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Now Try This. It ■wiU cost you notblltg and will surcl.v do yuu iiiiod, il' yon have a Cough, Cold, or any trouble wtth the Throat, ( licst or J.ungs. ])r. King's New Discovery lor Obneumptloo, is and Cólds is guiiranteed to tfivt; relief, or money will le paid hack. Suffereré from La Grippe foun.l it tlio iiiing and onder its use had a speedy and perfect reeovery. Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a th'nifi it ík. Trial hottles free at Eberbacli & Son's Di-ur Store, and (Jeo. T. Ifaussler. Manchester, l.arge si -e 50c and $1.00. Spoken at soa- The captaln'a ordere. -+ Coughing Leads to Consumption. - Kemp'a Balsam stops the cough at once. Teachers' Examinations Examiiiations of teachers in Washtenaw county, ior the ensuing school year. will be held as followa: The regular examination will be held each year on the first Thursday of March and August at the county seat. Applieants lor all grades can onlv bo exaniined ut these dates. Special examinations wül be held nt: Ann Arbor, first Thursrtay o! Mar., 1898. Ann Arbor, last Frlday of Mar., '93. ïpellantl, last Frlday of Apr., '93. MARTIN J. CAVANADGH, Com. "bTmedicihe that makes good blood gilmores aromatic wihe Will completely change the blood in your system ia three months' time, and send new, rich blood couring through your veins. If you feel exhausted and nervous, are getting thin and all run down.Gilmore's Aromatic Wine, which is a tonic and not a bcverage, will restore you to health and strength. Mothers, use it for your daughters. It is the best regulator and corrector ior all ailments peculiar to woman. It enriches the blood and gives lasting strength. It is guaranteed to cure Diarrhcea, Dysentery and all Summer Complaints, and Weep the bowels regular. Sold by all druggists for $i per bottle. CURES RHEUMATISM. IÍ one bottie doea 70a no gevd, don 't fctiy another. Wor Sale by ruggiatïb budI poatpaid on recerpt of price, tl. 00. BURDSAL MEDICINE M'F'C CO., jTaoonic Temple. CINCINNATI, O, E. E. Calkins, 34 S. State St. Eberbaeh Drug and Chemical Company. A.DJIIHISTRATOR'h S [.;■:. REA], ESTÁTE FOE 8 ALK- State i.f Michigan, Couur.y of Washtenav . bh. r. the matter of the estatu of Jenuie N. Beo aett, deceased. Notlce Is hereby given that in pursuance of an order granted to (be undersigned administrator "ï the estáte ol siiiil deceased, !y the Hon.Judge of Probate fir the Üountyol Washtenaw,on the second day ol May, A. D. 1898, thece wil] be sold al Pnbllc Veuaue, to the blgbesl bidder, at the east front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, in the Countyof gald State, on 1 day, tne twentletb day of June, A. D. 1898, at ten o'clock in the iorenoou of that day isubject to all encombranoea by mortgage or otherwlse exlsting at the time of the deathof said deceasud) the following described Real Bátate, to wil : 1. All tbatcertain parcol of huid sitúate In the Townahip of Salem, Couuty of Washtenaw, State oí Michigan, and being sub-dlvislon nnmber four(4) according to tlie jilat of the cotnmlssiouers on partltlon of the estáte ol Joseph L. Benuett, deceased, aud bounded as follows. viz: ('oinmenciug in the north line of sectlon Bfteen, town one, south range Beven east, twenty-three (23) chaina and eight (8) links west of the north uuarter iart of siüd sectlon; thence sooth parallel with the north and soutb quarter line of said sectiou to the east and west quartur line of said seetion ; thence rest si.x obalns and thirty-three (33) links; thence north parallel with first line to the north Une ot soid seetion; thence east six chaina and thirty-three (S8) links to the place 01 beginlnlng; i-ontaiuliig twenty-four acres, excepting about one and half acres, thereof, conveyed by said Joseph L. üeunett in hls life timo. 2. The undivided one-fonrth ('X) part of subdivisión nuniber one (1) ac-rording to the plat of thecoiiimissiimers in vartition oí Raid estáte of said Joseph L, Bennett, deceased, being a part of said seetion nuniber fifteen.ani scribed as follows viz: the east eleven (11) chaius aud forty-two (42) links in width off f rom aud across the east side of the north-wt-t Iractional iiiarlcr uf said seetion number fifteen, coutaining forty-clght (48) acres of laud. FRANK BENNETT, Dated May 2, 1893. Admiuistrator.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier