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The Ohio Chemical Co.

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READOUR WTTvTSl 'RESPONSIBLE % TESTIMCNIALS. X AA-JLv , AGEHTS WAHTED. v" DOUBLÉ CHLORIDE OF GOLD TABLETS J % ill completely destroy the dcsire for TOBACCO in from J to 5 days. Perfectly harmless; cause no S . sL V! sickncss, and may be given in a cup of tea or coffee without the kuowledge of the" paticnt, who will T! . ' " -l volunmoking or chewing in a few days. r % a DRUNKEHNESS and SVÈORPHSNE HÁBIT S&Sffirïr11 ' V VVcO' four SPECIAL -FORMULA GOLD CURE TABLETS. +-p vN. ' ■ ,T" n!o-,ved the free use of Liquor or Morphino until such time j4hBw t . J A few i ast .ctlu-mup. I '-■. -k W " . :1 patnphlct of testimoniáis free, and shall be fflad to place k B. S testim suiT i 'hits in communication with persons who hae been S . ninlca fpnm I cur, ■ TABLETS. ' - - maisiiom H'LL'ii TABLETS are lor salo by all I-1R5T-CLASS drugn-irts at $1.00 jLS. A. 4j. perSOnSWho j per pack "iv V 1 if your drugpist does not keep them, enclose us$I.Q0 and wc will send B - "'Jf-""- ' r :;, rf naVO Deen 1 yo'-i. : otour Tablets. bM. VBk. G(3 fov tile USe OT r niine and address plainly, and state vhciher Tablcts jk ShHSI QpAi are fbr Tobacco, Morphine or Liquor Iliibit. Sfe. tgDNu IMS I 3 A V" ü n I T"ft l Rr M r l r r r ▲ v?h. kSI ÜLL o IAdLETS. ! ' -re andinvite the most carcfnl invesH ÉÉknMk. ,D' ' vo"r tis.ition as to ei ililyand the merits of our Wk É . c' 1 ' uur ftdL. Br nedforit. i DO'NOT BE DECEIVED into - W BL v: ineanv . -unís that are being B. rV4. V"' anil Iroui i.:,o ..; !..■ .,_■■; -. , .' m,!,7..U for KILL'S áSBk v vi ,r'"': '' ,:' l '■' l !"'" ''' ll'!l!fro-' :;"'' Hcv.-cd ! ,-,V. - -.-. Vkr and smoked toi ■ iivby . 4i Pft of your Tablet cured ; , it. B V' '"■'■1It 'Ct ;. Dut - , X, Y. ..... nnrriïAii rsi lB -&-. ' lira II fíJ'f ï'j'''!B2 S. V-íV 'fcÍ'4iE5í Gentlemen:- borne time ago I sent lor fi.oo worth of vour UilIU U.,l-U;iilML UU., flHBk.. A Wy Tablets for Tobacco Habit. I received them all right and, although Cl 53 AND 55 OPERA BLÍlCK 9LX HBk Bk "- I was both a heavy moker and chewer, they dki the work in less than ' ' - . TnL. VÉ three days. 1 am cureü. Truly yours, LIMA, OHIO. m 4t.t B mathevv Johnson, p.o. Box hs. PARTICULAKS . "j L St PITTSBCEGH. Pi. rnrp 9. E a. DJR Gentlemen:- lt gives mepleasureto speak a word of praise for your Tabiets. rildC jlPV KB. EF My son wasstrongly addicted to the use of liquor, and throueh a friend,'I wasled to wvB ftB. try your Tablets. He was a heavv and constant drinker, but after using your Tablets ' i 'L' mamÊÊB 1ut tllrce 'lavshe quit drinking, anci will not tuch liquor of any kind. l'have waited BS Bk Br ■our münths before writing yuu, ia erUer to kuow the cure was permanent. í!íX fl. SCIVlL XB Yours trulv, a.N2 " i%J"ffl V' MR3' IIEI-LN' MORRKON. r fl.Hk RHnB _ _ Cixcinmati, O. r H.H r Tni Onio Pbuwai Co: PBl k . Gentlemen: - Your Tablets have performed a miracle in my case. I have used morphine, hypoder'l k& micilly, for seven years, and liavc been cured by the use of two packages of your Tablets, aml without BV H B) aay eüorl "" 'ui PrW. L. LOTEGAY. Bk all Orders to r (In wriüng picase raeutiou this paper.) 51, 53 and 55 Opera Block, LIMA, 0H10.


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