in purtitionoí faUl estáte of said Joeepb L. Bennett, deceased, belng a part of riairt BGCtion uumbei uiteen, and described as (ollowu viz: tne eas1 eleven (11) chains and (orty-twq (42) links iu widtb olT from md across theeast sideof the north-west mal quarter of Baid section numberfliteent contalnüig forty-eigbt (48 acres of land. FRANK i;knsi:ït. Dated Mas -'. 1893, Admiuistrator. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OK THE na kk Savings Buk At Aun Arbor Michigan, at close of business. May 4, 1898. RESO1 KI ES. ."iü;iih1 diacounta %iBSfil9 n Stocks, bonds, i tgages, etc. ... 887,743 28 rafts IJ 60 Duefrombanks in reserve oitles 89448 1 Duo frum otber banks and bankvis 78 88 Baukiug house 1K,."00 00 Furniture and Bzturea 7,714 0-2 Otner real estáte 4,997 07 Current expenses aml taxes pald. 9,941 80 Checks and cash items L89 07 Nlckels and pennlea tíold coin 1"), 000 oo Silver coló -j.-jöo 00 r. s. .uhI National Bank notes 18,803 00 Total $1,022,339 45 LIABILITIES. Capital stock pald In $ oo Surpluafund 100,000 00 Undlvided pronta 81,464 29 Dlvidenda unpaid 445 00 Individual deposlts 167866 66 Certiflcatee of deposit 49,290 oo Savlngs deposits 593,474 50 Total fl,O2-2,:::;'J 1 . STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. I, Charles E. Hiseock, ('nsliier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is trne to the hest of my kuowledge and belief. ( has. E. HISCOCK, Cashler. Corred- .West: Ciiristian Mack, W. D., David Rinset, Directors. Bubscribed and sworn to before me this lltli day of May. 1898. MiCHAEL J. FRITZ, Notarv Public


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Ann Arbor Courier