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In Its New Home

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Kor severa] weeks the Aun Axbor Savinus ïïank has been engaged in making over its iiiii home Into i new one, and last Monday mornlng it opened up in its new quarters, haring moved thereto from its temporary pTaoe of business, In the Glbson galli'i-y. Poe inany ycirs the Sarings Bank has occupied ih' corner lower Qoor of the Maecmic b'.ock, at the corner oí Mein and Hurón sts. Here 11 dm growD prosperora and rleh. L,ast summer the bank bought a hall interest in this block of Lyman D. James, of Maseachusetts, and geveral weeks since commenced building a targe doublé vault, and eventually cnlarglng, decoratinjt and completely refumlBhJng the bank room proper. Tliere b probably DO bank n the state tliat lias more ejegani quartera taan tbc Ann Arbor Kavings Bonk now ba.. The WOOd work of the interior Is ;HJ in oak. handsomely earved in raany places, beautiiully polished, and haring an appearance of mageiveness. The walls are decorated in plastic relief work, and are delicate and dainty, the Mese tliat encircles the room beVng one of the most exqulsite works of art of thi.s kind, tliat can be foiind anywliere in the istate. The first window as yon enter the bank from the front entrance, is tor the "Commercial llepart ment," rhere the general buMness oí the bank la car ried on. M. .T. Frltï will alwavs be ïbund in this place, whlch is in fact e r.iïi, the sides and overhead being ienced in" witli grille work of oxodized copper. A preoautlon tliat the most expert bank robber WOUld find very tronbüMome. He could shoot tlirouiili it, but ho could not jjet througii it. TIn; secoind window is tliat of the bookkeeper and "Ym. J. Walz to bo found here ready to answer all questions pertaining to accounts. Then comes the BaringS departnient, which is also caged in as i the commercial departnient. The two other windows being the one for '"Collections," and for the "Safety Deposit vaulte." In the safety deposit vaults are a large aiumber, sonie two or three hundred metal boxes, with a peculiar lock. lock bas two key.s, one held by the bank and the other by the person who rents the box, and it is impossible to unlock it without both keys, tlius making it absolutely safe. In tlH'r ear oud of the bank are severa! stalls 'J'or the u-e of people rentui;1 the safety deposit boxes, into whicli they can retire, look over their papers and valuable.s, and be entirely tree from iaiterruptions. Tbere is also a room set apart tor thte purpose for the eBpeckil use ol Iadies. The gente wuLtlng room La elegantly upholstered, has a grate and mantel over wklch ia a fine Frenen mirror, ïiiakiii a very lnrltlng and cozy place. Xext to this room is the Director's room, witli a large oak table in the center, and a íine oak chair for each dHrector. EverytWng is thoroughly in harmony, and the Toledo íirms tliat did llie work are arli-Ms as v.ell as good worknien. The sai-s and vaults were construeleil and put in by the Diebold Safe and I.ock Co. (I ( lcvelaiil. Ohio, and more minute descript ion of them will lie of interest . In this connection, the banker of our da y must rely greatly on the socurity of hi.s burglar proof vault. A vault of thie chnracter is a room in itself, and thle room whilst retaining its character as such, is siniply a big burglar proof Bafe built on a mammoth scale. You will notice on entering the bank, right in front of you, two of these vaults, the one on the right for the funds oí the bank, and one on the left for the safety deposit department. They are thought by their makers to be the most secure Bank vaults i-n the state of Michigan, and from their looks most every one would think tli;it they ware about correct in thi.s regard. These vaults are built of ("lirome steel whicli is tempered so as to make ach plate absolutely drill proof. There are iive plated to each laycr, making twenty platee in all. This inakes more Btreagth than the new United States war v-ssel ''The City of New York" has, which made guch an nnparalleled record in her trial trip. In 1 1 1 : clescript ion we are Bpeaking particularly of tlie safety ileposit vault. You wlll notiee that the inside iolding doors are the game thickue-s. These doors are guarded by Hiebold's famous IVerless Bank Lock. TWfi eomblnatlon ia capable, extraordinary as il niay Beem, of (100,000,000) ome tmadred miiiion changos. A lock tliat is aliKOlutcly unpickalile and the liest of its kind. This is further supplemented by DiebOld'a Anti Dynamlte Device, whieh renders these doora absolutely secure agalnst tlneves and robbers wlio use high explosives. A vetibtile twenty-nine Inchea deep is in front of those doors, and of the same material and thickness as the body of the work. Then comes the outeide door, which is a marvel in its way. lnelnding bolt frame, etc, it is eight inches thitk, made out of the same (lirome Drill Proof Steel, and notwithstandinji its tons of weiuht, it is ftt ïinely ïitted and geared to ita carrying apparatus that it moves and opens and closes to its place as f ts welght was laf iteslmal. well wurtli examining the ingenions meelianism with which the Diebuld Safe .fc Ixjtk Co. have accomplihe(l iliis (l)ji'ct. When you cometo look at the fit of these doors, which are as tight and close fitting as a w&tch case, it seema aJmost impasaible that a doo-r conld be made to fit so perfectly. We are not through with thiS door vet. because ts loe.kiiiLc apparatoe is something unique. There are three time loeks on thlfl door, eacli separate and Independent. These three clocks each sparately and ndividnally and alsn eollectively control and opérate at the openIng time the wonderful Dúplex Automatic Devicc which opens the massIve bolts. This door is solid and has no connection with the outslde whatever and is opened and closed automatically by these Diebold three clocks and their antomatic device. It would take a page to explain this, and yim nmst see it to underst and its stmpie yet complex methanism. The desk of Cashder Hiscock is in nn elegant office at the east front, all of his desks and furniture being of si.iiii oak. '!'he fliior is of tilinjï in very pretty pattern. and outnde the front entranee is a piece of genuino, mosaic work, among the thous.uils of small Bquaree composing it lieing a few hundred so arranged as to spell tlie name of tlie bank. This triangled entrance or vestibule wlll be suppliod with ïron gatee on the two streel Bldes, which will be closed and locked Wheo the banking hours are over. Tlie Savintis Bank in.iy well fee) proud of its elegant home.


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Ann Arbor Courier