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In southwestern Arkansas a cyclone blew down a large nuinber of houses and at Hope seven persons were injured, tsvo fatally. .Ioiin Hot, his wife and twochlldren were found in their liome ut New Haven, l'a.. with their throats cut. Opinión differed as tu whether the father or au unknown was the murderer. The business portions oí Standish, Mich., and Newton, Miss., were burned. L1O8AS 11. EtooTB, a meiuber of the Kortieth and Forty-flrst eongresses, died from congestión of the brain at liis home ín Little Bock, Ark., aged59 years. hauxcey M. üei'kw was reelected president of the New York society ol the Sons of the American Kevolution. Wat.tkh Matn'S circus was wrecked on the Tyrone and learfleld branch of the IVnnsylvania railway at Yail. l'a., and tive persons were killed and eleven injured. The money loss was $100,000. The Infania Eulalie, of Spain, vlsited Riverside park. New York, on Decoration day and placed a wreath of tiowers on Gen. Grant's tomb. Thükk children were burned to death at the home of Samuel Skiles near Pittsburgh, l'a. United States Deputt Mausual HjLBRIS was killed in Hope County, Ark., fired upon trom ambush by inoonshiiiers. ThrOUGH the earelessness of one of their number six miners employed at the Middle ('reek colUery of the Reading company at Tremont, l'a., were fatally burned by an explosión of g-as. Memorial day wasvery g-enerally observed throughont the country. The blooming mili, engine room and boiler house of the Lackawanna Steel company at Seranton, l'a., were destroyed by fire, the loss $125,000. A cyclone at South Upatoc, Ga., wrecked several houses, destroyed plantations and killed Mrs. George l'arker and her daughter. The world's medical congress opened in the Art institute in Chicago. TnE National bank of North Dakota at Fargo was closed by the examiner, and the bank at Beresford, S. D., has closed its doors.. Two persons were killed and ten injured in a colusión bet ween suburban trains at Austin, Tex. The Big1 Stone Gap Land company ol Tennessee, capitalized at $3,000,000, has been forced into liquidation. At a meeting of ex-Gov. Foster's creditors in Cincinnati it was agreed to accept fifty cents on the dollar. E. Nelson Blake, of Massachusetts, was elected president of the Baptist Home Missionary society at its session in Denver, Col. James Stansbury, of Australia, and Jake Gaudaur, of Canada, will row for the championship of tho world August 17 at Pullman, 111. Kansas bankers who have adopted the rule of the Kansas City Clearing House association in reference to charges on checks and drafts will be proceeded aeainst for forming a trust. Schip to the value of 107,000 was found in an unclaimed valise which had been sold in Montreal. Jld.viASA's statue of Justice, made of silver worth $75,000, and standing on a gold pedestal valued at $200,000, was unveiled on the world's fair grouuds. Durino a tornado in Kentucky the courthouse and seven churches at Smithland were unroofed. Three persons were drowned by the capsizing oí a boat on the river. The comptroller has given the Capital national bank at Indianapolis permission to resume business, but refused the request of the Chemical bank ol Chicago to resume. General Manager Allen announced at Davenport. Ia., that he would not reinstale the men discharged from the Rock Island & Pacific railroad for visiting saloons while en dut.v. The wholesale lumbpr h'nn of Muthleisen & Co. at St. Joseph, Mo. , failed for $150,000. John Stipp, one of the best known farmers of Monroe county, Ind. , was swindled out of f4,000 in cash by two sharpers by the old scheme of exchanging- packages. By a cjclone in Mississippi the town of Rosedale was destroyed and uve persons were killed and many hurt. John Wallace (colored) was lynched at Jefferson Springs, Ark., by a mob ol his own race. He had assaulted Ida Warren, a 9-year-old colored girl. A ni. a zk at Columbus, O., destroyed the Case Manufacturing company and Neil wheel works plants; loss, $180,000. Georgia is to be re-enforced by a large colony of Mohammedans. They have, through an agent, secured 25,000 acres of land in that state and the option upon as much more. The White county bank at Beebe, Ark., closed its doors. During the month of May the attendance at the world's fair was 1,557,228 and the paid admissions numbered 1,077,233. At the sixty-ninth annual meeting in Saratoga Springs, N. Y., of the Home Missionary society of the United States Gen. O. O. Howard, l'nited States army, was elected president. The general assembly of the Presbyterian church in session in Washington declared Dr. Charles A. Briggs guilty of heresy by a vote of 383 to 116. The remains of Jefferson Davis were reinterred in Hollywood cemetery at liichmond, Va. By the wreek of a stock train near Sioux City, Ia., one man was killed and four were hurt. One passenger was killed and five seriously hurt by an engine crashing into a street ear at (Ymncil Bluffs, Ia. Mrs. Jaxe lUrMGARDNEü died at West Bridgewater, Pa., atred 107 years. has a carnival of crime. Ten persons have met a tragic death in less than ten moiiths. Gold was being rapidly withdrawn from the United States treasurv. more than $5,000,000 having gone out during the past seven days. THE government receipts during the eleven monthsof the current fiscal year were 1890,762,910, againsl $825,714,184 tho eleven months. The pendltures were 9808,200,050, agalnst t3S2,408,035 during the eleven preceding months. Tuk Victoria Cordaye company of Cincinnati failed for $400.000. The giving away of a post in an adjnining exhibit in the government building on the world's fair gronnds caused the destruction of the Alabama exhibit. The Merchants' national bank, the oldest banking institution in Tacoma, Wash., suspended pi yment temporarily with $000,000 liabilities and 51,000,000 assets. During the first five months of 1893 there were twenty failures of national banks, 1he capital in volved being .