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An Auburn Miracle

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It is on record upon ;i chilly April day. .-i lew yeara ago, an efght year olffboy feil Int the Bast rlver at the toot ol Baet Etghth ïtreet, New Vork, and when all etforta tO reecue trim had (alled, Edward Uoaiully, at risk ol bds own lile, plunged Into the waii'i' and, wlion himself maiiy exhaueted, saved th boy trom drown; as a humane and sell sacriliclng deed and recelred deserved commendaUon in all many newapapere tbat made mem ion of it. Edw ard Doimelly was then a re&ident of New York City, but hla wlfe was Amanda Grantman ol Auburn and sister, Mrs. Samuel I). Correy, ol No. Tl Moravia t., whicii gave a local interest to the Incident. All tliis was o, and both il and Mr. Doanelly have paesed out o the miad cu yöur cotsespondent unta, a few day's ago, wiiiie in Sa ra toga, he -was Bhown a letter to a friend (rom ii he was 'permitted to make the following estraci : Aubui-n, N. Y., Oct. 26, '92. . I am Dr. AViliiams' Pink PilLs. Tney have cured ma of that terrible dteease, [xccnjjotor Ataxia. When I commenced taking theiu, I was wiio'ly unable to work anti near]y hilp'u---.'. I aan n'iiv ftnproved ko liiucli that I have been picklng apples and wheellog bhem to the barn on a wheelbawow. Youpb ti-iily, EDWARD DÜNXF.IXY, Tl Moravki 8t., Auimm N. Y. Itnmedlately on reaching Auburn, pondent called at tlie . and ïomi'l Mr. Donneily pul in a b:;ni vvliöre li ewas tng npples and making eider wil tand prese and ix seeraed weil and Cheerful and happy. Morarla streel is eme oí U.' pleasnbusrban Btreeta oï Aulmrn, and No. VI ie liii' Una1 Uonse on U before rc;irl;UiLv tlic open country, and neary two miles (rom the business center Of Uu' ' "W-hjf yes," said Mr. Donnelly, ■ nto the hou-", I will t'U yon all ;ili')üi niy oase and how i'ink Pilla a me, and wiü bc glad to do it nnd have it printed ïor the benciit of othcrs lor I am surc I owe my restoratioii to healtb and happinese wbolly to Iliose simple but woflderful Puls." And taen in the presence of his wife and Mrs. Oorry and Mrs. Taylor, wbo all confirmed hls memt, be told your correspondent the story oí hie sickness and of his restoration to healtb by the use oí Dr. WJlllaine' Pink Eilla far .Pale lile. ■■I v.-as bom In Albany, N. Y., and am -!-' vears oíd. The greatest porïiun :i(niy Ufe, I have lived in New ïork ril y. I w.-is general [oreman bhere ol the P. A. Mulgrew Saw Milis foot ui Bighth strcc!, on the Kast . [1 was on t iie 29th of April, 1889, thftt th eboy feil toto the rfver and I reecued h4m trom drowning, tint in eaying bit tile, I eonteacted a dteeaee, wiiirii nearly cosí me my own; Why, air, I ain sure I s!muil hye die.l ago il Pink l'ilis had not eflved my life, nnd I woal inM hav ecared tlien lor my sulferings nrere 80 arrea.1 tiiat death wouldhave been a bleaaed relief ; but now, tliank God, I un a welí man agaln and tree fnim ]aiu and able to WOrk and to be happy. You mê Avhon I aaved the boy. I was in the water so long tliat I was taken with a deathly chili and scion became BO stiiïened up and wrak tiiat I eould nfitlier wcwk nor walk. For eotfte time I was under ment of Dr. George McDonald. He (iKilly said lic could dn nothlng more for me and that I had better RO into the country. On the Ist oi' last June, (1892) ïny wife and I me up [ .nlmrn. I ivas tlien in greal pain. a'.nio.-t bielpleee, the dlsease was growiag apon me and I feit that I had come to tlic home of my wi.'e and of her sister to dl6. "When tiie dteease tirst carne upon me the nmnlmess begAO i" my heels and jiretty soon the whole oí both of my feet beeame affec,ted. Tbere wa a oold teeUng acroaa the smatl ol my back and dowinvards. and a wnee ol Borenesa and a I preasnre on tlie ehest. The onmbqesfl uradually e1Mided ap botli lep;s and HfttO the part of my body. I feit that dcath was crerpiinï up to my vitáis and I must say I Ionged for the limir when lic should relieve me of my pain and misei-y. I was still tfikiinü' 1he medicine ("It was iodide of potassinni," said his wiie) and was belmg rubbed and havinir piasters put all over my body. bnt with no benefit. "The lal ter part o' last Juno I learned of the case of Mr. Chas. Quant of Gaiw:v in Baratóla eouníy, curod by 1 ho om of I. AVilliams' Pink Pilis tor Tair ivph. T had never heard of those bleseed Pilis before but I thought if tfiey cculd cure Mr. Quant of the same dteease wlth whlcb I was affiictcii, perhaps they wcmld also cure me. So I sent to Une Chas. 1T. Bagar Oompany, 1 he popular Anburn drucerists and cbemteta, it lot) and 1T1 Gtenee at., and got three boxea of the Pink Pilis, nnd began taking tbetn nt' once, followlng nll tlio. direct ions Plosely. In three weeka time I wai so Improved that trom beinsr helpleas, I waB able to help inysflf and to set up and jïo to work evcry day, from Xo. 74 "VValnnt st., where I tlien lived, to Osborne's New Twino Factory, Soyinour and Cottage si reets- (more tban a, inile) - wbere T was then employed, but all the while I was takinir Pink Pilis. "Then Dr. Patchen, of WÜBCOnfln, tutele of my wife, and who was here on a visit, beffan to poo-hoo at me for taking Pink Pilis and finnlly pcrguaded me to stop takinir them and to let Mm treat me. When he returned to 1he -west, he left proscriptinn Avith lir. Hyatt rf Auburn, who atoo treated jne. But, their treatment did me no good, and after a hile the i'lil tromble retttrned and I w.-is getting bad again. Then I began agaia to take Pink I'iils ; have baken thetn ever aluce, am taking tlii-m nou" ; Ji.-ive taken In all D aearly 20 boze, at au cm cosí o) !(■-.- tiian $10. 00 (My Other trcatïacut eot me a pile oí mouey) and agafri I aan wéü and able t- work. "In New York, Dr. .McDonald aald my (li.casc was Locomotor Ataxia. He breated une by strlklng me o the knci's without ,u me pain; by trylng to tand fir.-t on onO tooi and thvu on the other, but I could nut do ii, bo alter a vvhlle he sald tliat I had Locomotor Ataxia and was Incurable, and that I had better go inio the country among niy trii'iiiis wild ■■iiihi oiake the few rematntag da;, s oí my i ■ ;■ as comfortable I Ie ui dgive m ■ kind attendejice. Well L came, oï rather was brousiht iViiiu New York luto the country, trut lnstead erf dying, 1 am a wll man, m-arly is well .mever bfore in my Ufè. Pink Pilla diil it. 1( i was able 1 would, at uiy own ezpeaee, publteh the virtuee ol Dr. v;:i; :ii-' Eink Pilla to the whoie wortd y-'.vl (■■ii',-i.;i;y in New York City, where I am much better known tlian 1 am here." thing," BOld -Mr. Donnelly, "Í am BUT6 1 ! i ; i the Pink I'illss tor Piale People (a-nd I well named) are tlie Ij. impure blood and the best blood maker in the world, why, wlien I was sick and before I too m, 11 I ent H, the very llttle !i!ood that trom the wound was thin and linie and watei-y. A féw days ago I ioci(U-nta]ly cul my hand sllghtly and I bied Hke a pig and the bl :i brlght red. Jnsl look at the il niy hánds." So ; they were, and bis cheeks aleo wore the ruby Iluab ol health vitli which imly good blood and plenty oí i i.-iiut the human face, ï'our eorret ponden I upon Chías. H. Sugair CO., al tbeir request. They wre mucb nterested in the cese and eure by use of Dr. WilUame' Pink PlHa and bold bl eeveral otber Lnstances, whlch had come 10 iheir knowledge where the ue of Dr. "Williams' Pink l'ills had proved efflcaclous in maklng most wonderful euros. Tliese puls contain in a condieneed form all the elemente neceseary to glve Bew life andrickness in í hc blood, and restore shattered nerves. 3hey are an unialllng speciiic for sucli as locomotor :.i. partial paralysis, Si. Vitus' (lam-e, Bclaflca, neuralgia, rhoumatipin, oervoua bieadache, the aiter efol la grlppe, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexiona, anfl that tired feellng resulting from nervoTia proetration ; all dlseases depênding upon vltlated luimws in the blood, such M Bcroftüa, chronic eryBlpel ■ They are aiso a speciflc for trouliU's peculiar to reinales, ' snch m suppressions, Irregularlties, an daU formti oí weakness. Tliey build op i!n' blood and restore the glow 01 ïicaitu to pale and sallow cheeke. in the case ol men tliey efn radical curo In all caaes arislng trom mental wiii-vy, overwork or excesses of whatever nature. These PJlls are manufacturad lv the Dr. Wftlllams' Medicine Company, Schnectady, N. Y., and Barockville, Ont.. .nul are sol.l on'.y il Ijiim'-; bearIng th iirm's trad mark and wrappor, at 50 ets. .-i box, or six boxea for $2."0. Bar in mind that Dr. AVüliams' Tink I'ills are nevér sold In tmlfe, or iy th edozen 6r hnndred, and nny dealer who offers subetltutea in thte fovm i trylns; to defraud you .nul sliDuld l)c avolded. Dr. AVillinms' Pink I'üls mny be had oí ;ill drogsletfl ot dh-eel by mail trom Dr. "Williams' Medicine Oompany trom either addrees. Tlic prioc at wlik-h ilu-so pills are sold make a eourae at treatmeni comparatlYely taexpenslve as comparc(l wü.ii otheí remedies or módica] treatmemt.


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Ann Arbor Courier