- 150,000, apainst seven fallares for a corresponding' period of 1893, when the capital aggregated 1625,000. '1'hh Presbyterian general assembly in se.ssion in Washington suspended Prof. Charles A. Briggs from the ïninistry. ïiik I'lankinton bank of Milwaukeo closed its doors with liabilities of 81, 100.000. Continued withdrawal of depusits ivas given as the canse. Tin: Borne brewery and rice mili at New Orleans were burned, involving a loss of 8250,000. Thirty horses perished in the fiaines. With a paid-in capital stock of 1,200,000 the National union bank of New York bas begun business. Man'v lion ses were wreoked by a cyclone near Forest City, Ark., and Mrs. Thomas, a widow, and her 18year-old daughter were instantly killed. Ar Van Kuren Point, N. Y., a farmhouse was burned and four of the five inmates perished in the fiames. Fimk destroyed the iron foundry works of J. 15. et J, M. Cornell in New York, the loss being 1800,000. THKEK men were killed, two others fatally and one seriously injured by a cave-in at the Ivanhoe tunnel near Leadville, Col. Mrs. Fhed Siikffner, of Bovverstown, Pa., was acci'lentally shot and killed by her husband as she entered theii doorwav. The public debt statement issued on the 2d showed that the debt decreased $739,435 during cthe month of May. The cash in the treasury was $754,122,9S4. The total debt, less the cash balance in the treasury, amounts to SS40,185,733. At Battle Creek, Neb., Fred Sargent shot and killed his wife and then fatally wounded himself. Failuke to raise money on Cherokee strip lands has caused suspension of credit in Indian territory. Cheverton, Martin & Co., private bankers in Chicago, have assigned. The assets were said to amount to Í100.000 and the liabilities to $70,000. W. G. Mourow shot and killed Effie Baker at Greenville, Miss., and then fatally shot himself. Jealousy was the cause. Martin Petritus fatally shot Mrs. Frank Wiethom at Springfield, O., because she would not leave her husband for him and then shot himself. The Thorp & Martin company of Boston, manufacturers of stationerv. made an assignment with Habilites of $125,000. An unknown schooner was sunk in collision with the steamer Corsica in Lake Iluron and all on board perished. A NEW counterfeit two-dollar treasury note has made its appearance in Chicago. It is described as imitating the series of 1891 and as bearing the check letter '"B," and the counterfeit signatures of W. S. Rosecrans, register, and E. H. Nebeker, treasurer. The world's congress on social purity was opened in the Art institute iri Chicago. Potter! bank, the oldest bank in Paulding fbunty, and heretofore considered one of the safest, closed its doors at l'aulding, O. Near Cotton Plant, Ark., a cyclone spread death and destruction. The plantation of John Gazallo was left without a house of any kind standing. The width.of the cyclone was about i miles. Two daughtkrs of F. G. Smehla, living near Wilson, Kan., perished in the flames which consumed their residence. The rear coach of a Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis train jumped the track near Newsom's, Tenn., and bleven persons were hurt. A CYCLONE swept over Huntingdon, Falcon, Camden and Trumble, in Tennessee, destroying a vast amount of property and killing several persons. Great darnage was done by extensivo floods in eastern Galicia and eighteen persons were drowned. The village of Eldorado, Ark., was destroyed by a cyclone and fifteen persons were said to have been killed. Prof. Holden, of Lick observatory, telegraphs that a large group of spots are now clearly visible on the sun, which can be seen with the naked eye by the use of smoked glass. The survey to settle the Alaska boundary question has been begun by the American and Canadian eomrnisiioners. The plant of the American Strawboard company at Lima, O.., was burned, causing a loss of $300,000. There were 238 business failures reported in the United States during the seven days ended on the 2d. In the week preceding there were 276, and during the corresponding time in 1892 the number was 175. Striking quarrymen inaugurated a reign of terror along the route of the drainage canal between Romeo and Lemont, 111., and several men were injured, some fatally. DuBDra the week ended on the 2d the leading clearing houses in the United States reported exchanges amounting to 1899.142,868, against $1,040.014.447 the previous week. As compared with the corresponding week of Í803 the decrease was 12.0. KiVE men charged with heinous .rimes escaped from the jail at Sedalia, Mo. A mail train was wreckedby a washDut near Ridgeway, S. C, and the engineer and fireman were killed. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Mrs. Marie Nevins Blaine, the dicorced wife of J. G. Blaine, Jr., was married in New York to W. T. Buil. A pekmane.n -r bureau is to be opened in New York city by the national reoublican committee. rurLMPO liUBBBLL, sam to De tne oldest mason in the United States, died at Winona. Minn., aged 94 years. Iii'.va prohibitionists in state contrentien at Des Moines made nominaüons as follows: For govemor, I. 0. Aylesworth, of Des Moines; lieubenant governor, J. C. Reed, of Delta; superintendent of public instruction, Miss Belle II. .Mix, of Danville; supreme judge, .I. A. Harvey, of Polk City; railroad commissioner, E. II. Gillette, ol IVs Moines. The resolutions favor womao Birffrage, declare the [iquor issue paramount one, and denounce Sunday opening of the world's fair. D. N. MoBCl LM was sworn in as United i States treasurer and William H. I'ugh took the outh of office as commissioner of custom. Tiikkk will be ten contested seais in the Fiity-third congress. KOREIGN. M. SCHOB, acoffeemerchantat Havre, failed with liabilities of 1,000,000 francs. sivi'kkn' Mexican mnrderers were shot near Piedras Ne ( vusuo Lucero was lynehed at Las Vegas, N. M., for the murder of a sheepowner and his herder. Tuk British s ! i i p Gertnania was wrecked in a cyclone in the Bay of Ben:iicl Beventy-fonr lives were lost. Tuk new Palace of Industry at Rome, Italy, was destroyed by fire and four firemen perished in the flames. The Spanish government has dedared five days' quarantine against all recáela arrivinff from Cette and Hamburg on account of the cholera. Mant lives were reported lost by the sinking of the steamer Zaragoa near the Manague coast. -Mail robbers near Kingston. Ont., secured twelve registered letters in which were about $ö,000. Isixglass won the great English Derby, winning ü,000 sovereigns. Ravensbury ran second andRalburn third. HUITDSEDS of Indians at Quito, Kcaudor, were dying of a peculiar disease. The body turns to a sky blue color, swells to three times its ordinary size and then death follows: Michael Hakaoan, aged 70, completed fifty years of labor as a city official at Kingston, and ranks as the oldest official in active service in Canada. The Russian corvette Nitiax went ashore on the Corean coast and was totally wrecked and nine lives were lost. William Townsend, arrested in London on suspicion of attempting to kill Prime Minister Gladstone, has been found guilty. Repokts from Truxillo, Spanish Honf uras, were to the effect that Americans were subject to great persecutions. Ai.l the rivers near Manipur, India, overflowed their banks and submerged villages and many persons were drowned. At one point on a small stream twenty bodies were recovered. Thk revolution in Honduras has been suppresse 1 and the rebel leaders, with the exception of Gen. Sierra, have fled. MüBTAPAJB and Iïargram, Caucasian priaces. fatally wounded each other in a duel at Daghestan, Russia. LATER. Fhb r-ttendance at the second Sunda.v opening of the world'e fair grounds was diappointing to the officials. The paid admissiona were 54,304. The government building, many of the exhibits in other buildings and all the eastern state buildings were elosed. Fivk residente of northern Vermont were arrested for smuggling Chinese into the United States from Canada. A CTCLONX swept the northwestern part of Wayne county, 1 ml., deetroying everything in its path. No lives weru lost. Tuk i'isher & Burnett Lumber company, with headquarters at Memphis, Tenn., failed for S500,000. FoUB persons were killed and two fatally injured in a cyclone which swept Wharton county, Tex. Washington Jenkins, a colored man aged 100, was among the killed. Sixtken passengers were injured, some fatally. in a railway disaster near Poplar lUuff, Mo. THK magazine of the Necia I'owder company near Virginia, Minn., ex[i. iiiied. Xearly every building in town was wrecked. William Uente and his wife and Elsie Kente, Helen W. Dietz and Charles Pugsley lost their lives by the burning of a building in Xew York. Flames in the Fuente coal mines in Mexico caused the death of twenty-six men. Sam BnSB (colored) was taken from jail at Decatur, 111., indignant Mount Zion citizens and hangedfor criminally assaulting the wives of two farmers. Thk gold reserve in the United Slatea treasury had on the 3d fallen to $90,000,000. Three American thieves killed Mr. Ely, a wealthy Canadian farmer, and his wife and daughter after looting the house at Beachridge. Two men were killed and two others were mortally wounded at a primary election in Pineville, Ky. Chief Cox was killed and three firemen and one citizen fatally injured at the burning of the furniture house of Charles Shiverick & Co., in Omaha. The property loss was $200,000. John McQuaid, John O'Connor and Jane Mooney cominitted suicide in Philadelphia in one day. The percentages of the baseball clubs in the National league for the week ended on the 3d were as follows: Pittsburgh, .700; Boston, .689; Brooklyn, .507; Philadelphia, 567; Cleveland, .542; 15altimore. 516; New York, .484; Washington, .467; Cincinnati, .452; St. Louis, .448; Chicago, .414; Louisville. .14:;.


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